Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership here's why it doesn't have mass shootings

Switzerland is a Confederacy where the people rule themselves. I think that says most of it.
I agree....but I don't think their way would work here...economies of scale as applied to cultures.

It always worked here. I never worried a day in my life about school shootings when I was a kid.
Yeah.. your experience is not everyone's. There have always been random killings..some of them you could call mass. i never worried because we had 3 tv channels--and world news, for me..was black and white Walter.

School shootings...I had a kid killed in my high school..in 1966. But it was not random--and I'm sure, not common..but were you to look into it, you'd find a lot of school shootings...they were handled differently...and unless sit happened in your home town...you didn't hear about it.

Hmmm..come to think of it, every day in Nam--could've been called a mass killing.

America is violence--it's what we do..it's part of our cultural gestalt.

Not really. It is a recent trend which tracks the rise of liberalism.

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For more reasons to thank a liberal see:
Thank a liberal
That's only one axis of the correct equation...now..if you were to take the population of the US..and graph it along the same time frame..and graph how many attended school--you might have a proof or rebuttal of your premise. Raw numbers tell us nothing...it is context that defines.

As I said...America is violence. How many 'fake' dead people does the average 12 year old boy see...in America?
Maybe the Swiss aren’t crazy?


they also have gun regs that would put your average nra nutter in the hospital

Living with guns the Swiss way

This is how dumb this story is....

"I'm always amazed how the National Rifle Association in America points to Switzerland - they make it sound as if it was part of southern Texas!" he says.

"We have guns at home, but they are kept for peaceful purposes. There is no point taking the gun out of your home in Switzerland because it is illegal to carry a gun in the street. To shoot someone who just looks at you in a funny way - this is not Swiss culture!"

The only thing keeping them from having mass shootings is their citizens don't do it...they have guns, they have ammo...they don't shoot each other...again, culture and values...
Maybe the Swiss aren’t crazy?


they also have gun regs that would put your average nra nutter in the hospital

Living with guns the Swiss way

Wrong....they have fully automatic military rifles in their homes.....only military ammunition is stored in a central location, private ammo is still kept in the home.....it is culture and values, not gun control.

their values apparently include gun control.

Former militiamen are offered the chance to buy their service weapons when they're done serving, but they have to get a permit for those state-issued guns. In fact, with the exception of hunting rifles and semiautomatic longarms, any private gun owner in Switzerland has to get a permit for their gun. And if they've got a criminal record, a history of violence, or are struggling with mental health or addiction, local authorities won't issue one.

The Swiss own millions of guns, but have barely any gun deaths — here's what they do differently from the US

go figure
As I said...America is violence. How many 'fake' dead people does the average 12 year old boy see...in America?

Ok add liberal Hollywood's gratuitous violence and sex to the graph. In 1968 Jack Valenti "deemed the Motion Picture Production Code – in place since 1930 and rigorously enforced since 1934 – as out of date and bearing 'the odious smell of censorship'". Lew Wasserman (what kind of name is Wasserman?) "single handedly" LINK installed Jack Valenti in the MPAA in order to destroy it.

So lets add that to our chart as well. Getting a little crowded with those liberal ideas it looks like.

Maybe the Swiss aren’t crazy?


they also have gun regs that would put your average nra nutter in the hospital

Living with guns the Swiss way

Wrong....they have fully automatic military rifles in their homes.....only military ammunition is stored in a central location, private ammo is still kept in the home.....it is culture and values, not gun control.

their values apparently include gun control.

Former militiamen are offered the chance to buy their service weapons when they're done serving, but they have to get a permit for those state-issued guns. In fact, with the exception of hunting rifles and semiautomatic longarms, any private gun owner in Switzerland has to get a permit for their gun. And if they've got a criminal record, a history of violence, or are struggling with mental health or addiction, local authorities won't issue one.

The Swiss own millions of guns, but have barely any gun deaths — here's what they do differently from the US

go figure

They have guns...they have ammo.....tell me which Swiss gun control law stops them from taking their military rifle, walking into a Swiss School and murdering children? Culture and values....

We have those same laws dipshit...the criminal record, history of violence and mental health prohibitions.......and in Florida...all of that was ignored because President Obama and his Promise Program didn't want kids arrested for acts of violence in schools......so the shooter didn't get a record for violence and mental health issues....then the police visited the home over 30 times...no arrest...the FBI had two specific calls about this guys intentions to shoot up a school...they didn't act.....the school, again, because of obama's program, refused to have the kid arrested.....

The blood is on their hands.......

You guys are so stupid....you know nothing about this issue, yet you act like you are the smartest moron in the room.....

And the truth...as more Americans own and carry guns, our gun crime rates have gone down...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Maybe the Swiss aren’t crazy?


they also have gun regs that would put your average nra nutter in the hospital

Living with guns the Swiss way

Wrong....they have fully automatic military rifles in their homes.....only military ammunition is stored in a central location, private ammo is still kept in the home.....it is culture and values, not gun control.

their values apparently include gun control.

Former militiamen are offered the chance to buy their service weapons when they're done serving, but they have to get a permit for those state-issued guns. In fact, with the exception of hunting rifles and semiautomatic longarms, any private gun owner in Switzerland has to get a permit for their gun. And if they've got a criminal record, a history of violence, or are struggling with mental health or addiction, local authorities won't issue one.

The Swiss own millions of guns, but have barely any gun deaths — here's what they do differently from the US

go figure

The truth...

The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works | TIME.com

The authorities made one concession, though: since 2008, all military — but not private ammunition must be stored in central arsenals rather than in soldiers’ homes. The debate culminated in a nationwide referendum last year, when 56% of voters rejected the proposal initiated by anti-gun organizations to ban army rifles from homes altogether.


One of the reasons the crime rate in Switzerland is low despite the prevalence of weapons — and also why the Swiss mentality can’t be transposed to the current American reality — is the culture of responsibility and safety that is anchored in society and passed from generation to generation.

Kids as young as 12 belong to gun groups in their local communities, where they learn sharpshooting.

The Swiss Shooting Sports Association runs about 3,000 clubs and has 150,000 members, including a youth section.

Many members keep their guns and ammunition at home, while others choose to leave them at the club. And yet, despite such easy access to pistols and rifles, “no members have ever used their guns for criminal purposes,” says Max Flueckiger, the association’s spokesperson.


The Swiss have remained one of the best armed countries in the world since then. Many claim they escaped most of the ravages of WWII because of their citizen army.

Switzerland is said not to “have an army” but “be an army.” Because of their universal training and weaponry, Switzerland has the largest potential army in Europe: 1.5 million men capable of bearing arms, who have the arms and ammunition and training.

After the current spate of terrorist attacks in Europe, the Swiss are buying even more guns.From usatoday.com:

GENEVA — Business at Daniel Wyss’ gun shop has been brisk lately in the village of Burgdorf near Switzerland’s capital of Bern.

He said the increased demand for firearms is triggered by a growing fear among the Swiss public that terrorists could attack their tranquil land at any time.

As nations around Europe tighten their gun laws after a series of terror attacks in several countries since 2015, the Swiss are bucking this trend by turning to firearms for protection.

Official statistics show that gun sales in some parts of Switzerland soared nearly 50% after last year’s attacks in Paris and the March bombings in Brussels. And gun sales continue to grow since the killings in France and Germany in the past two weeks.

In Wyss’ shop, “the demand for pistols, revolvers and pump-action guns rose by 30% to 50% after this month’s attacks in Nice and Munich,” he told USA TODAY.
That's only one axis of the correct equation...now..if you were to take the population of the US..and graph it along the same time frame..and graph how many attended school--you might have a proof or rebuttal of your premise. Raw numbers tell us nothing...it is context that defines.

So from about ten a year in 1950 to over 400. Has our population increased 40 fold? Dont think so. More like increased two fold.
I got ya pegged as some Racist smegma--but...what 5%?
Not blacks...siince that number is much higher....13.2?

So your first reaction is to call HIM "racist" because you first thought of blacks?
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That's only one axis of the correct equation...now..if you were to take the population of the US..and graph it along the same time frame..and graph how many attended school--you might have a proof or rebuttal of your premise. Raw numbers tell us nothing...it is context that defines.

So from about ten a year in 1950 to over 400. Has our population increased 40 fold? Dont think so. More like increased two fold.

US population 1800 5,308,483
US population 2010 308,745,538

Your graph starts in 1800--so that is where I'm at. We are a violent culture..you seem to attribute that to Liberalism? Or just school shootings...or...just everything bad in the world?
That's only one axis of the correct equation...now..if you were to take the population of the US..and graph it along the same time frame..and graph how many attended school--you might have a proof or rebuttal of your premise. Raw numbers tell us nothing...it is context that defines.

So from about ten a year in 1950 to over 400. Has our population increased 40 fold? Dont think so. More like increased two fold.

US population 1800 5,308,483
US population 2010 308,745,538

Your graph starts in 1800--so that is where I'm at. We are a violent culture..you seem to attribute that to Liberalism? Or just school shootings...or...just everything bad in the world?

And as our population grew.....and as more Americans own and carry guns....our crime rates have gone down, not up...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Here in the US we have a 5% demographic that commits like half the murders.
***Scratches head****

I got ya pegged as some Racist smegma--but...what 5%?

Not blacks...siince that number is much higher....13.2?

So your first reaction is to call HIM "racist" because you first thought of blacks?
ROTFLMAO! Really? That's the best you can do?

***I got to stop engaging with the agenda-driven short-bus people***
Maybe the Swiss aren’t crazy?


they also have gun regs that would put your average nra nutter in the hospital

Living with guns the Swiss way

This is how dumb this story is....

"I'm always amazed how the National Rifle Association in America points to Switzerland - they make it sound as if it was part of southern Texas!" he says.

"We have guns at home, but they are kept for peaceful purposes. There is no point taking the gun out of your home in Switzerland because it is illegal to carry a gun in the street. To shoot someone who just looks at you in a funny way - this is not Swiss culture!"

The only thing keeping them from having mass shootings is their citizens don't do it...they have guns, they have ammo...they don't shoot each other...again, culture and values...
So if your argument is that Americans are naturally violent...why would you give them easy access to guns?

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