Sweet Victory For Earth Is The Destruction Of Religion.

Joe, that's not what religion is. If it was, then no one would be religious because of unanswered questions. I'm religious and certainly don't have all the answers, but that doesn't mean there are no answers. It means I haven't discovered them yet. In fact, the answers can even be revealed, but it takes forever for our intelligence to catch up to God's. Truth is, what we call physics, God calls technique. We don't create it, we stumble on to it. Then we strive to understand how it works.

For instance, anyone who has read the Bible knows that there are more dimensions than we have discovered. Their attributes are described in the Bible. But, until recently man couldn't wrap his head around those properties, and when a property unique to our realm was witnessed an immediate conclusion of lie, fable or metaphor arises as an explanation. e.g. Man can't float, therefore there was no Transfiguration, it is a fable. Philosophers merely ponder the things we can't explain. Like the 3 hour darkness that covered the earth during the crucifixion of Christ.

Ask science if they now believe it was possible for Christ to appear and disappear like it is recorded in the Bible. Those that saw it happen had absolutely no idea how it happened. We didn't see it happen but we know how it happened. The stretching of a dimension.
Sure it is!

Philosophies, styles and ways of life may abound, but when one of them attempts to answer the unprovable questions of origins and after-life, it becomes a religion.

Obviously that's my humble opinion.

:dunno: What's your definition of "religion"?​

Yet your opinion doesn't contest the factual evidence which proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within the video.

It's so awesome when you stick with fact as I have because you watch peoples opinions, their beliefs and their truths all crumble when pit vs fact every time.

What is in the video, is no attempt. It is factually proven and again I don't see you or anyone else here attempting to contest it with so much as a shred of validity because quite simply it is not possible because what I share is the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies. That is why the religious, including you are so very desperate to try and make their delusions the issue.

Such weak and pathetic mentalities..


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. be good, be strong!
Joe, that's not what religion is. If it was, then no one would be religious because of unanswered questions. I'm religious and certainly don't have all the answers, but that doesn't mean there are no answers. It means I haven't discovered them yet. In fact, the answers can even be revealed, but it takes forever for our intelligence to catch up to God's. Truth is, what we call physics, God calls technique. We don't create it, we stumble on to it. Then we strive to understand how it works.

For instance, anyone who has read the Bible knows that there are more dimensions than we have discovered. Their attributes are described in the Bible. But, until recently man couldn't wrap his head around those properties, and when a property unique to our realm was witnessed an immediate conclusion of lie, fable or metaphor arises as an explanation. e.g. Man can't float, therefore there was no Transfiguration, it is a fable. Philosophers merely ponder the things we can't explain. Like the 3 hour darkness that covered the earth during the crucifixion of Christ.

Ask science if they now believe it was possible for Christ to appear and disappear like it is recorded in the Bible. Those that saw it happen had absolutely no idea how it happened. We didn't see it happen but we know how it happened. The stretching of a dimension.
it never happened, that stuff was written about several generations after the supposed facts. Religion is just a bunch of lies and made up shit.

It did happen and the stuff was written before 70 AD which is why there is no mention of the most important catastrophe in Jewish history, the destruction of the Temple.

Thanks for another example of religious filth leading to war and divide.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
The foundation of every religion is a ridiculous story of how we got here.

The factual evidence that proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within the video will continue to go uncontested as Ashtara also confirmed by evading contesting those very facts with so much as a shred of validity but instead desperately scrambling to make Ashtara's delusions the issue. All this to do with what Ashtara is up too is already revealed within the video

Thanks for the demonstration of desperately scrambling to try and make your delusions the issue because of not being able to contest the facts that prove that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!
There is no way we as humans got to this point without some kind of intelligent intervention. Our anatomy is to complexed to be as it is. It takes an idiot to think we are here just by the luck of some cosmic dust gathering together.
The foundation of every religion is a ridiculous story of how we got here.

The factual evidence that proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within the video will continue to go uncontested as Ashtara also confirmed by evading contesting those very facts with so much as a shred of validity but instead desperately scrambling to make Ashtara's delusions the issue. All this to do with what Ashtara is up too is already revealed within the video

Thanks for the demonstration of desperately scrambling to try and make your delusions the issue because of not being able to contest the facts that prove that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!
There is no way we as humans got to this point without some kind of intelligent intervention. Our anatomy is to complexed to be as it is. It takes an idiot to think we are here just by the luck of some cosmic dust gathering together.

Thanks for sharing a religious lie passed through the generations while you evade contesting the very factual evidence with so much as a shred of validity as clearly demonstrated within the video that proves that there is no such thing as a god and that every religion is based upon a foundation of lies.

You see, another fine example of the religious avoiding facing the facts while instead try and make their cheap pathetic lies the issue.

Well I got to page 4 (sure are allot of responses and not one of them addresses the factual evidence that proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies with so much as a shred of validity.)

Not one of them ever will because what I share is the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies. So they desperately scramble to try and make their delusions the issue to try and avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

Now I need a break for a while before I come back to finish breezing through the many religious examples of cowardice.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Religion is an attempt to answer the unprovable questions of where we come from, and what happens to the software that drives our flesh when we die.

For an opinion on the subject to be present, faith is required because those questions are, by definition, unprovable.

The closer we get to a reasonable explanation for how we came to exist, the easier it is to put religions, especially those religions that are based on ancient texts, in to proper perspective.

And here is one attempting to claim that what has already been proven by fact as clearly demonstrated within the video is un provable.

Notice that while they claim this lie, they avoid contesting the facts with so much as a shred of validity that prove that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as also clearly demonstrated within the video.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Hey now!! If nothing else, I'm open minded. You say that you have PROOF of how humanity came to be and what happens to our consciousness when we die?

Lay it on me, Brother!
The foundation of every religion is a ridiculous story of how we got here.

The factual evidence that proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within the video will continue to go uncontested as Ashtara also confirmed by evading contesting those very facts with so much as a shred of validity but instead desperately scrambling to make Ashtara's delusions the issue. All this to do with what Ashtara is up too is already revealed within the video

Thanks for the demonstration of desperately scrambling to try and make your delusions the issue because of not being able to contest the facts that prove that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!
There is no way we as humans got to this point without some kind of intelligent intervention. Our anatomy is to complexed to be as it is. It takes an idiot to think we are here just by the luck of some cosmic dust gathering together.

Thanks for sharing a religious lie passed through the generations while you evade contesting the very factual evidence with so much as a shred of validity as clearly demonstrated within the video that proves that there is no such thing as a god and that every religion is based upon a foundation of lies.

You see, another fine example of the religious avoiding facing the facts while instead try and make their cheap pathetic lies the issue.

Well I got to page 4 (sure are allot of responses and not one of them addresses the factual evidence that proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies with so much as a shred of validity.)

Not one of them ever will because what I share is the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies. So they desperately scramble to try and make their delusions the issue to try and avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

Now I need a break for a while before I come back to finish breezing through the many religious examples of cowardice.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
What lie? It actually takes more faith to believe that everything happen by chance because of some cosmic dust just happen to rub together the right way.
True, any religion worth looking into is going to have to be more fulfilling than just having a believable answer to the unprovable questions, but for a philosophy to qualify as a religion, it must attempt to answer the unprovable queries.
Truth is the garbage that crumbles when pit vs fact every time.
the reason that the religious created the word truth was because they couldn't pass off their lies and fact.


The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is clearly demonstrated within the following video. I gradually get more and more fired up in the video as I reveal information that will blow everyone on this planet away as thousands of years are compounded into a nutshell of 23 minutes. so break out your popcorn, you are going to love this one, with a passion one way or many others.



David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!

Before getting too full of yourself for revealing things that will blow people's minds, remember that you wont be saying anything that others haven't said for thousands of years. There are no new ideas, and because of how old religion is, and how it is indeed all based on lies, anything we might think to say about it has been said already.

Jesus said to look at the fruit to judge the tree.

Christianity has had its problems, but in the modern world, no other idea inspires more charity than Christianity.

In my town, Catholic Charities feeds hundreds of homeless every night, and gives them a warm place to sleep when it is cold.

I don't see atheism inspiring that kind of selfless dedication to others.

On the contrary, the fruits of atheism seem to be unhappiness, intolerance, and hate.

Look at the way this forum's atheists behave, or any other forum's atheists.

Look at the lawsuits they are constantly launching against Christians.

Look at the way atheists have behaved when they controlled countries like Russia, China or Cuba.

Or look at the terrors of the French Revolution.

You are correct. Atheists are full of unhappiness, intolerance, and hate. They simply cannot abide the peace and joy Christians exhibit.
Atheists hate to attack Christians because they could never converse with one another. They would end up fighting over which one is the most intelligent.

Yeah, peace and joy coming from an angry, self-hating zealot. You folks are just fountains of peace and joy.

I just nailed them with this Hollie:

Oh Christianity based upon one of the most selfish and greedy liars recorded throughout history named Jesus Christ. How much more greedy or selfish can anyone get than to claim to be a god?!! Not to mention you evade contesting the factual evidence as clearly demonstrated within the video proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies with so much as a shred of validity (which in your case proves that there is no such thing as a god) Then you come here trying to make your lies and deceptions the issue painting a bunch of liars and deceivers who's lies have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years as some sort of acceptable example to follow.

Jesus Christs lies not only lead to his own death but to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years and here you are talking about this guy like he is something to pride yourself on like bearing such shame and humility means nothing to you because your ignorant bubble is all that matters to you for now. That sis until I get through to everyone. How does it feel knowing that you value lies more than human life?

Oh right, according to you non religious are just suppose to embrace such filthy lies which have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years.

Not only that but it was the Christians that glorified a murderer of children and called him Santa Clause. Now kids have this sick murderers name all over presents and they are all fooled like a bunch of dumb vulnerable tarts to think that Santa Clause the child murderer was / is a good person who goes out of their way to help children instead of killing them to perpetuate his own immortality.

The Christians put a murderer of children on a pedestal and you have a hard time understanding why people are so disgusted with Christianity.

Back in the days after the fall of Rome and the creation of Roman Catholic brought on the title of what they called a Saint and this is about a specific Saint who was referred to as Saint Nicholas. This man became renowned for murdering / sacrificing children.

For hundreds of years people lived in fear of the name until Christians decided to glorify this guy as a good guy to perpetuate their religious lies upon society. Now this sick filthy low life's name is on childrens presents and I suppose this makes you feel good about yourself?!!


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

If this is account is representative of your youtube video then you have been duped. Where do you get St. Nicholas was a murderer of children? Source? I googled it and the only place that account shows up is in the 2010 horror movie “Saint” or “Sint.”Film Review Saint Sint 2010 - Horrornews.net It’s a horror movie using a totally made up legend of St. Nicholas as a child murderer. Almost word for word what you wrote. And you take this as a true story??? Do you believe Spiderman is real, too?

Here is what the Church or historians know about St. Nicholas. Answer, very little.

But there are many facts associated with the highly revered and generous bishop from 4th century Turkey, or it may be legend, too. But nothing resembling an evil man.

I admire your bravado, albeit badly misplaced. I do not need you or your friendly sources to speculate on the real Jesus to prove anything. I love how you throw out your “facts” that Christians murdered untold millions, even billions. I can see you are blind to the truth and there is very little I could say that would make a difference. But suffice it to say, Christianity has been the savior of mankind, civilized a barbaric and backwards continent, Europe, and then by and large cared for a destitute and lost world by charity far, far more than any kind of subjugating any people to convert. Yes, there have been times where those of centuries past have exacted sinful measures upon those people they came in contact with. But for every regrettable account comes enormous embellishments of the truth including the Inquisition, the Crusades and really-bad-accusations of church witch burnings. Those numbers are hyper inflated and the witch burnings were almost exclusively done by crazed local villagers and sometimes the state. Enough said because you are surely laughing. But to finish, I do not need your interpretations of Scripture to tell me of Jesus and the faith. The charity and sacrifice for 2000 years tells me. And the thousands of miracles which you cannot explain away verifies the truth to this faith as well.
Again, all that the religious know how to do when it comes to their religion is compulsively lie and I thank you for that example.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

All?!? :disbelief:

Do you believe any of the Origin Stories? :dunno: Do you believe you exist?

:eusa_think: Do you ponder what lay beyond deaths door with either hope or trepidation?

Then congratulations!!! :party:

:thup: You sir, are religious.

What you or anyone else believes is a whole 'nother story and worthy of independent discussion, but, by being complex enough to ponder your origins, and by understanding that your short relationship with the Timeline as a living thing is finite, you display basic Sentience and are therefore 'religious'.

I am of course ass-u-me-ing that you wonder about human origins and have a basic understanding of death and its role in life as we know it.


The bad news is that the answer to the primary question of origins is not coming any Time soon, and, the question as to what lay beyond death's door will likely never be answered.

The questions that define Sentient thought and give humanity the gift of religion are unprovable. :dunno: WYGD?

The Good News is that no matter what circumstances any given human throughout history has ever found him/her self in, every one of us, without exception, has had the right to believe whatever stories and theories that we want to regarding origins and after-life. EVERYone, in the privacy of their own mind, gets to decide for themselves what to believe.

Control over our own attitude and deciding our religion are the only rights that are truly (insert your preferred Deity here) given :thup:

The facts tell us you are completely wrong. Religious wars throughout the millennia have accounted for around a million poor people. Atheist countries have murdered well over 150 million in the last 100 years. Atheists are orders of magnitude more murderous than the religious people.

Q. What do all of the above have in common?

A. Monkeys. a.k.a. People. a.k.a. Humans.

The problem with history is not religious thought per se... the problem has been the use of religious thought in general and the popular ancient stories specifically, as well as agriculture, industry, family, social concerns, etc. for greedy political purposes.

The news is not all bad... history is also chock-full of examples of religion, agriculture, industry, family, social concerns, etc. being used for more altruistic purposes, both personal and political.

Baby steps to the Stars :thup:
Oh Christianity based upon one of the most selfish and greedy liars recorded throughout history named Jesus Christ. How much more greedy or selfish can anyone get than to claim to be a god?!!

I'll bet you a dollar that Jesus never claimed to be God.

Those stories were committed to paper between 30 and 70 years after the events during a time of political turmoil. Just when the Jewish world needed a hero.

I believe that Jesus of Nazareth was a real boy on the Timeline, and he may have even died on a Roman cross. But I'll bet you another dollar that his tomb is occupied.
Facts. Can't live em' can't live without em'. Religion is based on lies. Like the ones we tell kids about Santa or the dog is just sleeping after the car hit him. We lie to be kind and to avoid the obvious. Because it hurts. God's existence is something we WANT to believe besides all the facts otherwise.
It's even worse than that.

Religion isn't based on lies, it's based on the opinions and speculations of mere humans on unprovable topics.

What about what you believe? Unless one has no thoughts at all regarding origins and after-life, we are all guilty of religious thought.

Our job as Sentient Beings is to decide what answers we believe to be plausible, but religious answers will never be supported by more than the humble opinions of Monkeys.
Dude... it's not my opinion that proof of origins and proof of after-life remains elusive to Monkeys... it's a fact.

Another fact: With regards to origins and after-life, all the stories have equal, unprovable possibilities, and every Monkey has the right to decide, in the privacy of their own stubborn attitude, what stories seem plausible to them.

Fact #3: Everyone has the right to be wrong.

I suppose it's a good thing we aren't monkeys and can learn much more than monkeys can.

that's the beauty of being human
It's amazing how the anti religion people all sound alike in trying to explain how their thought process is new and revolutionary

Yet you evade contesting the facts that prove that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies and because you are unable you desperately scramble to try and make your delusions the issue.

Very weak and pathetic and I suspect I will find the same thing over and over again right here on this very thread as I ease through the responses.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

opinions aren't facts. Facts are reality. They are things as they are, things as they were, and things as they will be.

God is real. He loves you. Those are facts. You may not be able to see or feel them, but they are true. Come to Him and be taught by the Spirit and you can see for yourself.

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