Sweden Leads the Way

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Sweden Is On Track To Meet 2030 Renewable Energy Goals At The End Of This Year

Swedish utility and power companies have installed so many wind turbines that Sweden will reach its 2030 renewable energy target this year. By December, 3,681 wind turbines will be installed, according to estimates from Swedish Wind Energy Association.

These turbines will provide enough power to meet a target to add 18 terawatt-hours of new, renewable energy by 2030. Sweden shares its renewable certificates market with Norway, who will also be building some new plants. This renewable energy has existing power companies concerned, as they are currently relying on subsidies to ensure their projects are viable.

Socialism in action. The world is a better place.
Sweden Is On Track To Meet 2030 Renewable Energy Goals At The End Of This Year

Swedish utility and power companies have installed so many wind turbines that Sweden will reach its 2030 renewable energy target this year. By December, 3,681 wind turbines will be installed, according to estimates from Swedish Wind Energy Association.

These turbines will provide enough power to meet a target to add 18 terawatt-hours of new, renewable energy by 2030. Sweden shares its renewable certificates market with Norway, who will also be building some new plants. This renewable energy has existing power companies concerned, as they are currently relying on subsidies to ensure their projects are viable.

Socialism in action. The world is a better place.

We hope Sweden also lead the way on Saturday and beat England in the World Cup.

"Socialism in action."

They have a General Election in September and the Conservatives are going to win it, so not so much Socialism post-September.
Sweden Is On Track To Meet 2030 Renewable Energy Goals At The End Of This Year

Swedish utility and power companies have installed so many wind turbines that Sweden will reach its 2030 renewable energy target this year. By December, 3,681 wind turbines will be installed, according to estimates from Swedish Wind Energy Association.

These turbines will provide enough power to meet a target to add 18 terawatt-hours of new, renewable energy by 2030. Sweden shares its renewable certificates market with Norway, who will also be building some new plants. This renewable energy has existing power companies concerned, as they are currently relying on subsidies to ensure their projects are viable.

Socialism in action. The world is a better place.
I will be waiting for the inevitable thread from you bashing Sweden when the Swedish Democrats win later this year.
Sweden Is On Track To Meet 2030 Renewable Energy Goals At The End Of This Year

Swedish utility and power companies have installed so many wind turbines that Sweden will reach its 2030 renewable energy target this year. By December, 3,681 wind turbines will be installed, according to estimates from Swedish Wind Energy Association.

These turbines will provide enough power to meet a target to add 18 terawatt-hours of new, renewable energy by 2030. Sweden shares its renewable certificates market with Norway, who will also be building some new plants. This renewable energy has existing power companies concerned, as they are currently relying on subsidies to ensure their projects are viable.

Socialism in action. The world is a better place.
I will be waiting for the inevitable thread from you bashing Sweden when the Swedish Democrats win later this year.

ALL the polls show it will be the worst result for Sweden's Left in 100 years, the process is repeating itself at every election now on this Continent big big support for Right-Wing Conservatives and disaster for the Left at the polls, total rejection. On our estimates by 2020 ONLY three nations in the EU will have Leftist representation they are Britain, The Republic of Ireland and Portugal, the next Greek election which they must hold BEFORE October 20, 2019 will be the return as Government of the PD, the New Democracy Party the next Greek Prime Minister will be I am not sure if Kyriakos Mitsotakis because he has been in some scandals, so they could put him over the boat and have a new leader to go into the election and this man will become the next Prime Minister of the nation of Greece.

Well I not of the opinion that the Sweden Democrats win, they are in various pollings though either level with the Social Democrats and in some polls they are ahead of them, either way Stefan Löfven is not going to be Prime Minister post-September, the Right-Wing Conservative Ulf Kristersson of the Moderate Party will be the next Prime Minister of Sweden he could form a Coalition with the Sweden Democrats, their leader Jimmie Åkesson began in the Moderate Party in the MUF which is the youth wing of that party and he still has friends and connections in the Moderate Party.

Here are two excellent articles that you might like of interest to read about the coming Sweden General Election, it include what is happening in Sweden and WHY it is happening, of course you should know WHY it is happening and this is Immigration, which is now the NUMBER ONE issue among the majority of the population of not only Mitteleuropa but also Scandinavia, we hope to welcome Sweden to Our Team, they are they ONLY Scandinavian nation that has a Leftist Government, all others Denmark, Mr. Lucy's Norway and Finland ALL have Right-Wing Conservative Governments with a heavy dose of Nationalist-Populist in them.

This below from UnHerd:

Is Sweden about to have its Trump moment? - UnHerd

This below from Politico which is one of the most interesting and fair of the Mainstream news organisation that cover all of the political and social happenings in Europa, I hope you like:

Swedish far right at record high in pre-election poll
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Sweden Is On Track To Meet 2030 Renewable Energy Goals At The End Of This Year

Swedish utility and power companies have installed so many wind turbines that Sweden will reach its 2030 renewable energy target this year. By December, 3,681 wind turbines will be installed, according to estimates from Swedish Wind Energy Association.

These turbines will provide enough power to meet a target to add 18 terawatt-hours of new, renewable energy by 2030. Sweden shares its renewable certificates market with Norway, who will also be building some new plants. This renewable energy has existing power companies concerned, as they are currently relying on subsidies to ensure their projects are viable.

Socialism in action. The world is a better place.
I will be waiting for the inevitable thread from you bashing Sweden when the Swedish Democrats win later this year.

ALL the polls show it will be the worst result for Sweden's Left in 100 years, the process is repeating itself at every election now on this Continent big big support for Right-Wing Conservatives and disaster for the Left at the polls, total rejection. On our estimates by 2020 ONLY three nations in the EU will have Leftist representation they are Britain, The Republic of Ireland and Portugal, the next Greek election which they must hold BEFORE October 20, 2019 will be the return as Government of the PD, the New Democracy Party the next Greek Prime Minister will be I am not sure if Kyriakos Mitsotakis because he has been in some scandals, so they could put him over the boat and have a new leader to go into the election and this man will become the next Prime Minister of the nation of Greece.

Well I not of the opinion that the Sweden Democrats win, they are in various pollings though either level with the Social Democrats and in some polls they are ahead of them, either way Stefan Löfven is not going to be Prime Minister post-September, the Right-Wing Conservative Ulf Kristersson of the Moderate Party will be the next Prime Minister of Sweden he could form a Coalition with the Sweden Democrats, their leader Jimmie Åkesson began in the Moderate Party in the MUF which is the youth wing of that party and he still has friends and connections in the Moderate Party.

Here are two excellent articles that you might like of interest to read about the coming Sweden General Election, it include what is happening in Sweden and WHY it is happening, of course you should know WHY it is happening and this is Immigration, which is now the NUMBER ONE issue among the majority of the population of not only Mitteleuropa but also Scandinavia, we hope to welcome Sweden to Our Team, they are they ONLY Scandinavian nation that has a Leftist Government, all others Denmark, Mr. Lucy's Norway and Finland ALL have Right-Wing Conservative Governments with a heavy dose of Nationalist-Populist in them.

This below from UnHerd:

Is Sweden about to have its Trump moment? - UnHerd

This below from Politico which is one of the most interesting and fair of the Mainstream news organisation that cover all of the political and social happenings in Europa, I hope you like:

Swedish far right at record high in pre-election poll
You are off topic Lucy. This is about saving the world.
Socialism in action. The world is a better place.

Just like Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea.
Are these places socialist ?

What?! You think they are Conservative, you think Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea are Conservative? Venezuela is Extreme Socialist, Cuba and North Korea are Communist.

Venezuela is Extreme Socialist, I comment Extreme because their Dictator Nicolás Maduro has what can only be described as Left-Wing Death Squads operating on the streets of Caracas and other cities and they are MURDERING peoples who disagree with Maduras, also HALF the political opposition he has put into prison ONLY because they oppose him. I know you British have a one track mind now that of obsessing about Brexit but I think the news does report on what occur in Venezuela I know that the BBC World Service does do this.
Sweden Is On Track To Meet 2030 Renewable Energy Goals At The End Of This Year

Swedish utility and power companies have installed so many wind turbines that Sweden will reach its 2030 renewable energy target this year. By December, 3,681 wind turbines will be installed, according to estimates from Swedish Wind Energy Association.

These turbines will provide enough power to meet a target to add 18 terawatt-hours of new, renewable energy by 2030. Sweden shares its renewable certificates market with Norway, who will also be building some new plants. This renewable energy has existing power companies concerned, as they are currently relying on subsidies to ensure their projects are viable.

Socialism in action. The world is a better place.
I will be waiting for the inevitable thread from you bashing Sweden when the Swedish Democrats win later this year.

ALL the polls show it will be the worst result for Sweden's Left in 100 years, the process is repeating itself at every election now on this Continent big big support for Right-Wing Conservatives and disaster for the Left at the polls, total rejection. On our estimates by 2020 ONLY three nations in the EU will have Leftist representation they are Britain, The Republic of Ireland and Portugal, the next Greek election which they must hold BEFORE October 20, 2019 will be the return as Government of the PD, the New Democracy Party the next Greek Prime Minister will be I am not sure if Kyriakos Mitsotakis because he has been in some scandals, so they could put him over the boat and have a new leader to go into the election and this man will become the next Prime Minister of the nation of Greece.

Well I not of the opinion that the Sweden Democrats win, they are in various pollings though either level with the Social Democrats and in some polls they are ahead of them, either way Stefan Löfven is not going to be Prime Minister post-September, the Right-Wing Conservative Ulf Kristersson of the Moderate Party will be the next Prime Minister of Sweden he could form a Coalition with the Sweden Democrats, their leader Jimmie Åkesson began in the Moderate Party in the MUF which is the youth wing of that party and he still has friends and connections in the Moderate Party.

Here are two excellent articles that you might like of interest to read about the coming Sweden General Election, it include what is happening in Sweden and WHY it is happening, of course you should know WHY it is happening and this is Immigration, which is now the NUMBER ONE issue among the majority of the population of not only Mitteleuropa but also Scandinavia, we hope to welcome Sweden to Our Team, they are they ONLY Scandinavian nation that has a Leftist Government, all others Denmark, Mr. Lucy's Norway and Finland ALL have Right-Wing Conservative Governments with a heavy dose of Nationalist-Populist in them.

This below from UnHerd:

Is Sweden about to have its Trump moment? - UnHerd

This below from Politico which is one of the most interesting and fair of the Mainstream news organisation that cover all of the political and social happenings in Europa, I hope you like:

Swedish far right at record high in pre-election poll
You are off topic Lucy. This is about saving the world.

I am not Off Topic your OP is also about Sweden, it was you who in your OP comment about Socialism, so I comment that ALL Opinion Polls for months have now established that on September 9 Swedes are going to reject Socialism and the Social Democrats to have on polling their worst result in 100 years and that the Swedish Conservatives will be winning the election.
Socialism in action. The world is a better place.

Just like Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea.
Are these places socialist ?

What?! You think they are Conservative, you think Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea are Conservative? Venezuela is Extreme Socialist, Cuba and North Korea are Communist.

Venezuela is Extreme Socialist, I comment Extreme because their Dictator Nicolás Maduro has what can only be described as Left-Wing Death Squads operating on the streets of Caracas and other cities and they are MURDERING peoples who disagree with Maduras, also HALF the political opposition he has put into prison ONLY because they oppose him. I know you British have a one track mind now that of obsessing about Brexit but I think the news does report on what occur in Venezuela I know that the BBC World Service does do this.
Venezuela in Crisis: Too Much US intervention, Too Little Socialism
Socialism in action. The world is a better place.

Just like Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea.
Are these places socialist ?

What?! You think they are Conservative, you think Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea are Conservative? Venezuela is Extreme Socialist, Cuba and North Korea are Communist.

Venezuela is Extreme Socialist, I comment Extreme because their Dictator Nicolás Maduro has what can only be described as Left-Wing Death Squads operating on the streets of Caracas and other cities and they are MURDERING peoples who disagree with Maduras, also HALF the political opposition he has put into prison ONLY because they oppose him. I know you British have a one track mind now that of obsessing about Brexit but I think the news does report on what occur in Venezuela I know that the BBC World Service does do this.
Venezuela in Crisis: Too Much US intervention, Too Little Socialism

You know that Counterpunch is a very famous American Left-Wing publication in part inspired by the Radical Left-Wing newspaper Appeal To Reason? They are of course going to be biased in favour of Nicolás Maduro.

IF he was a Right-Wing Dictator you would have posted about 50 threads about Venezuela by now.

How about some more Mainstream news organisations on Venezuela and the situation it is in ie. Left-Wing Dictatorship, Nicolás Maduro has now almost TOTALLY shut down ALL Independent Newspapers, Independent ie. CRITICAL of him and his Dictatorship:

As it slides toward authoritarianism, Venezuela targets one of its last independent newspapers

Illustrating that Leftism in all forms from Socialist to Communist is TERRIBLE for the Economy and that Leftists have no concept of Economics, Venezuela's Inflation rate is now 40,000%

Venezuela's inflation rate tops 40,000 percent for first time ever

Maria Corina Machado is one of the FEW Venezuelan Opposition Politicians that Maduro's Dictatorship has not YET arrested and thrown into a dungeon, but he's working on doing that just like Maduro has THOUSANDS of the Opposition rotting in dungeons:

Venezuelan opposition activist says she isn't part of any Maduro assassination plot

The UN High Commission for Human Rights has AGAIN condemned the vile human rights abuses in Venezuela ordered by Nicolás Maduro and carried out by State Security Services ie. Left-Wing Death Squads , this also illustrates WHY The UN High Commission for Human Rights ITSELF has NO moral highground in these issues because Venezuela is a MEMBER of The UN Human Rights Commission, along with The Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Saudi Arabia, China and Egypt ALL nations who have TERRIBLE records of human rights abuses of their OWN populations:

The UN Exposes the Atrocities of Nicolás Maduro in a Devastating Report

The recent General Election in Venezuela was NOT Democratic it has NOT been accepted by either the United States OR the EU, the ENTIRE political opposition boycotted it, most from the prison cells that Maduro has them rotting in and now the Venezuelan Supreme Court which is full of Maduro loyalists have said that NOBODY is even allowed to challenge the election results, so full-on Dictatorship then:

Venezuela supreme court rejects challenge to Maduro’s ‘sham’ re-election
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Sweden Is On Track To Meet 2030 Renewable Energy Goals At The End Of This Year

Swedish utility and power companies have installed so many wind turbines that Sweden will reach its 2030 renewable energy target this year. By December, 3,681 wind turbines will be installed, according to estimates from Swedish Wind Energy Association.

These turbines will provide enough power to meet a target to add 18 terawatt-hours of new, renewable energy by 2030. Sweden shares its renewable certificates market with Norway, who will also be building some new plants. This renewable energy has existing power companies concerned, as they are currently relying on subsidies to ensure their projects are viable.

Socialism in action. The world is a better place.

One of the reasons why the Liberal Party got crushed in last month's Ontario election was because utility prices skyrocketed after the Liberal government mandated a certain quota of renewable energy that Ontario Hydro had to buy.
Sweden and Norway are both first world nations, with a higher living standard than the US. They have a very good health care system, and their people live longer, and have a far lower infant mortality rate than does the US. Yes, they are working on renewables. Both on land and on the sea. In some very innovative ways. We can learn much from them.

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