Suspect attacks Seattle bartender after being asked for COVID vaccine proof, police say


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
The thing that absolutely baffles me about these individuals who resort to violence simply for being asked to put on a mask or inquiring about their vaccine status is that they act as if they are being singled out, that one else is being required to do this as well, especially those who compare being asked to wear a mask violates their "Constitutional" rights or is the same thing as when the Jewish people were required to wear the yellow Star of David so that they could be identified for abuse and ostracization before ultimately being sent off to their deaths.

SEATTLE — A bartender was badly slashed across her face after she asked a customer to show his vaccination card.​
The man argued with staff when they told him to leave, then he struck a bartender with a long stick he was carrying, according to police.​
The attack happened at Joe’s Bar and Grill Monday night. No matter how busy it gets, employees said they always make time to follow King County's health order and check each customer for proof of vaccination. That rule erupted into a dangerous confrontation for bartender Felicite Ogilvy.​
“I asked him, 'do you have your vaccination card?' and he said ‘I've had the vaccine but I don't have the card’ and I was like OK but you need to have proof of it,” Ogilvy said.​
Ogilvy told the man he had to leave but surveillance footage showed him lingering by the door and arguing with staff.​
“He ended up basically saying ‘You're picking on me,'" Ogilvy said. "I'm not going to deal with it.’ That's when he started getting hostile."​
A coworker came over to help defuse the escalating situation - and even a few customers - but the man wouldn't go and fought back with a long stick. Witnesses said a sharp piece of metal was attached to the bottom end.​
“He swung the stick as hard as he could at my face, so not only did it puncture me, he also slit me," Ogilvy said.​
The wound was so deep Ogilvy needed 31 stitches to close it up. She got away from the skirmish in shock as the man ran off to a light rail station and hopped aboard a train.​
People are over this shit............does it show there........

Not that I defend slicing and dicing the woman.............The vaccine passports are BS.....brought to you by Fascist pricks .......and a party that believes it is evil to show an id to vote.

Oh well..........This will not be the last time this happens as people will not keep having this thrown in their faces here.

Thank God I don't live in a stinking Blue state. Think I'd rather be water boarded.
The thing that absolutely baffles me about these individuals who resort to violence simply for being asked to put on a mask or inquiring about their vaccine status is that they act as if they are being singled out, that one else is being required to do this as well, especially those who compare being asked to wear a mask violates their "Constitutional" rights or is the same thing as when the Jewish people were required to wear the yellow Star of David so that they could be identified for abuse and ostracization before ultimately being sent off to their deaths.
If a business asks that you mask up or ask for proof of vaccine, just leave. No big deal. If people that live in Seattle have an issue, move to the east side of the state. Masks and vaccinating aren’t big deals and neither is Covid.
She was doing him a favor throwing him out. Seattle bars and restaurants are filthy. That one is in a particularly vermin infested neighborhood. I'd never consider eating there.
People are over this shit............does it show there........

Not that I defend slicing and dicing the woman.............The vaccine passports are BS.....brought to you by Fascist pricks .......and a party that believes it is evil to show an id to vote.

Oh well..........This will not be the last time this happens as people will not keep having this thrown in their faces here.

Thank God I don't live in a stinking Blue state. Think I'd rather be water boarded.
Look what their doing to us.........The people.......................Driving them insane
Is there any doubt the vaccinations are leading to bouts of great paranoia among the vaccinated? Once vaccinated they just can't seem to get enough of vaccinations in themselves as well as in others, and their fear of not being vaccinated enough appears to be greater than any fear the unvaccinated all combined may have.
Is there any doubt the vaccinations are leading to bouts of great paranoia among the vaccinated? Once vaccinated they just can't seem to get enough of vaccinations in themselves as well as in others, and their fear of not being vaccinated enough appears to be greater than any fear the unvaccinated all combined may have.
The Vax-Zombie Apocalypse
The thing that absolutely baffles me about these individuals who resort to violence simply for being asked to put on a mask or inquiring about their vaccine status is that they act as if they are being singled out, that one else is being required to do this as well, especially those who compare being asked to wear a mask violates their "Constitutional" rights or is the same thing as when the Jewish people were required to wear the yellow Star of David so that they could be identified for abuse and ostracization before ultimately being sent off to their deaths.
I just laugh, put it on to take a few steps and sit, then remove it.....sure does a lot of good, that mask......
So glad i dont live in the city.
Bunch of assholes, feces in the streets, murders etc.
I see wildlife in my yard, everyone is friendly and i can piss off my front porch and not feel like a perv.
People should resist this kind of thing. Violence however isn't the proper response though.

It honestly amazes me how quickly and easily so many people at the drop of a hat fell in line with vaccines, vaccine id cards, masks, etc.

Around here it's never been an issue really. Even when masks were a big deal I was only asked once to wear one at the grocery but I just kept on walking and no one said anything else. I had one restaurant ask me if I was vaccinated and I just said it was none of their business and left, they are closed down now. Only place I complied with was a restaraunt I'd been going to for breakfast every Saturday for 30 years, they treat me like family so I wanted to obey their rules.
Alabama passed a law not allowing vaccine passports here. Welcome ti Red state versus Blue State. It's a state of mind

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