Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

L I A R:

Susan Rice in March: “I know nothing” of Devin Nunes’s claims about incidental surveillance of Trump staffers

“I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today.”

"Rice tells Judy Woodruff, I don’t know anything about that. If Lake’s reporting is accurate, how can this answer be spun as anything but a bald-faced lie? After all, lying on television is what Susan Rice does."

Susan Rice in March: “I know nothing” of Devin Nunes’s claims about incidental surveillance of Trump staffers - Hot Air
Do you have the clip of video where you are claiming Rice said, "I know Nothing" so we can view the context?

I could not find one in your links? Did I miss it?
L I A R:

Susan Rice in March: “I know nothing” of Devin Nunes’s claims about incidental surveillance of Trump staffers

“I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today.”

"Rice tells Judy Woodruff, I don’t know anything about that. If Lake’s reporting is accurate, how can this answer be spun as anything but a bald-faced lie? After all, lying on television is what Susan Rice does."

Susan Rice in March: “I know nothing” of Devin Nunes’s claims about incidental surveillance of Trump staffers - Hot Air
Do you have the clip of video where you are claiming Rice said, "I know Nothing" so we can view the context?

I could not find one in your links? Did I miss it?

This bitch is going to prison. Her guilt is beyond obvious.

Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.

“What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” diGenova told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group Monday.

“The overheard conversations involved no illegal activity by anybody of the Trump associates, or anyone they were speaking with,” diGenova said. “In short, the only apparent illegal activity was the unmasking of the people in the calls.”

Other knowledgeable official sources with direct knowledge and who requested anonymity confirmed to TheDCNF diGenova’s description of surveillance reports Rice ordered one year before the 2016 presidential election. . .

Yes, it's surprising that someone would seek to organize and preserve intelligence pertaining to an ongoing counterintelligence investigation.
Also, I heard this morning on the news that the foreign surveillance that was unmasked, was done so ONLY for the TOP officials of the National Security Council and NOT for the whole intelligence community and spread around as the R's are touting.... I wonder what is the truth?
L I A R:

Susan Rice in March: “I know nothing” of Devin Nunes’s claims about incidental surveillance of Trump staffers

“I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today.”

"Rice tells Judy Woodruff, I don’t know anything about that. If Lake’s reporting is accurate, how can this answer be spun as anything but a bald-faced lie? After all, lying on television is what Susan Rice does."

Susan Rice in March: “I know nothing” of Devin Nunes’s claims about incidental surveillance of Trump staffers - Hot Air
Do you have the clip of video where you are claiming Rice said, "I know Nothing" so we can view the context?

I could not find one in your links? Did I miss it?

Is this good enough?????
Fucking ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!
dannyboy seems more concerned with protecting the integrity of putin than the integrity of dignified American institutions.
For what doing her job. Mike Cernovich really, its amazing how low Trumpettes can be. The pizza gate guy.
Her job isn't to spy on political opponents you fucking Nazi

What spying you twit...

Trump hired a bunch shady personalities some who are Criminals, they broke the protocol of negotiating with foreign countries while there is a different sitting President...

They should expect to be flagged on security watch lists...

Fuck off, you fucking Nazi fuck. If you really believe that you need to get the fuck out of the country ASAP
Even after leaving office, the Obama administration is the most lawless in US history.
You morons are too deranged. :cuckoo:How many people in his administration were charged with crimes during his eight years? Now compare that number to say, the Bush administration, or the Reagan administration. Maybe then you'll realize how retarded you sound.
The fly in the ointment is Ben Rhodes. I wonder if he will cut a deal to stay out of jail.

These are the same people who covered up Benghazi before the 2012 election. CBS kept reporting that the attack was motivated by a youtube video. Kind of convenient when Ben's brother is the head of CBS news and his wife works at the State Department.
L I A R:

Susan Rice in March: “I know nothing” of Devin Nunes’s claims about incidental surveillance of Trump staffers

“I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today.”

"Rice tells Judy Woodruff, I don’t know anything about that. If Lake’s reporting is accurate, how can this answer be spun as anything but a bald-faced lie? After all, lying on television is what Susan Rice does."

Susan Rice in March: “I know nothing” of Devin Nunes’s claims about incidental surveillance of Trump staffers - Hot Air
Do you have the clip of video where you are claiming Rice said, "I know Nothing" so we can view the context?

I could not find one in your links? Did I miss it?

Thank you! I was able to find the FULL interview to put what sh said in context. Your clip edited out a bunch, which took it out of context.

sure sure sure trumpbots never met a fake "scandal" they didn't love to pin on their political opponents for personal gain, but illicit collusion with russia, a foreign state actively under US sanction, to undermine every single USA institution is no BFD!

wake up, trumbot traitors.. you've been bamboozled.. bless your traitorous hearts.

The FBI Has Been Investigating Trump’s Russia Ties Since July
Team obama used this information to phony up the entire Russia Trump connection.

The intelligence agencies had it first.

So, Obama then took that Intel and used it to fool the Intel community into believing that Trump may have had ties to Russia?

Team obama has been manufacturing this Russian connection for a long time. They have been planting fake stories for months.
Team obama has been manufacturing this Russian connection for a long time. They have been planting fake stories for months.
Team obama has been manufacturing this Russian connection for a long time. They have been planting fake stories for months.
seriously? Is that honestly what your brain and common sense is telling you...

or what your bitter, partisan heart is telling you?
Its "Farkas 2.0"

Trump and his son hype misleading reports blaming Susan Rice for alleged wiretap

A Monday Bloomberg report alleging that a former top Obama administration official requested the unmasking of U.S. persons tied to the Trump campaign who were swept up in foreign surveillance is not the “smoking gun” that the President’s backers are making it out to be.

According to surveillance and national security experts, former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice would be within her rights to make such requests if she was trying to determine the extent of Russia’s interference in the presidential election.

Before even walking in to office the Trump administration are the most lawless people in History....

Partisanly DELUSIONAL...

Your comment is funny considering how snowflakes like you have not been able to produce one piece of evidence proving criminal action against Trump while the Obama administration continues to violate the law even after leaving office.

'Nuff said.

Again. What law did Obama violated?
The entirety of the investigation found no improper contact with Russia. What Rice wanted were names she could weave into the fictional account.

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