Confirmed: The Obama DOJ Went Rogue to Spy on an Ex-Trump Campaign Official


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

"A newly declassified ruling from a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court in June demonstrates that the government lied about its legal basis for spying on former Trump campaign official Carter Page.

The ruling states that the information produced by the FBI’s unlawful investigation into Page was illegally obtained and that it “found violations of the government’s duty of candor in all four applications.” The ruling also orders the government that “it must temporarily retain, and potentially use and disclose, the information collected, largely in the context of ongoing or anticipated litigation.”

Under the court’s 21-page assessment, information obtained by all four of the warrants and applications is invalidated due to its illegal acquisition, unless the Department of Justice is using it “to investigate or prosecute potential crimes relating to the conduct of the Page or Crossfire Hurricane investigations” such as the FBI’s overreach and its violations of FISA.

This ruling…confirms what the FISA court and the Department of Justice both previously declared in January about the FBI’s investigation: that at least two of the four applications allowing “electronic surveillance and physical search targeting Page” by the FBI were “unlawfully authorized.”

As almost every day that goes by, more and more undisputed, undeniable evidence is released exposing the massive depth and breadth of criminal activity perpetrated by multiple agencies within the Obama administration as part of the Obama-Trump administration's criminal, treasonous failed attempted political coup, the attempt to overthrow the United States government by illegally removing the newly elected President of the United States.

All of the evidence already exposed, and the criminal evidence still coming out continues to prove the Obama administration's failed political coup attempt is the largest political, criminal scandal in United States history.

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"A newly declassified ruling from a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court in June demonstrates that the government lied about its legal basis for spying on former Trump campaign official Carter Page.

The ruling states that the information produced by the FBI’s unlawful investigation into Page was illegally obtained and that it “found violations of the government’s duty of candor in all four applications.” The ruling also orders the government that “it must temporarily retain, and potentially use and disclose, the information collected, largely in the context of ongoing or anticipated litigation.”

Under the court’s 21-page assessment, information obtained by all four of the warrants and applications is invalidated due to its illegal acquisition, unless the Department of Justice is using it “to investigate or prosecute potential crimes relating to the conduct of the Page or Crossfire Hurricane investigations” such as the FBI’s overreach and its violations of FISA.

This ruling…confirms what the FISA court and the Department of Justice both previously declared in January about the FBI’s investigation: that at least two of the four applications allowing “electronic surveillance and physical search targeting Page” by the FBI were “unlawfully authorized.”

As almost every day that goes by, more and more undisputed, undeniable evidence is released exposing the massive depth and breadth of criminal activity perpetrated by multiple agencies within the Obama administration as part of the Obama-Trump administration's criminal, treasonous failed attempted political coup, the attempt to overthrow the United States government by illegally removing the newly elected President of the United States.

All of the evidence already exposed, and the criminal evidence still coming out continues to prove the Obama administration's failed political coup attempt is the largest political, criminal scandal in United States history.

This was no Rogue Operation. It was ordered by Obama Bin Spying.

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