Survey: Sexual Orientation (9 Options)

What is your sexual orientation?

  • Straight

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • Homosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bisexual (with no preference)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bisexual (with same sex preference)

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Bisexual (with opposite sex preference)

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Straight (but open to multiple partners)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Homo or Bisexual (but open to multiple partners)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Asexual (no desire or lack of interest in sex)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Unspoken (you may specify if you would like)

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters
I notice most girls get that confidence the day they turn 18. I see hot girls 17 who flirt all sudden I'm just an old man when they turn 18? Probably why they make the legal age 18.

I love when Quagmire showed up on Megs 18th
If you want to attract girls in that age group you usually have to have long hair. But then....they aren't very good at conversation.

I like women between 25 and 45.

Then there's Stiflers' Mom.

Partial to GILFs myself. :) Love mature women. Ever since I was 16 and had a fling with one of my Mom's galpals in her late 40s. Enjoyed a lot of firsts with her. First sex on a waterbed, int he shower, in the backyard, first anal sex (made a squeaking nose going in which made me crack up laughing so we have to stop trying heh.)
Guys or Grandma's? And you didn't answer me I asked what did you check off in this survey?

Grandmas. Someone else asked and I answered. 'Unspoken.' Explained, 'sexual' with asexual tendencies. Whole thing's back a page or so.
Happens to a lot of guys over 40. My buddy is dating the hottest and coolest 19 yr old chick but he's a young 40 and takes cialis. He also takes steroids. I think that's an energy boost too.

I'll be honest I don't really want a 30/something plain Jane dumpy wife. If she isn't super hot successful and loyal I don't want it and good luck finding that.

And I'd settle for economical if not successful. IMO too many marriages are because the guy can afford her? I dated a girl I could have and would have married and she went with a much uglier guy who owns his own business. He can afford her.

I don't blame her. We all want what we want. I want a beauty who's loyal and doesn't care about how much I make. Good luck with that.

So I love every once in awhile hooking up with some hot strange. Shes probably loose or crazy or a gold digger or bar fly but she makes me feel good. Better than a loveless relationship.
Taking roids will shrivel his balls.

It also makes it hard to sleep.

I don't mind naked women being around because I truly am not interested, but I freak the frick out if a woman comes on to me.

I am a bit of a fag hag but I like my gay guys in multiples because a solo gay is ofttimes sad.

I spent most of my life in Miami so uptight, other than lesbians, is not my nature.

I am a trained dominatrix. I have power tools and know how to use them.

Regards from Rosie

I don't mind naked women being around because I truly am not interested, but I freak the frick out if a woman comes on to me.

I am a bit of a fag hag but I like my gay guys in multiples because a solo gay is ofttimes sad.

I spent most of my life in Miami so uptight, other than lesbians, is not my nature.

I am a trained dominatrix. I have power tools and know how to use them.

Regards from Rosie
Like up a guys butt? Tell me what toys you have and what you do with them

I don't mind naked women being around because I truly am not interested, but I freak the frick out if a woman comes on to me.

I am a bit of a fag hag but I like my gay guys in multiples because a solo gay is ofttimes sad.

I spent most of my life in Miami so uptight, other than lesbians, is not my nature.

I am a trained dominatrix. I have power tools and know how to use them.

Regards from Rosie
Like up a guys butt? Tell me what toys you have and what you do with them

Like no.....

I have a small air compressor. Have had it for years.

Air blasts are useful.

A power drill without drill bits is used to vibrate the rope he is tied in.

The grinder destroys handcuffs.

And the buffer buffs.:)

Contrary to misconception, if is not about sex. It is about psychological relationships.

When I was single, sex was for men friends with benefits.

Clients were a professional long term undertaking but not for sex.

Nor for bilking of money, either. I was ethical.

Regards from Rosie

I don't mind naked women being around because I truly am not interested, but I freak the frick out if a woman comes on to me.

I am a bit of a fag hag but I like my gay guys in multiples because a solo gay is ofttimes sad.

I spent most of my life in Miami so uptight, other than lesbians, is not my nature.

I am a trained dominatrix. I have power tools and know how to use them.

Regards from Rosie
Like up a guys butt? Tell me what toys you have and what you do with them

Like no.....

I have a small air compressor. Have had it for years.

Air blasts are useful.

A power drill without drill bits is used to vibrate the rope he is tied in.

The grinder destroys handcuffs.

And the buffer buffs.:)

Contrary to misconception, if is not about sex. It is about psychological relationships.

When I was single, sex was for men friends with benefits.

Clients were a professional long term undertaking but not for sex.

Nor for bilking of money, either. I was ethical.

Regards from Rosie
I would eventually want the happy ending. How old are you and what state are you in?
When will animal sex become accepted in society?
Do you see yourself voting for it? Because I'm a liberal and I don't see myself ever voting YES on gay I mean on animal sex with humans. But I always saw gay rights as the right thing to do. I remember over 10 years ago being on the right side of this issue. In fact I was on the right side of the issue before Obama changed his mind. But we all have to understand that politicians don't lead they make decisions based on what their constituents want so they are reactive and should be willing to change their mind when they see public opinion has changed

I'm an unashamed Thatcherite, so I support animal sex being made legal.
As a capitalist, I see so many opportunities for business.
Sex farms could be established, catering for many tastes, and making a fat pile of cash in the process.
The animal porn industry could be developed from a minor nothing when compared to the mainstream, to a major money spinner.

We could even have animal porn lessons in schools, and take cake manufacturers to court if they won't bake product displaying a sheep on a cliff edge.

I don't mind naked women being around because I truly am not interested, but I freak the frick out if a woman comes on to me.

I am a bit of a fag hag but I like my gay guys in multiples because a solo gay is ofttimes sad.

I spent most of my life in Miami so uptight, other than lesbians, is not my nature.

I am a trained dominatrix. I have power tools and know how to use them.

Regards from Rosie
Like up a guys butt? Tell me what toys you have and what you do with them

Like no.....

I have a small air compressor. Have had it for years.

Air blasts are useful.

A power drill without drill bits is used to vibrate the rope he is tied in.

The grinder destroys handcuffs.

And the buffer buffs.:)

Contrary to misconception, if is not about sex. It is about psychological relationships.

When I was single, sex was for men friends with benefits.

Clients were a professional long term undertaking but not for sex.

Nor for bilking of money, either. I was ethical.

Regards from Rosie
I would eventually want the happy ending. How old are you and what state are you in?

From what I have read of you here you would do well with a gal with training! ;-)

I am too far ( Florida) and I passed my men to Miami colleagues a few years back.

You would save time and money if you determine what issues you want to work on in advance.

I am sure there is a "specialist" in Michigan willing to dedicate herself to Sealybobo.

But for a happy ending you need a gal pal with benefits.

No mixing business with pleasure...although the business does involve fun, as well.

Wishing you success!

Regards from Rosie
When will animal sex become accepted in society?
Do you see yourself voting for it? Because I'm a liberal and I don't see myself ever voting YES on gay I mean on animal sex with humans. But I always saw gay rights as the right thing to do. I remember over 10 years ago being on the right side of this issue. In fact I was on the right side of the issue before Obama changed his mind. But we all have to understand that politicians don't lead they make decisions based on what their constituents want so they are reactive and should be willing to change their mind when they see public opinion has changed

I'm an unashamed Thatcherite, so I support animal sex being made legal.
As a capitalist, I see so many opportunities for business.
Sex farms could be established, catering for many tastes, and making a fat pile of cash in the process.
The animal porn industry could be developed from a minor nothing when compared to the mainstream, to a major money spinner.

We could even have animal porn lessons in schools, and take cake manufacturers to court if they won't bake product displaying a sheep on a cliff edge.
You sound like a brainwashed liberal Democrat now.

Part of that Tranformative America that Hope & Change is ushering in. A Sodom and Gomorrah. San Francisco and Los Angles. New York and Chicago. Ferguson and Baltimore.

I don't mind naked women being around because I truly am not interested, but I freak the frick out if a woman comes on to me.

I am a bit of a fag hag but I like my gay guys in multiples because a solo gay is ofttimes sad.

I spent most of my life in Miami so uptight, other than lesbians, is not my nature.

I am a trained dominatrix. I have power tools and know how to use them.

Regards from Rosie
Like up a guys butt? Tell me what toys you have and what you do with them

(raises an eyebrow) :)
To be honest....what you are is subjective. You can be black if you want, Gay if you want, a woman if you want. You don't have to be any of them, you just have to want to be one or all of them.

So you believe you get to consciously decide what your sexual (or an other...) orientation you are?
So if there was that time with 2 girls does that count as open to two partners? Or are we talking about "currently" available for such activities?
To be honest....what you are is subjective. You can be black if you want, Gay if you want, a woman if you want. You don't have to be any of them, you just have to want to be one or all of them.

So you believe you get to consciously decide what your sexual (or an other...) orientation you are?
No....but many on the left float the idea on a regular basis.
To be honest....what you are is subjective. You can be black if you want, Gay if you want, a woman if you want. You don't have to be any of them, you just have to want to be one or all of them.

So you believe you get to consciously decide what your sexual (or an other...) orientation you are?
No....but many on the left float the idea on a regular basis.

Actually, I think they say the opposite (at least in regard to sexual desire) - they state that homosexuality is something you are "born" with.... of course, I'm not sure why they don't think pedophilia is something you are born with... I just get trashed for comparing the 2

I would think if you are born with sexual desires, it's not limited to M/M, F/F or M/F... logically that would make sense.


Now in regards to altering your body - well, that's another story............
To be honest....what you are is subjective. You can be black if you want, Gay if you want, a woman if you want. You don't have to be any of them, you just have to want to be one or all of them.

So you believe you get to consciously decide what your sexual (or an other...) orientation you are?
No....but many on the left float the idea on a regular basis.

Actually, I think they say the opposite (at least in regard to sexual desire) - they state that homosexuality is something you are "born" with.... of course, I'm not sure why they don't think pedophilia is something you are born with... I just get trashed for comparing the 2

I would think if you are born with sexual desires, it's not limited to M/M, F/F or M/F... logically that would make sense.


Now in regards to altering your body - well, that's another story............
Bonzi, most people are not willing to admit sexual desires that go beyond what the collective says is the norm. They are afraid of being chastised. That said, when you are young you do need to learn to control certain desires that are primal in nature, if we are going to have a civilized society. Not really much different than say the desire to harm others through non-sexual acts. We are not animals we need to control deviant thoughts. See a pile of cash that's not yours... what pops into your mind... finding the person who left it there or what you are gonna buy with it?
To be honest....what you are is subjective. You can be black if you want, Gay if you want, a woman if you want. You don't have to be any of them, you just have to want to be one or all of them.

So you believe you get to consciously decide what your sexual (or an other...) orientation you are?
No....but many on the left float the idea on a regular basis.

Actually, I think they say the opposite (at least in regard to sexual desire) - they state that homosexuality is something you are "born" with.... of course, I'm not sure why they don't think pedophilia is something you are born with... I just get trashed for comparing the 2

I would think if you are born with sexual desires, it's not limited to M/M, F/F or M/F... logically that would make sense.


Now in regards to altering your body - well, that's another story............
Bonzi, most people are not willing to admit sexual desires that go beyond what the collective says is the norm. They are afraid of being chastised. That said, when you are young you do need to learn to control certain desires that are primal in nature, if we are going to have a civilized society. Not really much different than say the desire to harm others through non-sexual acts. We are not animals we need to control deviant thoughts. See a pile of cash that's not yours... what pops into your mind... finding the person who left it there or what you are gonna buy with it?

I'm not sure Freud was really that far off in some regards...
Seems to me, your earliest sexual feelings/urges "imprint" the foundation of your sexuality going forward.

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