The vast majority of conservatives are content to believe the lies of their Republican heroes and the fossil fuel industry, that climate change is a liberal hoax. These same conservatives believe the Earth’s natural resources are a gift from God to be exploited by Big Business in the name of profit to benefit the fat cats. As long as the fat cats are raking in the cash, breathable air and potable water are of no importance to the righties.
Florida conservatives are no different, to them, climate change is a lie perpetrated by scientists trying to get rich. People of reason ask how lying about climate change will make scientists rich, but the righties fail repeatedly to offer any plausible explanation. Conservatives are just certain the corporate heads of Exxon, Standard Oil, BP, and the rest of such companies would never lie about the human cause of global warming. After all, what possible reason could they have to lie?
The certainty of Florida conservatives is absolute, but Miami Beach civic leaders (most of which are conservatives) are hedging their bet. The city is spending $500-million on a program to protect itself from the rising ocean.
Conservative led governments in “Coastal communities in the biggest presidential battleground state are adapting not just to the threat of global warming, but to the reality of it.”
Now that the message board's conservatives have read the OP (and possibly the article at the link), it’s time for them to once again deny climate change is real and/or that humans have any power to alter nature's course. (Their ignorance of facts and history is by choice.)
Trump's climate science denial clashes with reality of rising seas in Florida
The vast majority of conservatives are content to believe the lies of their Republican heroes and the fossil fuel industry, that climate change is a liberal hoax. These same conservatives believe the Earth’s natural resources are a gift from God to be exploited by Big Business in the name of profit to benefit the fat cats. As long as the fat cats are raking in the cash, breathable air and potable water are of no importance to the righties.
Florida conservatives are no different, to them, climate change is a lie perpetrated by scientists trying to get rich. People of reason ask how lying about climate change will make scientists rich, but the righties fail repeatedly to offer any plausible explanation. Conservatives are just certain the corporate heads of Exxon, Standard Oil, BP, and the rest of such companies would never lie about the human cause of global warming. After all, what possible reason could they have to lie?
The certainty of Florida conservatives is absolute, but Miami Beach civic leaders (most of which are conservatives) are hedging their bet. The city is spending $500-million on a program to protect itself from the rising ocean.
Conservative led governments in “Coastal communities in the biggest presidential battleground state are adapting not just to the threat of global warming, but to the reality of it.”
Now that the message board's conservatives have read the OP (and possibly the article at the link), it’s time for them to once again deny climate change is real and/or that humans have any power to alter nature's course. (Their ignorance of facts and history is by choice.)
Trump's climate science denial clashes with reality of rising seas in Florida