Supreme Court upholds key Obamacare insurance subsidies

Hutch Starskey

Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2015
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the nationwide availability of tax subsidies that are crucial to the implementation of President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law, handing a major victory to the president.

The court ruled on a 6-3 vote that the 2010 Affordable Care Act, widely known as Obamacare, did not restrict the subsidies to states that establish their own online healthcare exchanges. It marked the second time in three years that the high court ruled against a major challenge to the law brought by conservatives seeking to gut it.

Supreme Court upholds key Obamacare insurance subsidies
SCOTUS upholds 4th circuit in King v. Burwell! Obamacare subsidies stay! We don't have to defend the indefensible on ACA in the next election and now may have a real chance at beating HRC.
I have to wonder how many Republicans are quietly breathing a sigh of relief, knowing they won't have to take responsibility for replacing it now...


Dumping millions from their plans would not have been a good thing for Repubs in the middle of a presidential election cycle.
I have to wonder how many Republicans are quietly breathing a sigh of relief, knowing they won't have to take responsibility for replacing it now...
Dumping millions from their plans would not have been a good thing for Repubs in the middle of a presidential election cycle.
Yet they were still all fired up to do just that.


There is no blame at all. The GOP will do better with it (and the Marriage Equality) as the law of the land.
There is no blame at all. The GOP will do better with it (and the Marriage Equality) as the law of the land.

I agree but Repubs are still talking about repeal since the ruling. They just dodged a bullet and are stepping right back in the line of fire. They ,IMO, would do better by proposing and urging fixes. It is undeniably law of the land now.
SCOTUS upholds 4th circuit in King v. Burwell! Obamacare subsidies stay! We don't have to defend the indefensible on ACA in the next election and now may have a real chance at beating HRC.
Don't get too excited - you're still got nitwits on the right hostile to privacy rights for women, voting rights for minorities, and immigration reform.

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