Supreme Court paves way for Trump administration to use military funds for border wall


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
A big win for Trump and a massive victory for America.

Get 'er done Trump! God Bless America!

Supreme Court paves way for Trump administration to use military funds for border wall

The Supreme Court has sided with the Trump administration in its plans to use Pentagon funds to build a border wall.

The decision, split along ideological lines, handed down Friday allows the administration to move ahead with plans to use military funds for border wall plans in several Western states.

The conservative justices on the court ruled in favor. Liberal justices Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Sonia Sotomayor dissented. And Justice Stephen Breyer issued a split decision.
All they are doing is replacing existing fencing in high traffic areas. Wonder which prior racists administration built it to begin with....
Oh noze democrats will have to change their song and dance about Trump not building the wall.

With Trump being handed victory after victory it seems that Trump's reelection has now been accepted and the courts are willing to let the work if the country go forward.
What is this? The 57th time we've been told the wall will be built?

This time it's real.
how much you want to bet it never happens

The contracts have already been let, it will happen. It will add more than 200+ additional miles of bollard fencing.


not without a court battle it wont. It's a civil issue aka non military.

do you honestly think Trump is the only politician who can drag shit out>
Trump wins. It's what he does. Shame there's no more room on Mt. Rushmore. We need a new mountain, Reagan and Trump. Certainly Trump. Best POTUS in my lifetime.

IMO the Dems are finished and Trump's a shoe-in 2020. If he misses it's a crime against country, and a "bigly" indicator how fucked we really are.
how much you want to bet it never happens

The contracts have already been let, it will happen. It will add more than 200+ additional miles of bollard fencing.


not without a court battle it wont. It's a civil issue aka non military.

do you honestly think Trump is the only politician who can drag shit out>

A court battle base on what, commie tears?

All they are doing is replacing existing fencing in high traffic areas. Wonder which prior racists administration built it to begin with....

Mostly Clinton, neither Bushes did much, and Obama surely didn't.

I assumed that seeing as how the fencing is reaching its terminal end of its life span now. Obama has a more insidious way of dealing with it which quite frankly, was all but a human rights violation. "Lateral Repatriation" as they liked to call it involved separating all the adult males from the rest of the pack and dumping them far far away from where they crossed (say picking them up in California and dropping them across the Texas border or vice versa). There isn't a ton of precise information on the program because they kept it close to their chest. I recall hearing stories on NPR once that suggested several people died as a result of them purposefully shipping them to places where they knew they would not be well-received.

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