Supreme Court. Individual mandate

For those who understand that American history continues past 1803, yes, the bill is constitutional.

In fact stupid, even Roberts ruled that the government does NOT have the authority to force individuals to purchase a product from a private company - i.e. the mandate. He followed by saying that taxation of an individual, with those taxes used to purchase the same product, is constitutional.

The sticking point has long been whether a government can compel the purchase of products from favored corporations. Roberts ruled that they can NOT do so. But then provided means to achieve the same ends using government as broker. Even a Stalinist like you should be able to grasp the nuance.

So at this moment, Obama cannot command you to buy a pack of Kools, but he can have the IRS shake you down for $5, buy the Kools and then give them to you. (Mandating you buy his brand isn't for a kickback, mind you...)
For those who understand that American history continues past 1803, yes, the bill is constitutional.

In fact stupid, even Roberts ruled that the government does NOT have the authority to force individuals to purchase a product from a private company - i.e. the mandate. He followed by saying that taxation of an individual, with those taxes used to purchase the same product, is constitutional.

The sticking point has long been whether a government can compel the purchase of products from favored corporations. Roberts ruled that they can NOT do so. But then provided means to achieve the same ends using government as broker. Even a Stalinist like you should be able to grasp the nuance.

So at this moment, Obama cannot command you to buy a pack of Kools, but he can have the IRS shake you down for $5, buy the Kools and then give them to you. (Mandating you buy his brand isn't for a kickback, mind you...)
In fact the government can tax for anything.
So if that is the case the tax payers better start being represented instead of special interest groups.
In fact the government can tax for anything.
So if that is the case the tax payers better start being represented instead of special interest groups.

Exactly. Both Obama's fascist care and the court ruling serves the looters, the well connected corporations. It's VERY clear who our government serves, and it SURE the fuck isn't the citizenry.

The scorecard on this so far:

Kaiser - Blue Cross: 4
American People: 0
For those who understand that American history continues past 1803, yes, the bill is constitutional.

In fact stupid, even Roberts ruled that the government does NOT have the authority to force individuals to purchase a product from a private company - i.e. the mandate. He followed by saying that taxation of an individual, with those taxes used to purchase the same product, is constitutional.

The sticking point has long been whether a government can compel the purchase of products from favored corporations. Roberts ruled that they can NOT do so. But then provided means to achieve the same ends using government as broker. Even a Stalinist like you should be able to grasp the nuance.

So at this moment, Obama cannot command you to buy a pack of Kools, but he can have the IRS shake you down for $5, buy the Kools and then give them to you. (Mandating you buy his brand isn't for a kickback, mind you...)

You, as a fascist, better get control of the national government then, just like the Nazis, so your Leader can rule by executive order. Of course, you will be among the first into the camps.
You, as a fascist, better get control of the national government then, just like the Nazis, so your Leader can rule by executive order. Of course, you will be among the first into the camps.

SO, you were up all night celebrating the end of the constitution with crack and booze, huh?

Your posts really reflect the excess of crack you smoked....
You, as a fascist, better get control of the national government then, just like the Nazis, so your Leader can rule by executive order. Of course, you will be among the first into the camps.

SO, you were up all night celebrating the end of the constitution with crack and booze, huh?

Your posts really reflect the excess of crack you smoked....

crack? people still do that in your circle of friends?
You, as a fascist, better get control of the national government then, just like the Nazis, so your Leader can rule by executive order. Of course, you will be among the first into the camps.

SO, you were up all night celebrating the end of the constitution with crack and booze, huh?

Your posts really reflect the excess of crack you smoked....

What the fuck is that brain dead bitch talking about?
You, as a fascist, better get control of the national government then, just like the Nazis, so your Leader can rule by executive order. Of course, you will be among the first into the camps.

SO, you were up all night celebrating the end of the constitution with crack and booze, huh?

Your posts really reflect the excess of crack you smoked....

That is what you have, my little fascist? So lame. Let the butt hurt flow through you. Of course, you could try crawling out of your ass. :lol:
:lol: Your type of response demonstrates how badly you and your fascist buddies got the snot beat out of you by Chief Justice Roberts.
(a) The Affordable Care Act describes the “hared responsibility
payment” as a “penalty,” not a “tax.” That label is fatal to the appli-
cation of the Anti-Injunction Act. It does not, however, control
whether an exaction is within Congress’s power to tax. In answering
that constitutional question, this Court follows a functional approach,
“[d]isregarding the designation of the exaction, and viewing its sub-
stance and application.” United States v. Constantine, 296 U. S. 287,
294. Pp. 33–35.

Holy fuck, this is what substitutes as legal reasoning by Roberts?

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