Supreme Court Approves Racial Profiling


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Supreme Court Approves Racial Profiling
in Immigration Law Enforcement Profiling.pdf

Federal Immigration and Nationality Act allow state and local official enforce immigration laws and allow racial profiling.

Federal Immigration and Nationality Act
Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)

State and local law enforcement officials have the general power to investigate and arrest violators of federal immigration statutes without prior INS knowledge or approval, as long as they are authorized to do so by state law. There is no extant (Extant; still in existence; not destroyed, lost, or extinct) federal limitation on this authority. The 1996 immigration control legislation passed by Congress was intended to encourage states and local agencies to participate in the process of enforcing federal immigration laws. Immigration officers and local law enforcement officers may detain an individual for a brief warrantless interrogation where circumstances create a reasonable suspicion that the individual is illegally present in the U.S. Specific facts constituting a reasonable suspicion include evasive, nervous, or erratic behavior; dress or speech indicating foreign citizenship; and presence in an area known to contain a concentration of illegal aliens. Hispanic appearance alone is not sufficient. (But can be used because majority of Illegal Aliens are Hispanic) Immigration officers and police must have a valid warrant or valid employer's consent to enter workplaces or residences.

Under Immigration and Nationality Act Section 237 (a)(1)(B) which says:

"Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable."

"Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable."

(Not just those who have been here 30 years, one day, criminal or non-criminal. ANY ALIEN.
Using compassion and humane as an excuse is not in the Act.)
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So-called "racial profiling" isn't a 5th Amendment issue, it's a liberal social invention. How the hell do you hunt for a fugitive if you can't get a racial profile? If illegal aliens are flooding over the US/Mexican border do you want to question blonde blue eyed people who speak with a Swedish accent? You can if you want to waste taxpayer dollars.
So-called "racial profiling" isn't a 5th Amendment issue, it's a liberal social invention. How the hell do you hunt for a fugitive if you can't get a racial profile? If illegal aliens are flooding over the US/Mexican border do you want to question blonde blue eyed people who speak with a Swedish accent? You can if you want to waste taxpayer dollars.

How do we find missing children without profiling them?
Americans only had jobs before; because they wanted to work.
Illegals are coming here because Americans won't work for less than 10 times
the minimum wage; and being exploited and used for slave labor in America
is better than being free in Mexico.
Why not? So-called "racial profiling" is an invention of the race based political left. There is no Constitutional issue that prohibits identifying a person based on his racial appearance. FDR locked up innocent citizens based on their racial appearance during WW2 and the left saw no problem with that. How are you going to apprehend a White robbery suspect in a Black neighborhood if you pretend he has no racial characteristics? If Hispanics are the primary illegal aliens doesn't it make sense to check the drivers licenses of Hispanic appearing people rather than blonde haired Swedes?
"Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable."

(Not just those who have been here 30 years, one day, criminal or non-criminal. ANY ALIEN.
Using compassion and humane as an excuse is not in the Act.)

Learn to read English:

"Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable."

It's not just "any alien", it's the ones that have broken the law.

Racial profiling should be used to increase the efficiency of police and to reduce the number of innocent people inconvenienced. But, no, we can't do because bad people usually aren't white people.

The case the Supreme Court is hearing is over a law that explicitly forbids racial profiling. So, when a cop runs across a white person near the Mexican border, he has to equally assume the white person is an illegal alien. Stupid yet, but stupid is what non-whites and liberals are.
How do we find missing children without profiling them?

Just to point out, when searching for a missing child we do profile for them:

  • Age
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Gender
  • Skin Color
  • Hair Color
  • Top Worn
  • Pants Worn
  • Shoes
  • Identifying Marks
  • etc.
  • etc.

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Americans only had jobs before; because they wanted to work.
Illegals are coming here because Americans won't work for less than 10 times
the minimum wage; and being exploited and used for slave labor in America
is better than being free in Mexico.

Americans CAN'T live on less than minimum wage - and ONLY if they get rid of all their cars, home, kids, and hold 2 jobs each. They are in debt cause our system allows it and our system allows it because we HAVE to have home insurance, car insurance, health insurance, money for college, high electrical bills, gas bills, food bills, car maintenance bills, house maintenance bills, etc., etc., etc.
Americans only had jobs before; because they wanted to work.
Illegals are coming here because Americans won't work for less than 10 times
the minimum wage; and being exploited and used for slave labor in America
is better than being free in Mexico.

Americans CAN'T live on less than minimum wage - and ONLY if they get rid of all their cars, home, kids, and hold 2 jobs each. They are in debt cause our system allows it and our system allows it because we HAVE to have home insurance, car insurance, health insurance, money for college, high electrical bills, gas bills, food bills, car maintenance bills, house maintenance bills, etc., etc., etc.

I didn't say, "less than the minimum wage, I said ten times the minimum wage.
And we don't need health insurance, home insurance, even money for college is
useless, because college is useless. everyone thinks that because they went
to college, they are of a class above everyone else, and should be treated accordingly.
Americans only had jobs before; because they wanted to work.
Illegals are coming here because Americans won't work for less than 10 times
the minimum wage; and being exploited and used for slave labor in America
is better than being free in Mexico.

Americans CAN'T live on less than minimum wage - and ONLY if they get rid of all their cars, home, kids, and hold 2 jobs each. They are in debt cause our system allows it and our system allows it because we HAVE to have home insurance, car insurance, health insurance, money for college, high electrical bills, gas bills, food bills, car maintenance bills, house maintenance bills, etc., etc., etc.

I didn't say, "less than the minimum wage, I said ten times the minimum wage.
And we don't need health insurance, home insurance, even money for college is
useless, because college is useless. everyone thinks that because they went
to college, they are of a class above everyone else, and should be treated accordingly.

When I returned from Vietnam, I resumed my College Education and got BA to teach History Grades 9-12. Unfortunately, the Draft Dodgers scooped up the jobs.

However, it turned out for the best. Without my degree, I would not have been able to help my brother and sister Veterans to receive those benefits and services that they had earned.

8 years County Director of Veterans Affairs and 7 1/2 years as a State Deputy Director Of Veterans Affairs.

When it comes to my brother and sister Veterans, my shit stinks the same as theirs.
Americans only had jobs before; because they wanted to work.
Illegals are coming here because Americans won't work for less than 10 times
the minimum wage
; and being exploited and used for slave labor in America
is better than being free in Mexico.

BS. Americans are flipping burgers. You don't know what slave labor is until you to china and India. They come for freebies and not because there are no jobs in Mexico where the wages is comparable with cost of living. Many are going back because it is not so good here and wages are way off from cost of living.
Why not? So-called "racial profiling" is an invention of the race based political left. There is no Constitutional issue that prohibits identifying a person based on his racial appearance. FDR locked up innocent citizens based on their racial appearance during WW2 and the left saw no problem with that. How are you going to apprehend a White robbery suspect in a Black neighborhood if you pretend he has no racial characteristics? If Hispanics are the primary illegal aliens doesn't it make sense to check the drivers licenses of Hispanic appearing people rather than blonde haired Swedes?

Anyone who is stopped on a traffic violation is asked for there drivers license, registration and proof of insurance. If you don't have either one, cannot speak English it is reasonable suspicion the to ask their legal status.
Racial profiling has always been used and it will continue to be used no matter how much minorities don't like it. It is also used on 'whites'. Dah.........
Whites have been racially profiled for 40 years via affirmative action. Of course its legal.

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