Support January 6th Prisoners!

If Biden were smart, he'd pardon all of the 6 January protestors, and explain that the real criminal was Trump, and try to drive a wedge between them and their supporters, on the one hand, and Trump on the other.

But I'm afraid that even Mr Trump was not stupid enough to say "Go invade the Capitol, attack the police, imitate AntiFa..." Whether he did enough to make sure this wouldn't happen is another matter.

The problem is, the ranks of the Right are naive. They still think we're living in the America they grew up in. They don't understand the sort of forces arrayed against them, including provocateurs (in the past used by the police against strikers and Leftists).

They don't understand, yet, that we're in a cold civil war, and we have to be organized and disciplined, and that hot-heads, stupid people, men with manhood problems, ex-criminals ... people like that who turn up and want to be part of our movement, are poison.

They will be, or under the right circumstances become, tools of the enemy. Not to mention paid infiltrators. (Whether infiltrators were involved in the 6 January events, I do not know. If they were, presumably their handlers were professional and made sure they were masked and avoided being arrested, or at least being charged ... except for the real pro's, for whom a month in jail because of 6 January will be ticket to the top in some sections of the Right.)

The lesson for patriots: we've got to get serious.

Funny how Republicans have gone from "you commit the crime, you're guilty" to "you're not guilty, someone else made you do it".
Yes, they might have BELIEVED the election was stolen, but that's because they're STUPID. Should we go to US prisons and release all of those who were stupid when committing their crimes?
No, of course not. Stupidity, like ignorance, is no excuse for violating the law. They violated the law, and should get the same punishment that a group of Leftists who did the same thing would get.

And by the way, suppose they had not been violent, but had engaged in non-violent protest inside the Capitol. Say, a peaceful 'occupation'. What would you think should be done to them then?
No, of course not. Stupidity, like ignorance, is no excuse for violating the law. They violated the law, and should get the same punishment that a group of Leftists who did the same thing would get.

And by the way, suppose they had not been violent, but had engaged in non-violent protest inside the Capitol. Say, a peaceful 'occupation'. What would you think should be done to them then?

They weren't peaceful. They were encouraged to violence by Trump for 5-6 weeks. You think occupation of the Capitol is not breaking the law?
No, of course not. Stupidity, like ignorance, is no excuse for violating the law. They violated the law, and should get the same punishment that a group of Leftists who did the same thing would get.

And by the way, suppose they had not been violent, but had engaged in non-violent protest inside the Capitol. Say, a peaceful 'occupation'. What would you think should be done to them then?

The reality is that entering the Capitol building uninvited is far worse than whether it was violent or non-violent. It's about creating "new normals", if people think it's acceptable to do what was done, then the future is bleak. Look at Brazil, a country with a history of military dictatorships and government overthrows.... they did a copycat. Who will do the next one? Might be in the US....
Funny how Republicans have gone from "you commit the crime, you're guilty" to "you're not guilty, someone else made you do it".
In a war, we unconditionally defend our own side. People who believe in the Rule of Law, which is mainly people on the Right -- in theory -- need to uphold it, even when it's our side which suffers from it ... until a real war starts, in which case, of course, each side will be extremely lenient towards its own guys who commit crimes.

What punishment was given to the American soldiers who carried out gang rapes in Okinawa? What punishment was given to American soldiers who carried out mass murder at My Lai? And ordinary Japanese and Germans feel the same way about their men.

That's what happens in war. We're in a cold civil war right now, so these reflex responses must be curbed -- at least on our side.

Although a few Leftists here have said they'd punish the summer 2020 BLM/AntiFa rioters as well, I doubt that was a widespread response on the part of the Left as a whole -- in fact, I know it wasn't.
They weren't peaceful. They were encouraged to violence by Trump for 5-6 weeks. You think occupation of the Capitol is not breaking the law?
Yes, occupying a Capitol is breaking the law, whether it is done peacefully or violently. And can I assume you're in favor of breaking up even a peaceful occupation of a Capitol, and punishing the occupiers?
It may be true that the site is not well maintained or updated. I just found it and don't know.

Of course, it's human to take pleasure in the suffering of our enemies.

Patriots who want to partake of this pleasure can go to

In the meantime, for the viewing pleasure of Leftists who didn't click on that link, here are the people that (some of) you would like to see shot dead.

View attachment 750862

Well, those are our rioters.
Anyone wanting to see folks shot dead when there is an alternative is not very smart and certainly has views that are not congruent to American values in my view. By the same token, cheering those who assaulted police officers is particularly shitty. You don't seem to have any problem with what they did--you're calling them "patriots" after all. Nothing could be further from the truth.
A lot of people use the word 'treason' without knowing the least thing about what it means legally.

The Constitution defines treason:
One mans freedom fighter is another's treasonous traitor, a concept our country was founded on
The lesson for patriots: we've got to get serious.
IMHO, we've a failed government that's turned our right to free assembly into partisan theater.

This being historically the case with all the banana republic's similar woes escapes those blinded by their partisan stance , ergo pitting citizen against citizen ,allowing said failed governance a pass

In our Jan 6th case, two categories exist , those that can rise above, and view it objectively , and those that choose to reman mired as tools

In a war, we unconditionally defend our own side. People who believe in the Rule of Law, which is mainly people on the Right -- in theory -- need to uphold it, even when it's our side which suffers from it ... until a real war starts, in which case, of course, each side will be extremely lenient towards its own guys who commit crimes.

What punishment was given to the American soldiers who carried out gang rapes in Okinawa? What punishment was given to American soldiers who carried out mass murder at My Lai? And ordinary Japanese and Germans feel the same way about their men.

That's what happens in war. We're in a cold civil war right now, so these reflex responses must be curbed -- at least on our side.

Although a few Leftists here have said they'd punish the summer 2020 BLM/AntiFa rioters as well, I doubt that was a widespread response on the part of the Left as a whole -- in fact, I know it wasn't.

In politics, if you have a side, it's because you're not thinking for yourself, you're accepting someone else's way of thinking.
If you think it's "war", then something is really, really FUCKED UP.
Challenging an election is not treason and it never will be. That is why they were there. Why is that fact always ignored?
Legally challenging an election, with recounts and in the Courts, during the legal time period you are given under the law to challenge the results, is not treasonous or seditious.

Trying to overturn the legal, certified results of we the people's vote by interfering with the constitutional process of counting and entering the State elector results, and trying to replace each state's certified electors with fraudulent electors, and beating up the police, crapping in the halls of congress, bashing in and breaking windows and doors to the capitol or hanging Mike Pence is seditious, and just plain wrong.
Beware of scammers!

Those kept without bail were the bad guys, about 30 of them, until their trials....they would be held in DC jails, not texas, and north Carolina jails etc, as some on this enormous list, or a PO box address....

That list is way way way too long for those held without bail, which was deserved for those who attacked policemen, and bashed in windows and doors and had dealings with planning the insurrection,...
Legally challenging an election, with recounts and in the Courts
RIGHT. The COURTS which have already proven themselves totally divorced from election disputes and clearly wanting to stay that way!

during the legal time period you are given under the law to challenge the results
A WHOLE SIX WEEKS! Six weeks for dozens of legal disputes across multiple states! Meantime, it took how many years just for the J6 committee to gather their "evidence"? It took them how many YEARS to prosecute the OJ case? It took them how many YEARS to prosecute Bill Cosby? But for a stolen national election, you get 1.5 months.

Trying to overturn the legal, certified results of we the people's vote by interfering with the constitutional process of counting and entering the State elector results, and trying to replace each state's certified electors with fraudulent electors, and beating up the police, crapping in the halls of congress, bashing in and breaking windows and doors to the capitol or hanging Mike Pence is seditious, and just plain wrong.
How many false assumptions do you include in there? It used to be "legal" to make blacks sit in the back of buses and drink out of different fountains. It was "legal" to steal land from the Indians and Mexico. And all of those acts were "certified," too. Too bad you don't read what the Declaration of Independence has to say about it, Honey:

that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government

But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government.
One mans freedom fighter is another's treasonous traitor, a concept our country was founded on

IMHO, we've a failed government that's turned our right to free assembly into partisan theater.

This being historically the case with all the banana republic's similar woes escapes those blinded by their partisan stance , ergo pitting citizen against citizen ,allowing said failed governance a pass

In our Jan 6th case, two categories exist , those that can rise above, and view it objectively , and those that choose to reman mired as tools

I don't disagree with you, but I think you should add a third category: people who see what's happening, and who then decide to resist it ... effectively.

Single individuals can see what's happening, but lack the knowledge to reffectively resist, or even to do the best thing in circumstances of a breakdown of the social order.

They don't know the law, they don't know how to write an effective press release, they don't know how to talk to people who may be winnable but who do not now agree with them, they don't know how to crawl under barbed wire or treat a sucking chest wound, or deal with a downed and possibly live power line.

But get a group of a few dozen ordinary Americans together, and most of these skills will be found. Get a dozen or two of these groups organized in each state, and the missing skills will be found, and their essentials taught. We're clearly heading into what may be very challenging times, to be euphemistic.

The possibility of two wars with nuclear powers, economic crisis, another pandemic, the effects of global warming ... all on a society whose sinews are being eaten away by the Left.

So we must organize.

We do not yet have an organization of such people at the national level. So we have to start at the local level, and build organizations that can later unite nationally. A good start has been made by these people, former Oathkeepers in Arizona:

Deleted link as advertising spam, and links to donations and product sales, not in keeping with board rules.

Have a look at their website -- you will learn a lot. They're expanding nationally, but this chapter, in Yavapai, is the most developed.
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The reality is that entering the Capitol building uninvited is far worse than whether it was violent or non-violent. It's about creating "new normals", if people think it's acceptable to do what was done, then the future is bleak. Look at Brazil, a country with a history of military dictatorships and government overthrows.... they did a copycat. Who will do the next one? Might be in the US....
Yes, you're right. Same thing as Drag Queen Story Hour. "Defining Deviancy Down,' as a liberal Democrat Senator once put it. []

Conservatives need to realize that our image, so mocked by superficial Leftist kiddies, of old, stodgy, cautious ... conservatives ... is actually a precious asset. We are supposed to be the 'Law and Order' party.

We have to reach the broad middle of America ... people who are neither hard-core Leftists or hard-core Rightists. If we are successfully portrayed as crazies, muttering conspiracy theorists stroking our AR15 ... we will lose them.

Let the Left, and its client groups, riot. Let them go out for mass shoplifting sprees in posh liberal neighborhoods. Let them demand the defunding of the police. We must uphold the rule of law and be seen to do so, so long as it is believed to still exist.

And I take it that 'entering a Capitol building uninvited', even for a peaceful occupation, would be seen by you as a 'grave crime.?
I don't disagree with you, but I think you should add a third category: people who see what's happening, and who then decide to resist it ... effectively.

Single individuals can see what's happening, but lack the knowledge to reffectively resist, or even to do the best thing in circumstances of a breakdown of the social order.

They don't know the law, they don't know how to write an effective press release, they don't know how to talk to people who may be winnable but who do not now agree with them, they don't know how to crawl under barbed wire or treat a sucking chest wound, or deal with a downed and possibly live power line.

But get a group of a few dozen ordinary Americans together, and most of these skills will be found. Get a dozen or two of these groups organized in each state, and the missing skills will be found, and their essentials taught. We're clearly heading into what may be very challenging times, to be euphemistic.

The possibility of two wars with nuclear powers, economic crisis, another pandemic, the effects of global warming ... all on a society whose sinews are being eaten away by the Left.

So we must organize.

We do not yet have an organization of such people at the national level. So we have to start at the local level, and build organizations that can later unite nationally. A good start has been made by these people, former Oathkeepers in Arizona:

Have a look at their website -- you will learn a lot. They're expanding nationally, but this chapter, in Yavapai, is the most developed.
Most interesting Doug.

and rather well timed, as the local biz org i've started a few years back's next meeting will interface local responders with local biz

In politics, if you have a side, it's because you're not thinking for yourself, you're accepting someone else's way of thinking.
If you think it's "war", then something is really, really FUCKED UP.
No, if you're in politics, you have to have a side, if you're a serious person. You want to get the power of the state, so you can do the things you think need doing in society.

You can take that side because of reflexive, unthinking tribal loyalties. Or you can take it because of your experience and reading. Most people are probably where they are, politically, because of both.

There are people on the Left who once were on the Right, and vice versa. They changed sides because they decided they were wrong in their original allegiance, or perhaps out of opportunism because they thought they could do better personally on the other side. (We always like to attribute base motives to our enemies.)

Democratic politics is the alternative to using force to get our way. As Churchill said, it's the worst system in the world, except for all the others.
Most interesting Doug.

and rather well timed, as the local biz org i've started a few years back's next meeting will interface local responders with local biz

We ought to talk. Working closely with local first responders -- police, ambulance, fire -- should be a main goal for a patriotic local group.

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