Support January 6th Prisoners!

Interesting. You call them 'scum'. Would you use the same word for the rioters and looters who burned court houses? I'll bet not. You're motivated by political animus. Okay, so am I when contemplating AntiFa and the opportunist looters who come out with them. That's where we're going as a nation. Too bad, but that's the way it is.

They did not believe it was a legitimate election. I think -- although I'm not sure -- that they were wrong (although there were, statistically, a number of very odd things about that election).
[ Biden’s Inexplicable Victory - Chronicles ]

After all, elections where serious questions can be raised about fraud are not entirely unusual in the US. The 1960 election in particular, an extremely closely one, was one such, although the consensus seems to be that Kennedy won it legitmately.
[ 1960 United States presidential election - Wikipedia ]

And the fact that the Black population was effectively disenfranchised for decades in the Democratic stronghold of the American South, with the complaisance of the rest of the country, shows that the legitimacy of elections in America is not as American as apple pie.

But they did wrong, and will have to take the punishment -- even though, had this been a mainly BLM/AntiFa event, I doubt that the punishments, if they occurred at all, would have been nearly so severe.

In any case, my appeal is directed to patriots. I don't expect Leftists, who openly endorse lynching of people they don't like, and who chortle at the killing of Ashli Babbit, to respond.
Oh, DEFINITELY! Rioters and looters who burned court houses, cop cars, public or privately own structures, including but not limited to liquor store, pawn shops, auto supply or tennis shoe store are cowardly thieving scum, as that gutless rabble usually does their low down thing under cover of darkness hoping to avoid identification. The J6 assholes were no cowardly, as they did not do it undercover of darkness, mostly not hiding their faces, some even stupid enough to post selfies and video used in court against them.
Challenging an election is not treason and it never will be. That is why they were there. Why is that fact always ignored?
A lot of people use the word 'treason' without knowing the least thing about what it means legally. This used to be restricted to the Right, but recently the Left has taken it up.

People on this Board would benefit from learning how the word is actually used. God bless Jimmy Wales for making it so easy now for us to do things like this:

The Constitution defines treason:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. "

"The crime is prohibited by legislation passed by Congress. Therefore, the United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

As you'll see from the Wiki article, 'treason' as a charge has been used only very rarely in the US. 'Sedition' and 'espionage' are much more likely charges.

We could have a good argument about whether the 6 January people were commiting 'Sedition'. I don't think so -- and not because I'm on the Right -- I don't think the AntiFa/BLM rioters were committing sedition, within the legal definition of the term either.

And if it was a conscious 'insurrection' ... Jeez, then the Left has absolutely nothing to worry about. A Keystone Cops 'insurrection'.
The Jan 6 whatever-you-call-it (more than a riot, less than an insurrection) was a bonehead stunt and an enormous gift to the Left, a gift that will keep on giving for years.

It's what happens when you have a movement, but not an organization. Your demonstrations are vulnerable to crazies and provocateurs. Our demonstrations in the future must be stewarded by men who are properly trained and equipped to defend our meetings, and to deal with troublemakers.

However, these people are our own. They genuinely believed the election had been stolen, and got caught up in this crazy, pointless action. People don't act sensibly when they're in a crowd. But they're ours. So patriots must support them.

A good way to do this would be to send a letter or postcard to a prisoner. You can get their names and addresses here:
https://patriotmailproject dot com/
The right’s war on democracy continues.
Oh, DEFINITELY! Rioters and looters who burned court houses, cop cars, public or privately own structures, including but not limited to liquor store, pawn shops, auto supply or tennis shoe store are cowardly thieving scum, as that gutless rabble usually does their low down thing under cover of darkness hoping to avoid identification. The J6 assholes were no cowardly, as they did not do it undercover of darkness, mostly not hiding their faces, some even stupid enough to post selfies and video used in court against them.
Okay, you're consistent. Good.
The 6 January people -- some of them -- fought with the police, and some of them destroyed property. But they didn't set things on fire, or bring guns -- their aim was to force the Republican congressmen to not certify the election. It was a stupid thing to do, and resulted because the Right in America has no (adult) leadership.
I support them! I support putting them up against the wall and shooting them in the heart, then charging their families for the bullets.
Yes, but you'd like to do that to all of us Rightwingers, wouldn't you?
A lot of people use the word 'treason' without knowing the least thing about what it means legally. This used to be restricted to the Right, but recently the Left has taken it up.

People on this Board would benefit from learning how the word is actually used. God bless Jimmy Wales for making it so easy now for us to do things like this:

The Constitution defines treason:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. "

"The crime is prohibited by legislation passed by Congress. Therefore, the United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

As you'll see from the Wiki article, 'treason' as a charge has been used only very rarely in the US. 'Sedition' and 'espionage' are much more likely charges.

We could have a good argument about whether the 6 January people were commiting 'Sedition'. I don't think so -- and not because I'm on the Right -- I don't think the AntiFa/BLM rioters were committing sedition, within the legal definition of the term either.

And if it was a conscious 'insurrection' ... Jeez, then the Left has absolutely nothing to worry about. A Keystone Cops 'insurrection'.
It was war against the Constitution. Did you miss that part?
The Jan 6 whatever-you-call-it (more than a riot, less than an insurrection) was a bonehead stunt and an enormous gift to the Left, a gift that will keep on giving for years.

It's what happens when you have a movement, but not an organization. Your demonstrations are vulnerable to crazies and provocateurs. Our demonstrations in the future must be stewarded by men who are properly trained and equipped to defend our meetings, and to deal with troublemakers.

However, these people are our own. They genuinely believed the election had been stolen, and got caught up in this crazy, pointless action. People don't act sensibly when they're in a crowd. But they're ours. So patriots must support them.

A good way to do this would be to send a letter or postcard to a prisoner. You can get their names and addresses here:
https://patriotmailproject dot com/

The website is faulty.

I have been asking for a list of folks who have been held without trial for quite a while now whenever a thread such as this is brought up--stating that they are somehow being treated unfairly. I was hoping this website mentioned above would give such a list.

Insurrectionists fall into the following four categories.

Arrested and held awaiting trial.
Arrested and released awaiting trial.
Tried and found guilty.
Tried and found not guilty.

Well, I used the link above and clicked on the laughable "filterable list of patriots" link and you get options to see who is still in the hoosgow. I clicked on the "pretrial" link and the list that came back included people who have already plead plead guilty in August 2021.

So there is a serious categorization deficiency and the site doesn't seem to be well update.

It is fun to see the pictures of the folks who tried to overthrow the government put all into one place though.
The website is faulty.

I have been asking for a list of folks who have been held without trial for quite a while now whenever a thread such as this is brought up--stating that they are somehow being treated unfairly. I was hoping this website mentioned above would give such a list.

Insurrectionists fall into the following four categories.

Arrested and held awaiting trial.
Arrested and released awaiting trial.
Tried and found guilty.
Tried and found not guilty.

Well, I used the link above and clicked on the laughable "filterable list of patriots" link and you get options to see who is still in the hoosgow. I clicked on the "pretrial" link and the list that came back included people who have already plead plead guilty in August 2021.

So there is a serious categorization deficiency and the site doesn't seem to be well update.

It is fun to see the pictures of the folks who tried to overthrow the government put all into one place though.
It may be true that the site is not well maintained or updated. I just found it and don't know.

Of course, it's human to take pleasure in the suffering of our enemies.

Patriots who want to partake of this pleasure can go to

In the meantime, for the viewing pleasure of Leftists who didn't click on that link, here are the people that (some of) you would like to see shot dead.


Well, those are our rioters.

Here's some of yours, two of which are no longer with us:

And speaking of rioters,

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It was war against the Constitution. Did you miss that part?
I'm afraid you missed a lot of English classes. (On second thought, you probably wouldn't have learned anything if you had been there.)

We can use the word 'war' metaphorically -- the 'War against Cancer', the 'War against Drugs', the 'Global War on Terror'. But for serious people, words should be used as precisely as possible.

When we're talking about legal charges, this is especially true. So words like 'treason', 'terrorism' and similar highly-charged terms, need to be used precisely. (Mr Trump wanted to legally label AntiFa a 'terrorist' group, in the same category as the Weatherman. Wrong.)

Nor even metaphorically was the 6 January riot 'war against the Constitution'. To the extent that there was a rational purpose behind it, it was an attempt to pressure Congressmen not to certify the election. There are people who think the Constitution is outdated, written by heterosexual male white landowners and slaveowners ... but they're not on the Right.

(Although it's a great pleasure -- we need some laughs in these gloomy times -- to see a Leftist speaking well of our Constitution, even if it's just for tactical reasons, the same way that the liberals on the New York City Council who honoed the Soviet spy Ethel Rosenberg would no doubt, for the moment, call themselves 'patriots', if they found it to their advantage politically.)
The Jan 6 whatever-you-call-it (more than a riot, less than an insurrection) was a bonehead stunt and an enormous gift to the Left, a gift that will keep on giving for years.

It's what happens when you have a movement, but not an organization. Your demonstrations are vulnerable to crazies and provocateurs. Our demonstrations in the future must be stewarded by men who are properly trained and equipped to defend our meetings, and to deal with troublemakers.

However, these people are our own. They genuinely believed the election had been stolen, and got caught up in this crazy, pointless action. People don't act sensibly when they're in a crowd. But they're ours. So patriots must support them.

A good way to do this would be to send a letter or postcard to a prisoner. You can get their names and addresses here:
https://patriotmailproject dot com/

Yes, they might have BELIEVED the election was stolen, but that's because they're STUPID. Should we go to US prisons and release all of those who were stupid when committing their crimes?
The Proud Boys are trying to get Trump to testify on their behalf. They want him to confirm their claim that they were doing what Trump demanded.
If Biden were smart, he'd pardon all of the 6 January protestors, and explain that the real criminal was Trump, and try to drive a wedge between them and their supporters, on the one hand, and Trump on the other.

But I'm afraid that even Mr Trump was not stupid enough to say "Go invade the Capitol, attack the police, imitate AntiFa..." Whether he did enough to make sure this wouldn't happen is another matter.

The problem is, the ranks of the Right are naive. They still think we're living in the America they grew up in. They don't understand the sort of forces arrayed against them, including provocateurs (in the past used by the police against strikers and Leftists).

They don't understand, yet, that we're in a cold civil war, and we have to be organized and disciplined, and that hot-heads, stupid people, men with manhood problems, ex-criminals ... people like that who turn up and want to be part of our movement, are poison.

They will be, or under the right circumstances become, tools of the enemy. Not to mention paid infiltrators. (Whether infiltrators were involved in the 6 January events, I do not know. If they were, presumably their handlers were professional and made sure they were masked and avoided being arrested, or at least being charged ... except for the real pro's, for whom a month in jail because of 6 January will be ticket to the top in some sections of the Right.)

The lesson for patriots: we've got to get serious.

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