supply chain problems. I will bet most people here can't find this or that product anymore

I usually get store brand.

I bought store brand until Dollar Tree started carrying name brand products.
I was so happy when they were carrying Del Monte. I like their brand.

But it's been nice, since Dollar Tree has started carrying name brand stuff, I don't have to pay those outragious price gouging amounts at the grocery stores on a lot of stuff anymore. Especially since they put in a freezer section.
Unless our brain-dead President and his sterling Secretary of Transportation bust a move very soon, we will all be seeing a lot more shortages. The pending rail strike is a very dangerous pending disaster.
Unless our brain-dead President and his sterling Secretary of Transportation bust a move very soon, we will all be seeing a lot more shortages. The pending rail strike is a very dangerous pending disaster.
that rail strike has been pending for months. it's purely leverage and blackmail to get what they want.
Nearly every product line is dominated by only a couple of companies or just one, and with no competition there is no fear of losing shelf space, especially since WalMart as effectively taken over many suppliers; they can make more money by just stockpiling stuff and raising prices, and make out like bandits, pun intended. Same with oil companies and every other industry. Americans are mindless consumers and too stupid to do without for a day or two, instant gratification being their primary life focus.
Or the middle class as a whole... but never mind.

You really are a stupid person, aren't you?
What stinks about this is the money voted in by the Progs for Rail gave the employees the gumption to do this.
Um, okay, that was stupid.
maybe I should clarify?
my typical week
Friday pickup in Virginia, then pick up in New Jersey.
Saturday morning, delivery of the multiple warehouse pickups in Delaware. load is redistributed to to 50 or so trucks contracted and I'm reloaded with a multi stop load. I have my first of about 15 stops in Lincoln Nebraska on Monday. after multiple stops I finally reach Denver on Wednesday. I finish my offload and rest. if at any point the warehouse can't take the freight then a backup begins. sometimes the warehouse is literally waiting on you to get there so they can load their company trucks and have the product on the shelf that day.
The Federal govt. has been training the trucking industry's employees for many decades now, and still does; there must be 30 CDls issued for every truck out there, yet they continue to lie about 'driver shortages n stuff'. Fire the managers, and you get half the problem fixed. Remove the exemptions from Federal overtime laws bennie the govt. handed to trucking companies and you fix most of the other half.

People who put in over a hundred hours a week for 3 to 5 weeks at a stretch and sleep in the back of a truck at well below minimum wage deserve much better pay; if you don't think so just drive yourself to the production plants and pick up your own crap and quit sniveling about how the poor aren't working hard enough and cheap enough already.
The Federal govt. has been training the trucking industry's employees for many decades now, and still does; there must be 30 CDls issued for every truck out there, yet they continue to lie about 'driver shortages n stuff'. Fire the managers, and you get half the problem fixed. Remove the exemptions from Federal overtime laws bennie the govt. handed to trucking companies and you fix most of the other half.

People who put in over a hundred hours a week for 3 to 5 weeks at a stretch and sleep in the back of a truck at well below minimum wage deserve much better pay; if you don't think so just drive yourself to the production plants and pick up your own crap and quit sniveling about how the poor aren't working hard enough and cheap enough already.
I sold my truck a little over a year after eld because mandatory.

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