Super Bike killer .... normal people do not commit murder...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The typical anti gun meme is that normal, law abiding people will commit murder over the slightest problem....simply because they have access to a gun. Tonight on 48 Hours, a news show, they highlighted a man captured when they found a woman chained inside a shipping container, she and her husband had been missing and she was found alive.

The man they captured.......turns out to have been responsible for the Super Bike murders, 4 people murdered at a motor bike store, and had several more bodies found.........

And it turns out this killer had been a problem from the time he was 15 months old.....he was a classic Psychopath who was convicted as a teen to kidnapping and rape of a young girl....

The justice system pled down the incident to kidnapping, dropping the violent rape charge, and he served 14 years in prison.....after he got out he hid his killer instinct and became a Real estate agent.......

He murdered 7 people after his release.

So no.....normal people do not commit murder because of a fender bender in traffic, simply because they have a gun....

Research into the criminal mind shows that 90% of murderers have a long history of crime and violence, they are not normal, law abiding people who have a bad day.....

Cold case: 4 murdered mid-day in South Carolina motorsports shop

UPDATE Nov. 5: The Spartanburg County sheriff said Todd Kohlhepp, a sex offender accused of chaining up an Anderson woman and slaying her boyfriend, reportedly confessed to authorities that he is responsible for the murder of four victims in a motorsports store more than a decade ago.

In the arrest warrant, investigators said Kohlhepp "gave details specific that only the killer would know."

A high-profile murder mystery remains unsolved in Chesnee, South Carolina: Four people massacred in a motorsports shop in the middle of the day.

Seven minutes, four lives, one gun. A husband. A mother. A son. A friend. Owner Scott Ponder, Ponder's mother Beverly Guy, service manager Brian Lucas and mechanic Chris Sherbert were all found fatally shot on November 6, 2003.
Research into the criminal mind shows that 90% of murderers have a long history of crime and violence, they are not normal, law abiding people who have a bad day.....
How convenient you avoid posting this research.
He became a real estate agent. He found people homes. We should at least forgive him a murder for every home he helped sell.
Research into the criminal mind shows that 90% of murderers have a long history of crime and violence, they are not normal, law abiding people who have a bad day.....
How convenient you avoid posting this research.

Here is some information....

JURIST - The Criminology of Firearms

The whole corpus of criminological research dating back to the 1890'sshows murderers "almost uniformly have a long history of involvement in criminal behavior," and that "[v]irtually all" murderers and other gun criminals have prior felony records — generally long ones.

While only 15 percent of Americans have criminal records, roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have prior adult records — exclusive of their often extensive juvenile records — with crime careers of six or more adult years including four major felonies. Gerald D. Robin, writing for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,notes that, unlike ordinary gun owners, "the average murderer turns out to be no less hardened a criminal than the average robber or burglar."

Throughout this essay I highlight dramatic recantations by criminologists who previously endorsed stringent gun control. For example, Professor David Mustard has stated in an article [PDF] for the University of Pennsylvania Law Review:

And here...

Public Health and Gun Control --- A Review (Part II: Gun Violence and Constitutional Issues) | Hacienda Publishing

The fact is that the typical murderer has had a prior criminal history of at least six years with four felony arrests in his record before he finally commits murder.

(17) The FBI statistics reveal that 75 percent of all violent crimes for any locality are committed by six percent of hardened criminals and repeat offenders.(18)

Violent crimes continue to be a problem in the inner cities with gangs involved in the drug trade. Crimes in rural areas for both blacks and whites, despite the preponderance of guns in this setting, remain low.(11,19)

Research into the criminal mind shows that 90% of murderers have a long history of crime and violence, they are not normal, law abiding people who have a bad day.....
How convenient you avoid posting this research.

And here is some more....

One reason the extent of gun ownership in a society does not spur the murder rate is that murderers are not spread evenly throughout the population. Analysis of perpetrator studies shows that violent criminals—especially murderers—“almost uniformly have a long history of involvement in criminal behav‐ ior.”37 So it would not appreciably raise violence if all law‐ abiding, responsible people had firearms because they are not the ones who rape, rob, or murder.38 By the same token, violent crime would not fall if guns were totally banned to civilians. As the respective examples of Luxembourg and Russia suggest,39 individuals who commit violent crimes will either find guns despite severe controls or will find other weapons to use. 40


The “more guns equal more death” mantra seems plausible only when viewed through the rubric that murders mostly in‐ volve ordinary people who kill because they have access to a firearm when they get angry. If this were true, murder might well increase where people have ready access to firearms, but the available data provides no such correlation. Nations and

areas with more guns per capita do not have higher murder rates than those with fewer guns per capita.53

Nevertheless, critics of gun ownership often argue that a “gun in the closet to protect against burglars will most likely be used to shoot a spouse in a moment of rage . . . . The problem is you and me—law‐abiding folks;”54 that banning handgun posses‐ sion only for those with criminal records will “fail to protect us from the most likely source of handgun murder: ordinary citi‐ zens;”55 that “most gun‐related homicides . . . are the result of impulsive actions taken by individuals who have little or no criminal background or who are known to the victims;”56 that “the majority of firearm homicide[s occur] . . . not as the result of criminal activity, but because of arguments between people who know each other;”57 that each year there are thousands of gun murders “by law‐abiding citizens who might have stayed law‐abiding if they had not possessed firearms.”58

These comments appear to rest on no evidence and actually con‐ tradict facts that have so uniformly been established by homicide studies dating back to the 1890s that they have become “crimino‐ logical axioms.”59 Insofar as studies focus on perpetrators, they show that neither a majority, nor many, nor virtually any murder‐ ers are ordinary “law‐abiding citizens.”60

Rather, almost all mur‐ derers are extremely aberrant individuals with life histories of violence, psychopathology, substance abuse, and other dangerous behaviors. “The vast majority of persons involved in life‐ threatening violence have a long criminal record with many prior contacts with the justice system.”61 “Thus homicide—[whether] of a

stranger or [of] someone known to the offender—‘is usually part of a pattern of violence, engaged in by people who are known . . . as violence prone.’”62

Though only 15% of Americans over the age of 15 have arrest records,63 approximately 90 percent of “adult mur‐ derers have adult records, with an average adult criminal career [involving crimes committed as an adult rather than a child] of six or more years, including four major adult felony arrests.”64

These national statistics dovetail with data from local nineteenth and twentieth century studies. For example: victims as well as offenders [in 1950s and 1960s Philadelphia murders] . . . tended to be people with prior police records, usually for violent crimes such as as‐ sault.”65

“The great majority of both perpetrators and victims of [1970s Harlem] assaults and murders had previous [adult] arrests, probably over 80% or more.”66 Boston police and probation officers in the 1990s agreed that of those juvenile‐perpetrated murders where all the facts were known, virtually all were committed by gang members, though the killing was not necessarily gang‐ directed. 67 One example would be a gang member who stabs his girlfriend to death in a fit of anger.68 Regardless of their arrests for other crimes, 80% of 1997 Atlanta murder arrestees had at least one earlier drug offense with 70% having 3 or more prior drug of‐ fenses.69

A New York Times study of the 1,662 murders committed in that city in the years 2003–2005 found that “[m]ore than 90 percent of the killers had criminal records.”70 Baltimore police figures show that “92 percent of murder suspects had [prior] criminal records in 2006.”71 Several of the more recent homicide studies just reviewed
I don't live to far from where that happened, pretty creepy. never know who lives in your area......and you never know when these monsters are going to strike....
As a firearms owner, I can only speak for myself. I own multiple firearms, have a CCW and rarely leave home without it.
I have a gun safe and all my firearms are locked up for safety (excluding the one I carry). As a Hospital Corpsman in the military, I never harmed anyone, did save a couple of men though. I have no desire to run out and commit crimes and my handgun never leaves its holster unless I'm cleaning it or I'm at the range target shooting (my sport activity).
So, just because I own a firearm, doesn't mean that I am dangerous with it and want to run out and shoot someone.
When out and about, I avoid any confrontations and maintain a meek-mannered demeanor. For those who feel that they should strut about showing a gun at their hip, their testosterone is getting the better of them and they need to either not carry or at least conceal the thing to avoid confrontations.

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