Sun explodes in activity!!!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

2011 09 14 143 144 890


Flux is 143 and sun spot number is 144....The sun is waking up!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: OMFG, it is pissed!!!

If we start getting whole months of 100-140 sun spot numbers over the next 6 months...The negative will start going away within a year or so as the solar output shows up much faster within the global climate system then "co2" effects. Watch for a rise in global temperatures.
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2011 09 14 143 144 890

solarcycle - wwv

flux is 143 and sun spot number is 144....the sun is waking up!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Omfg, it is pissed!!!

if we start getting whole months of 100-140 sun spot numbers over the next 6 months...the negative will start going away within a year or so as the solar output shows up much faster within the global climate system then "co2" effects. Watch for a rise in global temperatures.

if people believe the climate is going to gradually change because of CO2 they may be wrong !! we need to take a closer look at drastic climate change that could happen in a very short period of time caused by the sun !!............OH THATS RIGHT LIBBS BELIEVE IT's ALL MAN MADE !!
if people believe the climate is going to gradually change because of CO2 they may be wrong !! we need to take a closer look at drastic climate change that could happen in a very short period of time caused by the sun !!............OH THATS RIGHT LIBBS BELIEVE IT's ALL MAN MADE !!

WRONG..., AGAIN!!! That's the "Big Lie" of the denier side, that the proponents ONLY consider GHGs. Nothing could be further from the truth. Why do you think the computer models are so complicated? Sort of trashes your argument, doesn't it?
Hmmm....... Very active sun, with strong El Nino somtime in the next two years, gonna be a hot time in the old towm tonight.

GHGs increasing faster than predicted, if the other factors all go positive, the effect are going to be dramatic.
if people believe the climate is going to gradually change because of CO2 they may be wrong !! we need to take a closer look at drastic climate change that could happen in a very short period of time caused by the sun !!............OH THATS RIGHT LIBBS BELIEVE IT's ALL MAN MADE !!

WRONG..., AGAIN!!! That's the "Big Lie" of the denier side, that the proponents ONLY consider GHGs. Nothing could be further from the truth. Why do you think the computer models are so complicated? Sort of trashes your argument, doesn't it?

As a pure aside:

Why are you wasting any time engaging in ANY discussion with a stupid piece of useless crap like Randi?

I don't care if you're liberal or conservative, Democratic or Republican. Any discussion with Randi is per-ordained to be pointless (except, perhaps, for those electing to just take a swipe at his stupidity for the humor of it).

Hell, in most cases, even reading his/her bullshit is more than enough of a waste of time.
if people believe the climate is going to gradually change because of CO2 they may be wrong !! we need to take a closer look at drastic climate change that could happen in a very short period of time caused by the sun !!............OH THATS RIGHT LIBBS BELIEVE IT's ALL MAN MADE !!

WRONG..., AGAIN!!! That's the "Big Lie" of the denier side, that the proponents ONLY consider GHGs. Nothing could be further from the truth. Why do you think the computer models are so complicated? Sort of trashes your argument, doesn't it?

As a pure aside:

Why are you wasting any time engaging in ANY discussion with a stupid piece of useless crap like Randi?

I don't care if you're liberal or conservative, Democratic or Republican. Any discussion with Randi is per-ordained to be pointless (except, perhaps, for those electing to just take a swipe at his stupidity for the humor of it).

Hell, in most cases, even reading his/her bullshit is more than enough of a waste of time.

Point taken. Why do you answer Frank's posts , then? You forced me to assume you're the third member of their triumvirate of stupidity. :doubt:
Increased CO2 causes sunspots. Can I get an amen?


Gas guzzlers make the Sun go splotchy; like sugar to a teen's face.

LOL!!! Another know-nothing with nothing to say. Nema!!! Got to say it backwards so Frank and others will understand. They get most things turned around or stood on its head. :eek:

No no. Gas guzzlers also caused Venus to turn into a God forsaken hell hole. And MARS? Please. it got warmer, too. Why? Gas guzzlers.

There's obviously (as wise folks like you and I know full well) absolutely no scientific basis to doubt the warmer faith. It's ALL man made. It's all our fault. Gas guzzlers! Fucking GAS GUZZLERS.
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WRONG..., AGAIN!!! That's the "Big Lie" of the denier side, that the proponents ONLY consider GHGs. Nothing could be further from the truth. Why do you think the computer models are so complicated? Sort of trashes your argument, doesn't it?

As a pure aside:

Why are you wasting any time engaging in ANY discussion with a stupid piece of useless crap like Randi?

I don't care if you're liberal or conservative, Democratic or Republican. Any discussion with Randi is per-ordained to be pointless (except, perhaps, for those electing to just take a swipe at his stupidity for the humor of it).

Hell, in most cases, even reading his/her bullshit is more than enough of a waste of time.

Point taken. Why do you answer Frank's posts , then? You forced me to assume you're the third member of their triumvirate of stupidity. :doubt:


Merely because YOU disagree with Frank or his manner of communicating his absolute disdain for the junk science of AGW does NOT mean that he is stupid. He's not.

And, while man may be behind SOME increase to the temperature here on planet Earth, there is a whole lot of excellent reason to doubt that OUR contribution is more than a blip compared to the contribution of that large yellow shining hot orb in the sky.

That said, you seem to suggest that CF is anywhere on par with the imbecile racist pile of shit Randi? Again, you are wrong. Randi is worthless. Period. YOUR disagreement with CF does not make CF worthless nor does it make him wrong. There's a great deal of reason to believe, instead, that in the AGW debate, YOU are the one who is wrong. VERY wrong.
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Hey, remember when the Warmers were telling us that CO2 got extra powerful because "The Sun was at its lowest level in 80 years"?

That can only mean that temperature will now spike a few degrees, right?
Hmmm....... Very active sun, with strong El Nino somtime in the next two years, gonna be a hot time in the old towm tonight.

GHGs increasing faster than predicted, if the other factors all go positive, the effect are going to be dramatic.

What happened to the "weakest Sun in 80 years"?
The global warming theory left him out in the cold.

Dr. Ivar Giaever, a former professor with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the 1973 winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, abruptly announced his resignation Tuesday, Sept. 13, from the premier physics society in disgust over its officially stated policy that "global warming is occurring."

The official position of the American Physical Society (APS) supports the theory that man's actions have inexorably led to the warming of the planet, through increased emissions of carbon dioxide.

Giaever does not agree -- and put it bluntly and succinctly in the subject line of his email, reprinted at Climate Depot, a website devoted to debunking the theory of man-made climate change.

* * * *

Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist Resigns Over Global Warming | Fox News
I live for the day when real scientists boot these fucking frauds from every college and University in this once great nation

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