Summer School

The high schools where I live do "Credit Recovery" Summer School. The kids that failed classes can do computer/internet tutorials and if successful get a grade for a failed class boosted to the minimum passing grade.
I presume these schools are completely voluntary, which by itself should make them more gooder.
A small class started today. 7 students from 6 different countries (originally).
Proud to say I never made it to summer school.

Our son took two summer school classes the summer before his freshman year. Got a couple of required classes out of the way. really helped him have the senior year he wanted. It worked out really well
Summer school was mostly for the dumb dumbs and for students who other studies kept them from being able to otherwise graduate on time and still take the classes they wanted. Seems to me that ROTC and some art students did it because that was two areas that had longer block classes.
There are a lot of opportunities during summer break for students who are wise enough to take advantage of them.
There are a lot of opportunities during summer break for students who are wise enough to take advantage of them.
It's not so much what they will learn in summer school, but the fact that they went that will benefit them.
So far the kids are doing great, and also having a pretty good time. We bring them tons of snacks and they have breakfast and lunch we work in some fun activities just to break up the day. After all, it is still summertime.

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