M14 Shooter
The Light of Truth
Let us say....
-Smith and Wesson legally produces a revolver
-S&W legally transfers this gun to a wholesaler
-The wholesaler legally transfers the gun to a dealer
-The dealer legally transfers the gun to a buyer
-The gun is stolen from the buyer by a criminal.
-The criminal sells the gun to another criminal
-The 2nd criminal uses the gun to kill several children.
Please submit a sound argument as to how S&W has a legal, criminal, or civil responsibility for the deaths of the children - that is, on what grounds can S&W be sued?
-Smith and Wesson legally produces a revolver
-S&W legally transfers this gun to a wholesaler
-The wholesaler legally transfers the gun to a dealer
-The dealer legally transfers the gun to a buyer
-The gun is stolen from the buyer by a criminal.
-The criminal sells the gun to another criminal
-The 2nd criminal uses the gun to kill several children.
Please submit a sound argument as to how S&W has a legal, criminal, or civil responsibility for the deaths of the children - that is, on what grounds can S&W be sued?