(1) 0% taxation on corporations in American! Look at the wonders the 0 Corporate tax has done for Dubai and look at the wonders the lowest corp law in Europe has done for Ireland!
(2) Eliminate the income and payroll tax - this would make our small businesses very very competitive. Especially with the folks South of the border!
(3)Appoint an economic czar,
But it should be someone with proven creditenials (esp one who didn't get caught cheating on his taxes) , such as Buffet!
(4) Tarriffs
Selective use of Tariffs for strategic and endangered industries to prevent their loss. I am very shaking in this one because it goes against a lot of what I believe in and I am a very aware of the effect of the Hawley-Smoot Anti-Tariff's effect in the '20s. But it should at least be looked into.
(5) WTO:
Withdraw from the WTO. It doesn't benefit us. It creates agreements that hurt us! We should only consider remaining in it, if we can benefit off it. Listen to Ron Paul on this one, "Its not free trade, if it takes away any advantages to the US and gives it all to the other quote unquote trade partners."
(6) Control our Balance of Trade Deficit. ==> Yes I know easier said than done. But it should an objective not a fantasy!
(7) International trade Agreements:
Analyze every international trade deal. Again listen to Ron Paul, "ask yourself does it benefit America? If the answer NO, then either renegotiate it or eliminate it." Currently most our deals do not. Such as NAFTA and CAFTA! Replace Free trade agreement with ones that actually benefit America and Americans. Also use the Duncan Hunter mirror tactics. If a country uses a block against us, then we mirror that against them. China for example has tarriffs and taxes on some US imports to China, yet we have nothing countering it for their goods.
(8) Outsource Manufacturing and Technology:
We should attempt to discourage technology transfer and outsourcing manufacturing if it causes us to lose industries. 0% taxation via the fair tax would accomplish this, in conjunction with selective tarriffs and reduced regulations!
(9) Enforce Illegal Immigration Law:
Start with the employers, hospitals, sanctuary cities and landlords. Employers pay illegals pennies for jobs that American citizens can do. It hits all sectors of the agriculture, construction and even manufacturing sector. Yes it saves us money at the store, but it also reduces wages all the way around. Hospitals and schools, especially in CA, AZ, NM and TX, give a lot of free services to Illegals and Americans end up fronting the bill. Why are healthcare and education costs so expensive, hospitals and schools like every American business, needs to make up for losses they incure. When we give free healthcare and education to illegals, they are 100% losses on the hospital's and school's books. Look at CA right now the illegal immigrant center! They are bankrupt! Imagine if you paid taxes in CA right now and the CA government gave you an IOU for your return, yet you pay the highest taxes in the nation. It is said that it the CA government cut off all Illegals from healthcare, education, welfare and unemployment then CA would have a budget surplus!
(10) Energy!!!
Drill here Drill now. I saw a report that we have more domestic oil reserves than Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and Venezuela, yet we don't tap into it. The high gas prices are bleeding us dry. I know prices have come down, but remember when they were $5 a gallon, it bled me dry. It will go back up sooner or later. Drill in ANWR, drill off the coast lines, drill in UT, NV & WY and drill in the oceans! In the meantime push big time for alternative fueled automobiles that don't run on our food supply (aka no ethanol!). Build more refineries! Build more nuclear power plants. Lastly, but not least, outlaw future trading of oil. This has driven up the price of oil more than the scarcity of oil. To he11 with the free market on oil future trading, its killing us!
(11) Promote education! Based in intelligence and behavior!
And educated work force competes globally. It shouldn't start in college it should start when they are growing. The hell with the PC of treating all children the same, when they turn to adults they will find out quickly (as all of us have) that the world treats us based on the merits of your intelligence, drive, personality, looks, friendships and achievements.
First, No more free education to illegals. Look at CA free education and healthcare has sunk them
Second, Have schools sectioned off by intelligence and valid scoring system. Give teachers and schools more power to take actions against disruptive students. Teachers and schools should have more power to remove students that are disruptive to children that want to learn. School should be a year round affair. Promote math and science more, giving more credits to this classes as incentive. Teach business in school including introduction to the stock market and world economy. Education is where it starts.
Here is how my system works. All children go to general schools starting form 4-8, during this time each child in evaluated while in the class room by specialist. At age 6 the children are split into 5 schools. 1st one is for the genius with low behavior problems. 2nd is for smart, but not genius level with low behavior problems. The 3rd is well the not so smart, but low behavior problems. The 4th is good intelligence but behavior problems and the 5th is the no so smart and behavior problems. Obviously there would be multiple schools for each level. Each school would be geared towards the child. Obviously the geniuses would have more math, science etc. And the low intelligence behavior problem would be gear more towards labor and other jobs and have a more military type approach. From 6-8 they are still evaluated and could move either up or down. Them after that they could still move up or down, but not as easily. This would take a whole thread, so I will stop here.
(12) Curtail subsidies foreign owned companies receive from our State Governments.
(2) Eliminate the income and payroll tax - this would make our small businesses very very competitive. Especially with the folks South of the border!
(3)Appoint an economic czar,
But it should be someone with proven creditenials (esp one who didn't get caught cheating on his taxes) , such as Buffet!
(4) Tarriffs
Selective use of Tariffs for strategic and endangered industries to prevent their loss. I am very shaking in this one because it goes against a lot of what I believe in and I am a very aware of the effect of the Hawley-Smoot Anti-Tariff's effect in the '20s. But it should at least be looked into.
(5) WTO:
Withdraw from the WTO. It doesn't benefit us. It creates agreements that hurt us! We should only consider remaining in it, if we can benefit off it. Listen to Ron Paul on this one, "Its not free trade, if it takes away any advantages to the US and gives it all to the other quote unquote trade partners."
(6) Control our Balance of Trade Deficit. ==> Yes I know easier said than done. But it should an objective not a fantasy!
(7) International trade Agreements:
Analyze every international trade deal. Again listen to Ron Paul, "ask yourself does it benefit America? If the answer NO, then either renegotiate it or eliminate it." Currently most our deals do not. Such as NAFTA and CAFTA! Replace Free trade agreement with ones that actually benefit America and Americans. Also use the Duncan Hunter mirror tactics. If a country uses a block against us, then we mirror that against them. China for example has tarriffs and taxes on some US imports to China, yet we have nothing countering it for their goods.
(8) Outsource Manufacturing and Technology:
We should attempt to discourage technology transfer and outsourcing manufacturing if it causes us to lose industries. 0% taxation via the fair tax would accomplish this, in conjunction with selective tarriffs and reduced regulations!
(9) Enforce Illegal Immigration Law:
Start with the employers, hospitals, sanctuary cities and landlords. Employers pay illegals pennies for jobs that American citizens can do. It hits all sectors of the agriculture, construction and even manufacturing sector. Yes it saves us money at the store, but it also reduces wages all the way around. Hospitals and schools, especially in CA, AZ, NM and TX, give a lot of free services to Illegals and Americans end up fronting the bill. Why are healthcare and education costs so expensive, hospitals and schools like every American business, needs to make up for losses they incure. When we give free healthcare and education to illegals, they are 100% losses on the hospital's and school's books. Look at CA right now the illegal immigrant center! They are bankrupt! Imagine if you paid taxes in CA right now and the CA government gave you an IOU for your return, yet you pay the highest taxes in the nation. It is said that it the CA government cut off all Illegals from healthcare, education, welfare and unemployment then CA would have a budget surplus!
(10) Energy!!!
Drill here Drill now. I saw a report that we have more domestic oil reserves than Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and Venezuela, yet we don't tap into it. The high gas prices are bleeding us dry. I know prices have come down, but remember when they were $5 a gallon, it bled me dry. It will go back up sooner or later. Drill in ANWR, drill off the coast lines, drill in UT, NV & WY and drill in the oceans! In the meantime push big time for alternative fueled automobiles that don't run on our food supply (aka no ethanol!). Build more refineries! Build more nuclear power plants. Lastly, but not least, outlaw future trading of oil. This has driven up the price of oil more than the scarcity of oil. To he11 with the free market on oil future trading, its killing us!
(11) Promote education! Based in intelligence and behavior!
And educated work force competes globally. It shouldn't start in college it should start when they are growing. The hell with the PC of treating all children the same, when they turn to adults they will find out quickly (as all of us have) that the world treats us based on the merits of your intelligence, drive, personality, looks, friendships and achievements.
First, No more free education to illegals. Look at CA free education and healthcare has sunk them
Second, Have schools sectioned off by intelligence and valid scoring system. Give teachers and schools more power to take actions against disruptive students. Teachers and schools should have more power to remove students that are disruptive to children that want to learn. School should be a year round affair. Promote math and science more, giving more credits to this classes as incentive. Teach business in school including introduction to the stock market and world economy. Education is where it starts.
Here is how my system works. All children go to general schools starting form 4-8, during this time each child in evaluated while in the class room by specialist. At age 6 the children are split into 5 schools. 1st one is for the genius with low behavior problems. 2nd is for smart, but not genius level with low behavior problems. The 3rd is well the not so smart, but low behavior problems. The 4th is good intelligence but behavior problems and the 5th is the no so smart and behavior problems. Obviously there would be multiple schools for each level. Each school would be geared towards the child. Obviously the geniuses would have more math, science etc. And the low intelligence behavior problem would be gear more towards labor and other jobs and have a more military type approach. From 6-8 they are still evaluated and could move either up or down. Them after that they could still move up or down, but not as easily. This would take a whole thread, so I will stop here.
(12) Curtail subsidies foreign owned companies receive from our State Governments.