Suddenly i See the Mortality Rate Dropping Drastically

Probably 80 million in the US alone. At minimum i think the corona death rate is at least 10 times less than reported.
Probably 80 million in the US alone. At minimum i think the corona death rate is at least 10 times less than reported.
They tell us this virus is unbelievably contagious, but dont worry, the only people carrying the virus are those "they" have tested. Nobody at your supermarket (where 90% of us are at least weekly) is carrying the virus.

There are not millions of us who have had the virus or are currently spreading it. That's what they want you to believe.
Probably 80 million in the US alone. At minimum i think the corona death rate is at least 10 times less than reported.
They tell us this virus is unbelievably contagious, but dont worry, the only people carrying the virus are those "they" have tested. Nobody at your supermarket (where 90% of us are at least weekly) is carrying the virus.

There are not millions of us who have had the virus or are currently spreading it. That's what they want you to believe.

I personally think just about everyone has had it.
Probably 80 million in the US alone. At minimum i think the corona death rate is at least 10 times less than reported.
They tell us this virus is unbelievably contagious, but dont worry, the only people carrying the virus are those "they" have tested. Nobody at your supermarket (where 90% of us are at least weekly) is carrying the virus.

There are not millions of us who have had the virus or are currently spreading it. That's what they want you to believe.

I personally think just about everyone has had it.
Yep. Still believe I had it in late November along with my coworkers (one was out for a week)
Well, the good news is, Wuhan has reopened along with the wet markets. What could go wrong in a communist state where people have access to the best information government can provide?
Probably 80 million in the US alone. At minimum i think the corona death rate is at least 10 times less than reported.

Yes, 10X # of infections is low end. Anywhere from 10X to 200X, most likely. Very large range but those are the numbers I've seen. That itself is indicative of the fact that we really have no idea how many people have actually been infected. I saw a Harvard epidemiologists call the top end >300X in the earlier days of this. Posted a thread on it, actually. No doubt it's much higher than the numbers we're looking at though.
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I got pnemonia 2/22 but was bacterial and antibiotics and inhaler worked but awful for 4 days.
A version of a cold virus (and I caught a head cold two weeks ago in spite of obsessive social distancing and hand washing) that is contagious between people simply talking and that can sustain on a surface for 3 days or more, must have already infected almost everyone by now.
A version of a cold virus (and I caught a head cold two weeks ago in spite of obsessive social distancing and hand washing) that is contagious between people simply talking and that can sustain on a surface for 3 days or more, must have already infected almost everyone by now.

Absolutely has infected a lot more people than we know and probably still is, most likely several times the number of reported cases. I've seen numbers anywhere from 10X to 200X and up of actual cases relative to reported cases.

This infectiousness may also be why the curves are acting as if people are not adhering to social distancing. Birx complained about it, based on how the data was acting. So did Pritzker here in Illinois. It has helped to some degree to slow it (probably/maybe?), but not what was expected. The result has been that days to peak have been reduced in both cases, nationally and here in Illinois, relative to what those models projected.

In Illinois that peak was originally projected as April 20, then it got rolled back to the 15th. This morning it shows the 11th, ie, 2 days from now.
so let's end this nonsense and get back to work

Suddenly we're getting the actual numbers


We're not getting actual numbers.

This document is from, new instructions (at the time) for counting deaths. Look at the last paragraph.

COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.

What they're telling us, if you're not tested, but if it looks you have symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath), and later die, you will be counted as dead from COVID-19. That's interesting, since coincidentally flu have the same symptoms.
so let's end this nonsense and get back to work

Suddenly we're getting the actual numbers


We're not getting actual numbers.

This document is from, new instructions (at the time) for counting deaths. Look at the last paragraph.

COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.

What they're telling us, if you're not tested, but if it looks you have symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath), and later die, you will be counted as dead from COVID-19. That's interesting, since coincidentally flu have the same symptoms.
Then I guess Trump should get those tests out that he promised anyone who wants one could get

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