Sudden Athlete Deaths Over Ten Times Higher Since Vaccine Roll-Out


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

(August 2023): The International Olympic Committee reports that between 1966 and 2004, an average of 29 pro athletes each year died suddenly, “predominantly caused by pre-existing congenital cardiac abnormalities.” But since the COVID vaccine roll-out, over 1,400 pro athletes have died in 2021, 2022, and 2023 alone, as of August 2023. This is an enormous over ten-fold jump in magnitude, per year, on average. reports:

“The International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, studied documents from international data banks from 1966 to 2004. Those documents indicate 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under 35 years of age, over 38 years, an average of 29 athletes per year, the sports with the highest incidence being soccer and basketball. Note the document says those sudden deaths were “predominantly caused by pre-existing congenital cardiac abnormalities.

“…96 were reported in the month of January 2022 alone, 416 in 2021, 791 in 2022 and 138 in 2023. None of these new deaths were reported to be due to congenital abnormalities, the primary cause found in previous years.”

In her rebuttal to British MP Andrew Bridgen’s recent speech on COVID vaccines and the last two years’ explosion of non-COVID, unexplained excess deaths in the UK and around the world, MP Maria Caulfield tried to bat away MP Bridgen’s searing indictment of the COVID vaccine roll-outs as the culprit by blaming the flu and other diseases

Caulfield said

“I will start with winter flu. The number of positive tests last year peaked at 31.8%, the highest figure seen in the last six years. Interim analysis from the UKHSA indicates that the number of deaths in England associated with flu was far higher than pre-pandemic levels, so the excess deaths due to flu last winter are, sadly, part of the answer.”

(August 2023): The International Olympic Committee reports that between 1966 and 2004, an average of 29 pro athletes each year died suddenly, “predominantly caused by pre-existing congenital cardiac abnormalities.” But since the COVID vaccine roll-out, over 1,400 pro athletes have died in 2021, 2022, and 2023 alone, as of August 2023. This is an enormous over ten-fold jump in magnitude, per year, on average. reports:

Real Science (



  • Overall, we rate Real Science ( right biased and Questionable based on the promotion of quackery-level pseudoscience, the use of poor sources, propaganda, failed fact checks, and a complete lack of transparency.

Caulfield said

“I will start with winter flu. The number of positive tests last year peaked at 31.8%, the highest figure seen in the last six years. Interim analysis from the UKHSA indicates that the number of deaths in England associated with flu was far higher than pre-pandemic levels, so the excess deaths due to flu last winter are, sadly, part of the answer.”

coronanews is just a site that doesn't even own it's own domain name. And it's rated about the same as the site. There hasn't been one iota of fact that came out of this site.

Real Science (



  • Overall, we rate Real Science ( right biased and Questionable based on the promotion of quackery-level pseudoscience, the use of poor sources, propaganda, failed fact checks, and a complete lack of transparency.

coronanews is just a site that doesn't even own it's own domain name. And it's rated about the same as the site. There hasn't been one iota of fact that came out of this site.
It's not so easy to get your own domain name since GoDaddy bought up over half of them. :102:

What do you know about that?
It's not so easy to get your own domain name since GoDaddy bought up over half of them. :102:

What do you know about that?

Go my own domain name. It takes about 5 minutes start to finish. I don't use it for much except email these days. But I used to own and operate a Nationwide ISP service. Tell you what, you give me a domain name you are looking for and I'll run a search. Meanwhile, go to and click on videos and enjoy some vids.
Go my own domain name. It takes about 5 minutes start to finish. I don't use it for much except email these days. But I used to own and operate a Nationwide ISP service. Tell you what, you give me a domain name you are looking for and I'll run a search. Meanwhile, go to and click on videos and enjoy some vids.
I can run my own searches, thank you.
Then you know you are full of crap.
Thanks .
You found the very word I was diligently searching for and to go with Gullible .

Why do you think Fact Checking suddenly appeared ?
Answer :- To manipulate Gullible people like you to believe in Crap .

(August 2023): The International Olympic Committee reports that between 1966 and 2004, an average of 29 pro athletes each year died suddenly, “predominantly caused by pre-existing congenital cardiac abnormalities.” But since the COVID vaccine roll-out, over 1,400 pro athletes have died in 2021, 2022, and 2023 alone, as of August 2023. This is an enormous over ten-fold jump in magnitude, per year, on average. reports:

“The International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, studied documents from international data banks from 1966 to 2004. Those documents indicate 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under 35 years of age, over 38 years, an average of 29 athletes per year, the sports with the highest incidence being soccer and basketball. Note the document says those sudden deaths were “predominantly caused by pre-existing congenital cardiac abnormalities.

“…96 were reported in the month of January 2022 alone, 416 in 2021, 791 in 2022 and 138 in 2023. None of these new deaths were reported to be due to congenital abnormalities, the primary cause found in previous years.”

In her rebuttal to British MP Andrew Bridgen’s recent speech on COVID vaccines and the last two years’ explosion of non-COVID, unexplained excess deaths in the UK and around the world, MP Maria Caulfield tried to bat away MP Bridgen’s searing indictment of the COVID vaccine roll-outs as the culprit by blaming the flu and other diseases

Caulfield said

“I will start with winter flu. The number of positive tests last year peaked at 31.8%, the highest figure seen in the last six years. Interim analysis from the UKHSA indicates that the number of deaths in England associated with flu was far higher than pre-pandemic levels, so the excess deaths due to flu last winter are, sadly, part of the answer.”
The Trump vaccine strikes again.

Why is Gym Jordin not leading an investigation into Trump actions in creating and promoting the Trump vaccine?

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