Suck it up Buttercup!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

U.S. Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, standing on the bed of a bright red truck, delivered a passionate defense of her votes opposing U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan's bid for House speaker

“I am never going to quit fighting for Iowa, and I am never going to quit fighting for this country," Miller-Meeks yelled at her annual fundraiser event Friday night. "So if you think you can intimidate me, go … suck it up, buttercup!"

“I’m not a Democrat. I am a proud Republican," Miller-Meeks said. "Why do I want to get appropriations bills across? … It’s because every one of those appropriations bills has Republican priorities and Republican policies."

Essentially, she is saying that Jordon and the conservatives threatened ending the massive spending, thus possible future government shutdowns. So, she is going to continue to vote like a democrat, while at the same time, assuring everyone she is not.

For congressman Meeks, the crazies are the ones that are concerned with the largest debt created in human history and not those who created it.

RIP Unites States, the government by and for the democrat Marxists

She is complaining that spending will be voted on. As in, border wall, yes or no. Then the will vote on Ukraine spending, yes or no. The wind turbines, yes or no.

Meeks wants one giant budget where we can not vote no for iowa's billions in subsidies.

U.S. Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, standing on the bed of a bright red truck, delivered a passionate defense of her votes opposing U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan's bid for House speaker

“I am never going to quit fighting for Iowa, and I am never going to quit fighting for this country," Miller-Meeks yelled at her annual fundraiser event Friday night. "So if you think you can intimidate me, go … suck it up, buttercup!"

“I’m not a Democrat. I am a proud Republican," Miller-Meeks said. "Why do I want to get appropriations bills across? … It’s because every one of those appropriations bills has Republican priorities and Republican policies."

Essentially, she is saying that Jordon and the conservatives threatened ending the massive spending, thus possible future government shutdowns. So, she is going to continue to vote like a democrat, while at the same time, assuring everyone she is not.

For congressman Meeks, the crazies are the ones that are concerned with the largest debt created in human history and not those who created it.

RIP Unites States, the government by and for the democrat Marxists
You are a total sap. A rube. A credulous moron. You willfully ignore reality.

Show me where the Republicans opposed Trump's $8 trillion debt.

When Trump entered the White House, and the Republicans controlled both the House and Senate, they immediately set to work doubling the deficit.

They say the devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn't exist.

The Republicans' greatest trick is convincing rubes like you they are fiscally responsible.
$8 trillion of the federal debt was created on Trump's watch.

Another $5 trillion was created on Bush's watch.

I am sick and tired of the idiot rubes around here who spew this bullshit that the Republicans are trying to reduce the debt.

That is total BULLSHIT.

The only time the Republicans ever talk about reducing the debt is when there is a Democrat in the White House. But whenever they get their hands on the fiscal reins, they OUTSPEND the Democratic predecessor.

Every. Fucking. Time.

How the FUCK does any goddam moron fall for this fucking hoax that Republicans want to cut spending? How many fucking pounds of goddam brain damage does one have to have to fall for that brazen chicanery?!?!
Democrats: Tax and spend

Republicans: Borrow and spend

I honestly don't know which is worse.
In January of 2020, when Trump was POTUS, we were AT PEACE, the economy was BOOMING, people had hope for their futures...

Then dimocrap FILTH found a way to steal an election. So they did. You did.

You can deny it all you want but the reality is -- dimocrap FILTH stole a presidential and installed THE worst POTUS in American History and quite possibly the worst leader in Human History.

There will be a reckoning. And I hope it is a terrible reckoning
In January of 2020, when Trump was POTUS, we were AT PEACE, the economy was BOOMING, people had hope for their futures...

Then dimocrap FILTH found a way to steal an election. So they did. You did.

You can deny it all you want but the reality is -- dimocrap FILTH stole a presidential and installed THE worst POTUS in American History and quite possibly the worst leader in Human History.

There will be a reckoning. And I hope it is a terrible reckoning

Trump's tariffs killed US soybean farmers. Brazil was thrilled and Trump gave the farmers welfare.
Then dimocrap FILTH found a way to steal an election. So they did. You did.
Any time someone makes this claim, they automatically disqualify themselves from the conversation.

The Big Lie is right up there with Bigfoot, UFOs, Loose Change, the flat Earth, and the moon landing conspiracy theories.
In January of 2020, when Trump was POTUS, we were AT PEACE, the economy was BOOMING, people had hope for their futures...
US GDP growth was at 2.1 percent in January 2020. US GDP growth never even got close to Trump's promised 4 to 6 percent growth during his entire term.

Guess where US GDP growth is right now, this very moment?

2.1 percent.

Difference being that all those idiots had super-high inflation to go along with their GDP increase. So high it, in fact, negated the gains in GDP.

Not Trump. We had a booming economy and the Fed was worried about DEflation. Remember? Of course you don't. You only know what your Slave Masters in the fucking media tell you.

Thanks to President Trump’s policies, the American economy is weathering the global pandemic better than any other major Western country, including those of Europe. As the Council of Economic Advisers wrote this morning:

While the pandemic hit every major economy around the world, the United States experienced the least severe economic contraction of any major Western economy in the first half of 2020, with the Euro Area economy’s contraction being 1.5 times as severe as the contraction of the U.S. economy.

Since April, America has gained over 11.4 million jobs, recovering more than half of those lost because of lockdowns. Retail sales are already above pre-pandemic levels, many construction and manufacturing jobs have returned, business activity is at a 20-month high, and new jobless claims fell to their lowest level this week since the beginning of the pandemic.

This “V-shaped” recovery is beating economist predictions and outpacing the slow recovery under (me) (the total scumbag and gaywad) former President Obama.
we were AT PEACE
We are still at peace. It took Biden to get us out of Afghanistan. Trump failed to fulfill that promise.

I cannot think of a single promise Trump fulfilled, other than a tax cut for the rich which added to our debt.

I can name at least 30 promises Trump failed to fulfill.
Difference being that all those idiots had super-high inflation to go along with their GDP increase. So high it, in fact, negated the gains in GDP.

Not Trump. We had a booming economy and the Fed was worried about DEflation. Remember? Of course you don't. You only know what your Slave Masters in the fucking media tell you.

If the economy was as good as claimed we wouldn't have still been pumping all four years.

Everytime it was mentioned that it needed to stop Trump would go on one of his tirades.
Difference being that all those idiots had super-high inflation to go along with their GDP increase. So high it, in fact, negated the gains in GDP.

Not Trump. We had a booming economy and the Fed was worried about DEflation. Remember? Of course you don't.
No one was worried about deflation, moron.

With all the massive spending by Obama and Trump, ZIRP, and the Fed's ballooning balance sheet, everyone was worried about inflation.

And that concern came to fruition after Trump left a giant mess behind.

The only time deflation became a concern was during Trump's economic crash, and Bush's economic crash.
There is a common denominator here. All Jordon had to do was not be a dick and he is speaker of the house today.
Said so from day one; Trumpism is about sticking it to someone; it really doesn’t matter who. Because to him and his supporters...all of this is just a game.

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