Stupid things Republicans believe - Public Policy Polling

Well for one thing the MSM publication NewsWeek's Editor thinks Obama is well here in his own words...
I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters
Is that a LIE???

What's the difference between Barack Obama and god? God doesnt think he's Obama.
32% of Democrats, think that George W. Bush had prior knowledge of 9/11, the so-called "truther" belief.

Nearly 30% of NJ GOP Voters Believe Obama Could Be the AntiChrist | HULIQ

How do you know they are wrong?

Because sometimes you just have to use common sense. We all know based on your posting history that you sometimes struggle with this.

There is every chance that Romney takes all 50 states and the DC. I doubt that will happen, but it's a chance. There is an excellent chance that Romney will come close to Reagan's drubbing of Carter in 1980.

Only during this administration. During the last one, I'm sure it was liberals that were more likely to believe conspiracy theories.

A small few believed Bush was responsible for 9/11, sure, but I'm guessing that was about it.

A small few think Obama doesn't want to ban guns.

Because sometimes you just have to use common sense. We all know based on your posting history that you sometimes struggle with this.

There is every chance that Romney takes all 50 states and the DC. I doubt that will happen, but it's a chance. There is an excellent chance that Romney will come close to Reagan's drubbing of Carter in 1980.
Really, that's your answer? Waht a moron.
I had not counted on the Obama fraud machine in action. Otherwise I am sure Romney would have rivalled Reagan's victory.
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Conspiracy Theories Round Two: Republicans More Likely To Subscribe to Government Conspiracy Theories - Public Policy Polling

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

Do you suppose that you leftists are immune to stupid ideas?

The greatest and most harmful lefty delusion is that everyone is equal - not just equal in th eyes of the law but inherienly, genetically equal. Of equal character and equal ability.

If A has a job, lives in a nice home, looks after his wife and children, pays his taxes and keeps the laws while B has never worked, lives in a slum in the spells between his time in prison this must be, in the leftist mind, because there is a FAULT IN THE SYSTEM. That A is somehow 'better' than B is an idea that cannot be tolerated.

So the leftists first recourse is to take assets away from A and then to embark on ever more bizarre social engineering projects. Somewhere at the end of their magic rainbow is the blissful land where everyone is EQUAL.

Socialists have attempted to impose equality times without number and always failed. But that won't stop people like you Billy, blind to the realities of human differences, inventing ever more absurd political programmes.

Please tell me more about how the country would be better off with less equality, be sure to actually name the people who deserve less consideration than you.

In my country as in yours everyone should have the same consideration. But the attempts by leftists to make them economically 'equal' will in the future as in the past simply result in levelling down. Even the Chinese Communists learnt this lesson. They understand that general prosperity depends on allowing some people to be richer than others. China is THE example of a country hat is 'better off with less equality'.

Sorry - I see you wanted a name of someone who's views deserve less consideration. Here is one for you: Occupied.
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Conspiracy Theories Round Two: Republicans More Likely To Subscribe to Government Conspiracy Theories - Public Policy Polling

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

Do you suppose that you leftists are immune to stupid ideas?

The greatest and most harmful lefty delusion is that everyone is equal - not just equal in th eyes of the law but inherienly, genetically equal. Of equal character and equal ability.

If A has a job, lives in a nice home, looks after his wife and children, pays his taxes and keeps the laws while B has never worked, lives in a slum in the spells between his time in prison this must be, in the leftist mind, because there is a FAULT IN THE SYSTEM. That A is somehow 'better' than B is an idea that cannot be tolerated.

So the leftists first recourse is to take assets away from A and then to embark on ever more bizarre social engineering projects. Somewhere at the end of their magic rainbow is the blissful land where everyone is EQUAL.

Socialists have attempted to impose equality times without number and always failed. But that won't stop people like you Billy, blind to the realities of human differences, inventing ever more absurd political programmes.

Doesn't sound like any lefties I know. Which right wing guru are you getting your ideas from?
Do you suppose that you leftists are immune to stupid ideas?

The greatest and most harmful lefty delusion is that everyone is equal - not just equal in th eyes of the law but inherienly, genetically equal. Of equal character and equal ability.

If A has a job, lives in a nice home, looks after his wife and children, pays his taxes and keeps the laws while B has never worked, lives in a slum in the spells between his time in prison this must be, in the leftist mind, because there is a FAULT IN THE SYSTEM. That A is somehow 'better' than B is an idea that cannot be tolerated.

So the leftists first recourse is to take assets away from A and then to embark on ever more bizarre social engineering projects. Somewhere at the end of their magic rainbow is the blissful land where everyone is EQUAL.

Socialists have attempted to impose equality times without number and always failed. But that won't stop people like you Billy, blind to the realities of human differences, inventing ever more absurd political programmes.

Please tell me more about how the country would be better off with less equality, be sure to actually name the people who deserve less consideration than you.

In my country as in yours everyone should have the same consideration. But the attempts by leftists to make them economically 'equal' will in the future as in the past simply result in levelling down. Even the Chinese Communists learnt this lesson. They understand that general prosperity depends on allowing some people to be richer than others. China is THE example of a country hat is 'better off with less equality'.

Sorry - I see you wanted a name of someone who's views deserve less consideration. Here is one for you: Occupied.

By all measures there has been no leveling down at all, more like the opposite.
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Conspiracy Theories Round Two: Republicans More Likely To Subscribe to Government Conspiracy Theories - Public Policy Polling

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

Yey we have real evidence of what 100% of Democrats believe. Low.Information.Voters = Worst.President.Ever.

[ame=]Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube[/ame]
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Conspiracy Theories Round Two: Republicans More Likely To Subscribe to Government Conspiracy Theories - Public Policy Polling

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

Do you suppose that you leftists are immune to stupid ideas?

The greatest and most harmful lefty delusion is that everyone is equal - not just equal in th eyes of the law but inherienly, genetically equal. Of equal character and equal ability.

If A has a job, lives in a nice home, looks after his wife and children, pays his taxes and keeps the laws while B has never worked, lives in a slum in the spells between his time in prison this must be, in the leftist mind, because there is a FAULT IN THE SYSTEM. That A is somehow 'better' than B is an idea that cannot be tolerated.

So the leftists first recourse is to take assets away from A and then to embark on ever more bizarre social engineering projects. Somewhere at the end of their magic rainbow is the blissful land where everyone is EQUAL.

Socialists have attempted to impose equality times without number and always failed. But that won't stop people like you Billy, blind to the realities of human differences, inventing ever more absurd political programmes.

Please tell me more about how the country would be better off with less equality, be sure to actually name the people who deserve less consideration than you.

Please tell me how the country would be better off with more and more people kept on the plantation, be sure to actually name the people who deserve to be cared for from cradle to grave on my dime.
56% of Americans polled regardless of party affiliation don't trust the president. A similar of Americans indicated Barry Hussein is an incompetent liar. You can bet your ass(ets) that Hussein would confiscate all guns if he could get away with it.
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Conspiracy Theories Round Two: Republicans More Likely To Subscribe to Government Conspiracy Theories - Public Policy Polling

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

Do you suppose that you leftists are immune to stupid ideas?

The greatest and most harmful lefty delusion is that everyone is equal - not just equal in th eyes of the law but inherienly, genetically equal. Of equal character and equal ability.

If A has a job, lives in a nice home, looks after his wife and children, pays his taxes and keeps the laws while B has never worked, lives in a slum in the spells between his time in prison this must be, in the leftist mind, because there is a FAULT IN THE SYSTEM. That A is somehow 'better' than B is an idea that cannot be tolerated.

So the leftists first recourse is to take assets away from A and then to embark on ever more bizarre social engineering projects. Somewhere at the end of their magic rainbow is the blissful land where everyone is EQUAL.

Socialists have attempted to impose equality times without number and always failed. But that won't stop people like you Billy, blind to the realities of human differences, inventing ever more absurd political programmes.

Where do people like you come up with this stupid shit?

Hey, to lend you a little credibility, link to the information you used to make your claim about how "leftists" feel about this equality issue.

And about your "equal" thoughts. You do know that it is the Repubs that believe we are all equal. Why every day I hear about how we should all pay "equal" percentages in taxes.

Nothing says "equal" in a Repubs mind like the idea of "equal" taxes.

Equal "opportunity" dumbshit. The only people holding people back are Democrats trying to social engineer. You know, the whole give a man a fish/teach a man to fish thing.
Stupid things Republicans believe? Oh that's easy.

A stupid Republican believes that there is a mythical creature called a blue dog Democrat who lives in a land of moderate liberalism and would never ever ever in a quizzillion years stab a Republican in the back.
let's see. Yuppers here's another thing stupid Republicans believe in.

That if they are just "mavericky" and bitch slap their own party and fellow lawmakers around enough that the media will one day fall in love with them.
let's see. Yuppers here's another thing stupid Republicans believe in.

That if they are just "mavericky" and bitch slap their own party and fellow lawmakers around enough that the media will one day fall in love with them.

That they need to listen to the media to decide who is "electable."
Oooh oooh oooh.

Coming in at number one with a bullet!!!!!

A stupid Republican believes that if they just keep nominating moderate nominees for the Presidency, they might win sometime in this century!!!!!
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Conspiracy Theories Round Two: Republicans More Likely To Subscribe to Government Conspiracy Theories - Public Policy Polling

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

Do you suppose that you leftists are immune to stupid ideas?

The greatest and most harmful lefty delusion is that everyone is equal - not just equal in th eyes of the law but inherienly, genetically equal. Of equal character and equal ability.

If A has a job, lives in a nice home, looks after his wife and children, pays his taxes and keeps the laws while B has never worked, lives in a slum in the spells between his time in prison this must be, in the leftist mind, because there is a FAULT IN THE SYSTEM. That A is somehow 'better' than B is an idea that cannot be tolerated.

So the leftists first recourse is to take assets away from A and then to embark on ever more bizarre social engineering projects. Somewhere at the end of their magic rainbow is the blissful land where everyone is EQUAL.

Socialists have attempted to impose equality times without number and always failed. But that won't stop people like you Billy, blind to the realities of human differences, inventing ever more absurd political programmes.

Doesn't sound like any lefties I know. Which right wing guru are you getting your ideas from?

Oddly enough my ideas are my own. I suppose the idea of people thinking for themselves must be a very novel concept for you.
Please tell me more about how the country would be better off with less equality, be sure to actually name the people who deserve less consideration than you.

In my country as in yours everyone should have the same consideration. But the attempts by leftists to make them economically 'equal' will in the future as in the past simply result in levelling down. Even the Chinese Communists learnt this lesson. They understand that general prosperity depends on allowing some people to be richer than others. China is THE example of a country hat is 'better off with less equality'.

Sorry - I see you wanted a name of someone who's views deserve less consideration. Here is one for you: Occupied.

By all measures there has been no leveling down at all, more like the opposite.

Where socialism held sway - Mao's China, Cuba, USSR, North Korea - levels went down to starvation point.
Conservative Myths & Legends.

1. The Iraq War was a success.
2. The super awesome Bush Presidency was ruined by the Democratic Congress of 2006.
3. Iran will use a nuke on Israel as soon as they get one.
4. Bombing Iran won't have very bad consequences for America.
5. Obama was born in Kenya.
6. Canadians pour into America to obtain healthcare services.
8. Democratic operatives drive black voters from precinct to precinct to vote illegally.
9. Tax cuts lower deficits.
10. Tax increases harm the economy.
11. The rich create jobs.
12. Women love abortion and use it as birth control.
13. The more conservative culture of the 1950s was better.
14. Ted Cruz is eligible for the Presidency despite being Canadian-born.
15. Liberals will give up on single-payer if the GOP can get rid of the ACA.

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