Stupid things Republicans believe - Public Policy Polling

There was zero evidence you couldn't keep your insurance plan and your doctor if you wanted.

What you think you see on the surface and what is the truth isn't the same with Obama.

When Obama made the statement, anyone that had health insurance BEFORE the ACA was approved is able to keep their insurance. The ones that are losing their junk policies are people who bought insurance AFTER the ACA was approved. Obama did not lie, like W did about WMD. The ACA will survive, the GOP will have the eat it, and we will all be the better off because of it.

What part of "period" don't you get? He didn't qualify that period meant before and after even once......even though he was well aware of it. He knowingly and willingly lied to get reelected and to get the legislation passed.

He was quite clear in the debates that only policies which were sold after the Act was passed would have to be amended to conform to the new standards.

Republicans have been looking for a "gotcha" moment and this one is the best they've had so they're gonna go with it. Especially since so many of the sad stories posted on the Internet and discussed in the conservative media have proven to be false.

Even the cancelled policy problems don't hold up well under scrutiny since so many of those whose policies have been cancelled will be able to get better coverage than they currently have at a reduced premium.
When Obama made the statement, anyone that had health insurance BEFORE the ACA was approved is able to keep their insurance. The ones that are losing their junk policies are people who bought insurance AFTER the ACA was approved. Obama did not lie, like W did about WMD. The ACA will survive, the GOP will have the eat it, and we will all be the better off because of it.

What part of "period" don't you get? He didn't qualify that period meant before and after even once......even though he was well aware of it. He knowingly and willingly lied to get reelected and to get the legislation passed.

He was quite clear in the debates that only policies which were sold after the Act was passed would have to be amended to conform to the new standards.

Republicans have been looking for a "gotcha" moment and this one is the best they've had so they're gonna go with it. Especially since so many of the sad stories posted on the Internet and discussed in the conservative media have proven to be false.

Even the cancelled policy problems don't hold up well under scrutiny since so many of those whose policies have been cancelled will be able to get better coverage than they currently have at a reduced premium.

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period."

Now please post where he qualified any of thsoe statements.
Yeah, we know.
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It is amazing how inept White House is when the president doesn't even know what was in his signature legislation. That, or he was outright lying. My money is on the former since they are mutually exclusive.

What the fuck were the electorate thinking. Twice too!
How do you know they are wrong?

Because sometimes you just have to use common sense. We all know based on your posting history that you sometimes struggle with this.

There is every chance that Romney takes all 50 states and the DC. I doubt that will happen, but it's a chance. There is an excellent chance that Romney will come close to Reagan's drubbing of Carter in 1980.
Really, that's your answer? Waht a moron.
I had not counted on the Obama fraud machine in action. Otherwise I am sure Romney would have rivalled Reagan's victory.

There is always an excuse to be the victim. The true sign you have no morals.
Oooh oooh oooh.

Coming in at number one with a bullet!!!!!

A stupid Republican believes that if they just keep nominating moderate nominees for the Presidency, they might win sometime in this century!!!!!

The problem is they need the middle to win, but you alienate the crazies on the right from the primaries. You stay to the crazy and you loose the middle.

The right is its own worst enemy.
I was wondering if I would have to post about stupid things Democrats believe just to balance things out, but the 2nd post in the thread did a much better job that I ever could.

They gave away much privacy and freedom over their phantom fears after 9/11. Still have not learned that their leaders count on them to be easily frightened.

Well thats ignoring the fact that poll after poll showed americans would give up some freedom for security.
Thats besides the point that the talking point on the right was " I have nothing to hide so I dont mind" yet they where warned.
( and dont fret, the left ignoring obama are equal in blame.)

But to be serious you partisan apologists are just as bad.
People like you who act like this are just as much to blame. You are the problem.
Because sometimes you just have to use common sense. We all know based on your posting history that you sometimes struggle with this.
Really, that's your answer? Waht a moron.
I had not counted on the Obama fraud machine in action. Otherwise I am sure Romney would have rivalled Reagan's victory.

There is always an excuse to be the victim. The true sign you have no morals.

Wow, that was incoherent. Even for you.
Oooh oooh oooh.

Coming in at number one with a bullet!!!!!

A stupid Republican believes that if they just keep nominating moderate nominees for the Presidency, they might win sometime in this century!!!!!

The problem is they need the middle to win, but you alienate the crazies on the right from the primaries. You stay to the crazy and you loose the middle.

The right is its own worst enemy.

And how has nominating moderates worked out for the GOP so far?
Because sometimes you just have to use common sense. We all know based on your posting history that you sometimes struggle with this.
Really, that's your answer? Waht a moron.
I had not counted on the Obama fraud machine in action. Otherwise I am sure Romney would have rivalled Reagan's victory.

There is always an excuse to be the victim. The true sign you have no morals.

A crazed left winger preaching about the sins of victimhood... the linchpin of leftist ideology.

Oooh oooh oooh.

Coming in at number one with a bullet!!!!!

A stupid Republican believes that if they just keep nominating moderate nominees for the Presidency, they might win sometime in this century!!!!!

The problem is they need the middle to win, but you alienate the crazies on the right from the primaries. You stay to the crazy and you loose the middle.

The right is its own worst enemy.

And how has nominating moderates worked out for the GOP so far?

You gotta love it... just nominate some candidates to the left of Maxine Waters and you'll win!!!
Oooh oooh oooh.

Coming in at number one with a bullet!!!!!

A stupid Republican believes that if they just keep nominating moderate nominees for the Presidency, they might win sometime in this century!!!!!

The problem is they need the middle to win, but you alienate the crazies on the right from the primaries. You stay to the crazy and you loose the middle.

The right is its own worst enemy.

And how has nominating moderates worked out for the GOP so far?

Better than nominating a cruz type.but then I already explained why.
Really, that's your answer? Waht a moron.
I had not counted on the Obama fraud machine in action. Otherwise I am sure Romney would have rivalled Reagan's victory.

There is always an excuse to be the victim. The true sign you have no morals.

A crazed left winger preaching about the sins of victimhood... the linchpin of leftist ideology.


Hey the chronic liaris trying to join in.
Dude I have conservative principles in my Left pinky than you have in your whole life.
The problem is they need the middle to win, but you alienate the crazies on the right from the primaries. You stay to the crazy and you loose the middle.

The right is its own worst enemy.

And how has nominating moderates worked out for the GOP so far?

You gotta love it... just nominate some candidates to the left of Maxine Waters and you'll win!!!

Run a cruz and watch...ill make sure to record my laughing at you.
When Obama made the statement, anyone that had health insurance BEFORE the ACA was approved is able to keep their insurance. The ones that are losing their junk policies are people who bought insurance AFTER the ACA was approved. Obama did not lie, like W did about WMD. The ACA will survive, the GOP will have the eat it, and we will all be the better off because of it.

What part of "period" don't you get? He didn't qualify that period meant before and after even once......even though he was well aware of it. He knowingly and willingly lied to get reelected and to get the legislation passed.

He was quite clear in the debates that only policies which were sold after the Act was passed would have to be amended to conform to the new standards.

Republicans have been looking for a "gotcha" moment and this one is the best they've had so they're gonna go with it. Especially since so many of the sad stories posted on the Internet and discussed in the conservative media have proven to be false.

Even the cancelled policy problems don't hold up well under scrutiny since so many of those whose policies have been cancelled will be able to get better coverage than they currently have at a reduced premium.

Nice spin. If a woman says no, does she really mean yes? Period is period. Period doesn't come with qualifiers. He said period AFTER the debates which would indicate his message had changed. He lied. Period.
Actually, no, those are capitalist countries. The are only slightly more socialist than the United States. Keep in mind that Norway is like a Middle Eastern oil sheikdom set in Scandinavia. They all have a lower standard of living than the United States. The so-called "quality of life index" is propaganda invented by the socialist U.N. to make socialism look good. It's primarily a measure of how socialist a country is, not how good it is to live there.

You are right. They are capitalist countries.

"Standards of Living" are very hard to compare. But I think it would be very difficult to make a case that any of the four have an inferior standard of living than the US. Upon what do you base your assertion?

It's typically based on GDP in terms of purchasing power parity.

2011 GDP (PPP) per capita

Norway 3 54,397
United States 6 51705
Canada 9 42,317
Netherlands 12 41,527
Sweden 14 40,304
Denmark 20 37,324

Keep in mind that Norway is like one of the Middle Eastern oil rich sheikdoms.

Another way to measure it is in terms of actual physical goods per person, such as the amount of living space per capita. The average amount of living space is much larger than what most Europeans enjoy. If you've ever watched that show on HGTV called "House Hunters International" you would know that in Europe you have to pay enormous amounts to live in tiny little apartments with tiny kitchens, tiny refrigerators and tiny bathrooms. Often they lack dishwashers. In fact, they often lack any appliances at all. The tenant usually has to supply them himself.

"You"do have to pay large amounts if you want an apartment in the most fashionable part of central Stockholm. But "you" could buy a good sized apartment or house within easy commuting distance.

Generalisation about 'Europe' never work. For example apartments in Sweden ALWAYS come with a full set of appliances. While in Britain they NEVER do.

Btw I hear that large properties are available at very low cost - I believe around $1 - in Detroit. Should I check that they have a dishwasher before moving there?

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