Stupid things Republicans believe - Public Policy Polling

Oooh oooh oooh.

Coming in at number one with a bullet!!!!!

A stupid Republican believes that if they just keep nominating moderate nominees for the Presidency, they might win sometime in this century!!!!!

It's not the moderation that was the problem for McCain and Mittypoo, it's the "same party as George W. Bush" that was the problem with the nominees. Face it, Americans just didn't want to bring back Dumbya's failed & flopped policies.

And I believe equating the next nominee that the GOP chooses to Dumbya will work again in 2016 for the Democrats.

His Presidency was THAT bad.
Conservative Myths & Legends.

1. The Iraq War was a success.
2. The super awesome Bush Presidency was ruined by the Democratic Congress of 2006.
3. Iran will use a nuke on Israel as soon as they get one.
4. Bombing Iran won't have very bad consequences for America.
5. Obama was born in Kenya.
6. Canadians pour into America to obtain healthcare services.
8. Democratic operatives drive black voters from precinct to precinct to vote illegally.
9. Tax cuts lower deficits.
10. Tax increases harm the economy.
11. The rich create jobs.
12. Women love abortion and use it as birth control.
13. The more conservative culture of the 1950s was better.
14. Ted Cruz is eligible for the Presidency despite being Canadian-born.
15. Liberals will give up on single-payer if the GOP can get rid of the ACA.

16. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. Period.
Oooh oooh oooh.

Coming in at number one with a bullet!!!!!

A stupid Republican believes that if they just keep nominating moderate nominees for the Presidency, they might win sometime in this century!!!!!

It's not the moderation that was the problem for McCain and Mittypoo, it's the "same party as George W. Bush" that was the problem with the nominees. Face it, Americans just didn't want to bring back Dumbya's failed & flopped policies.

And I believe equating the next nominee that the GOP chooses to Dumbya will work again in 2016 for the Democrats.

His Presidency was THAT bad.

Democrats are fleeing Obama like rats on a sinking ship. Having a D beside your name in 2014 and 2016 will go against you. His presidency is THAT bad.
Where socialism held sway - Mao's China, Cuba, USSR, North Korea - levels went down to starvation point.

None of the countries you named are socialist countries. They are/were all communist dictatorships. Socialist countries are places like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Canada to a large extent, the Netherlands.

All enjoy a very high standard of living, cradle to the grave social programs, universal health care, and are much higher on the quality of life index than the US.
I was wondering if I would have to post about stupid things Democrats believe just to balance things out, but the 2nd post in the thread did a much better job that I ever could.

They gave away much privacy and freedom over their phantom fears after 9/11. Still have not learned that their leaders count on them to be easily frightened.
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Conspiracy Theories Round Two: Republicans More Likely To Subscribe to Government Conspiracy Theories - Public Policy Polling

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

Do you suppose that you leftists are immune to stupid ideas?

The greatest and most harmful lefty delusion is that everyone is equal - not just equal in th eyes of the law but inherienly, genetically equal. Of equal character and equal ability.

If A has a job, lives in a nice home, looks after his wife and children, pays his taxes and keeps the laws while B has never worked, lives in a slum in the spells between his time in prison this must be, in the leftist mind, because there is a FAULT IN THE SYSTEM. That A is somehow 'better' than B is an idea that cannot be tolerated.

So the leftists first recourse is to take assets away from A and then to embark on ever more bizarre social engineering projects. Somewhere at the end of their magic rainbow is the blissful land where everyone is EQUAL.

Socialists have attempted to impose equality times without number and always failed. But that won't stop people like you Billy, blind to the realities of human differences, inventing ever more absurd political programmes.

Please tell me more about how the country would be better off with less equality, be sure to actually name the people who deserve less consideration than you.

It would certainly be better off without redistribution of income. You are one person who deserves less consideration than me.
Where socialism held sway - Mao's China, Cuba, USSR, North Korea - levels went down to starvation point.

None of the countries you named are socialist countries. They are/were all communist dictatorships. Socialist countries are places like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Canada to a large extent, the Netherlands.

All enjoy a very high standard of living, cradle to the grave social programs, universal health care, and are much higher on the quality of life index than the US.

Actually, no, those are capitalist countries. The are only slightly more socialist than the United States. Keep in mind that Norway is like a Middle Eastern oil sheikdom set in Scandinavia. They all have a lower standard of living than the United States. The so-called "quality of life index" is propaganda invented by the socialist U.N. to make socialism look good. It's primarily a measure of how socialist a country is, not how good it is to live there.
Where socialism held sway - Mao's China, Cuba, USSR, North Korea - levels went down to starvation point.

None of the countries you named are socialist countries. They are/were all communist dictatorships. Socialist countries are places like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Canada to a large extent, the Netherlands.

All enjoy a very high standard of living, cradle to the grave social programs, universal health care, and are much higher on the quality of life index than the US.

Of the four countries you list only one, Denmark, currently has a socialist government.

You make the common error of confusing socialism and welfare provision. These countries are good examples of capitalist economies. These, starting perhaps with Germany and New Zealand, have, for the last hundred years and more, understood that such things as good health care make sound sense in a free market economy.

Socialism is state ownership of the means of production and exchange - as previously in China , the USSR and currently in Cuba and N Korea; NOT Old Age Pensions etc.
Where socialism held sway - Mao's China, Cuba, USSR, North Korea - levels went down to starvation point.

None of the countries you named are socialist countries. They are/were all communist dictatorships. Socialist countries are places like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Canada to a large extent, the Netherlands.

All enjoy a very high standard of living, cradle to the grave social programs, universal health care, and are much higher on the quality of life index than the US.

Actually, no, those are capitalist countries. The are only slightly more socialist than the United States. Keep in mind that Norway is like a Middle Eastern oil sheikdom set in Scandinavia. They all have a lower standard of living than the United States. The so-called "quality of life index" is propaganda invented by the socialist U.N. to make socialism look good. It's primarily a measure of how socialist a country is, not how good it is to live there.

You are right. They are capitalist countries.

"Standards of Living" are very hard to compare. But I think it would be very difficult to make a case that any of the four have an inferior standard of living than the US. Upon what do you base your assertion?
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

There was zero evidence you couldn't keep your insurance plan and your doctor if you wanted.

What you think you see on the surface and what is the truth isn't the same with Obama.

When Obama made the statement, anyone that had health insurance BEFORE the ACA was approved is able to keep their insurance. The ones that are losing their junk policies are people who bought insurance AFTER the ACA was approved. Obama did not lie, like W did about WMD. The ACA will survive, the GOP will have the eat it, and we will all be the better off because of it.
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

There was zero evidence you couldn't keep your insurance plan and your doctor if you wanted.

What you think you see on the surface and what is the truth isn't the same with Obama.

When Obama made the statement, anyone that had health insurance BEFORE the ACA was approved is able to keep their insurance. The ones that are losing their junk policies are people who bought insurance AFTER the ACA was approved. Obama did not lie, like W did about WMD. The ACA will survive, the GOP will have the eat it, and we will all be the better off because of it.

People who had health insurance before Obamacare are loosing them because of regulations in Obamacare.
Where socialism held sway - Mao's China, Cuba, USSR, North Korea - levels went down to starvation point.

None of the countries you named are socialist countries. They are/were all communist dictatorships. Socialist countries are places like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Canada to a large extent, the Netherlands.

All enjoy a very high standard of living, cradle to the grave social programs, universal health care, and are much higher on the quality of life index than the US.

Heritage Index of Economic Freedom Ranking:

Canada 6
Denmark 9
United States 10
Netherlands 17
Sweden 18
Norway 31

That's hardly a good endorsement for the wonders of socialism.
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Conspiracy Theories Round Two: Republicans More Likely To Subscribe to Government Conspiracy Theories - Public Policy Polling

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

Well, you won't get much credence from me, citing a left wing polling firm.
Less than 1% to pay more under Obamacare if current plan canceled, study says

"I do think this issue has been blown out of proportion," said Pollack, whose group supports President Barack Obama's decision last week to let insurers maintain ACA-noncompliant plans with current customers for at least a year.
Acknowledging that the study was an effort to counter a steady stream of bad publicity for the administration about canceled policies, Families USA Executive Director Ron Pollack added that 1.5 million people possibly losing insurance and paying more for new coverage is "not trivial."

Can it, Jim.
Where socialism held sway - Mao's China, Cuba, USSR, North Korea - levels went down to starvation point.

None of the countries you named are socialist countries. They are/were all communist dictatorships. Socialist countries are places like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Canada to a large extent, the Netherlands.

All enjoy a very high standard of living, cradle to the grave social programs, universal health care, and are much higher on the quality of life index than the US.

Heritage Index of Economic Freedom Ranking:

Canada 6
Denmark 9
United States 10
Netherlands 17
Sweden 18
Norway 31

That's hardly a good endorsement for the wonders of socialism.

Jim DeMint

Nuff Said
None of the countries you named are socialist countries. They are/were all communist dictatorships. Socialist countries are places like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Canada to a large extent, the Netherlands.

All enjoy a very high standard of living, cradle to the grave social programs, universal health care, and are much higher on the quality of life index than the US.

Actually, no, those are capitalist countries. The are only slightly more socialist than the United States. Keep in mind that Norway is like a Middle Eastern oil sheikdom set in Scandinavia. They all have a lower standard of living than the United States. The so-called "quality of life index" is propaganda invented by the socialist U.N. to make socialism look good. It's primarily a measure of how socialist a country is, not how good it is to live there.

You are right. They are capitalist countries.

"Standards of Living" are very hard to compare. But I think it would be very difficult to make a case that any of the four have an inferior standard of living than the US. Upon what do you base your assertion?

It's typically based on GDP in terms of purchasing power parity.

2011 GDP (PPP) per capita

Norway 3 54,397
United States 6 51705
Canada 9 42,317
Netherlands 12 41,527
Sweden 14 40,304
Denmark 20 37,324

Keep in mind that Norway is like one of the Middle Eastern oil rich sheikdoms.

Another way to measure it is in terms of actual physical goods per person, such as the amount of living space per capita. The average amount of living space is much larger than what most Europeans enjoy. If you've ever watched that show on HGTV called "House Hunters International" you would know that in Europe you have to pay enormous amounts to live in tiny little apartments with tiny kitchens, tiny refrigerators and tiny bathrooms. Often they lack dishwashers. In fact, they often lack any appliances at all. The tenant usually has to supply them himself.
None of the countries you named are socialist countries. They are/were all communist dictatorships. Socialist countries are places like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Canada to a large extent, the Netherlands.

All enjoy a very high standard of living, cradle to the grave social programs, universal health care, and are much higher on the quality of life index than the US.

Heritage Index of Economic Freedom Ranking:

Canada 6
Denmark 9
United States 10
Netherlands 17
Sweden 18
Norway 31

That's hardly a good endorsement for the wonders of socialism.

Jim DeMint

Nuff Said

You only proved that you're an ignorant bozo.
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

There was zero evidence you couldn't keep your insurance plan and your doctor if you wanted.

What you think you see on the surface and what is the truth isn't the same with Obama.

When Obama made the statement, anyone that had health insurance BEFORE the ACA was approved is able to keep their insurance. The ones that are losing their junk policies are people who bought insurance AFTER the ACA was approved. Obama did not lie, like W did about WMD. The ACA will survive, the GOP will have the eat it, and we will all be the better off because of it.

What part of "period" don't you get? He didn't qualify that period meant before and after even once......even though he was well aware of it. He knowingly and willingly lied to get reelected and to get the legislation passed.

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