Stupid is as stupid does

So if it doesn't exist why are the oil boys fighting it?
This PDF is for one year clown.

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Our position | ExxonMobil
We have the same concerns as people everywhere – and that is how to provide the world with the energy it needs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The risk of climate change is clear and the risk warrants action. Increasing carbon emissions in the atmosphere are having a warming effect. There is a broad scientific and policy consensus that action must be taken to further quantify and assess the risks.

ExxonMobil is taking action by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in its operations, helping consumers reduce their emissions, supporting research that leads to technology breakthroughs and participating in constructive dialogue on policy options.
Yet they NEVER quantify what mans contribution is or what effect it is actually having... And they jump right to 'Consensus' telling me this is 100% a political statement, based on no facts, done to appease leftwing fanatics..
So if it doesn't exist why are the oil boys fighting it?
This PDF is for one year clown.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Our position | ExxonMobil
We have the same concerns as people everywhere – and that is how to provide the world with the energy it needs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The risk of climate change is clear and the risk warrants action. Increasing carbon emissions in the atmosphere are having a warming effect. There is a broad scientific and policy consensus that action must be taken to further quantify and assess the risks.

ExxonMobil is taking action by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in its operations, helping consumers reduce their emissions, supporting research that leads to technology breakthroughs and participating in constructive dialogue on policy options.
Yet they NEVER quantify what mans contribution is or what effect it is actually having... And they jump right to 'Consensus' telling me this is 100% a political statement, based on no facts, done to appease leftwing fanatics..
Thats all it is man.. Thats all it is.
They are with AGW as our ancient ancestors did with Gods. SOMETHING had to fill the ignorance of our intellect
As Arctic Sea Ice Shows Record Decline, Scientists Prepare to Go Blind

The US satellites currently in orbit are already past their expiry date, with some already cutting out. When these satellites fail completely, Arctic researchers warn, the ongoing scientific record keeping will come to an abrupt end, with no funding and no time left to replace the aging infrastructure.

“It is unfortunate and disturbing that right at the time we’re seeing sea ice cover in rapid transition, we’re in danger of losing some of our key capabilities to observe what’s happening and understand it,” says Mark Serreze, director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

For all intents and purposes, Arctic scientists – and the world – could very soon be blind to the tumultuous changes happening in the Arctic until 2022 or 2023, with no viable international systems coming on board in time to completely fill in the coverage gap.

The fault for the failure lies with a US Congress hostile to funding climate change research. Major cuts were made to the DMSP satellites when Obama was in office, and the situation is unlikely to improve under the Trump administration. In his proposed “skinny” budget released in March, and again in his more detailed proposed budget this week, President Trump called for cuts to NASA satellite missions, including NOAA’s next two polar orbiting satellites.

So this is what the fat senile old orange clown and the GOP considers to be a smart action. What absolute idiocy. We need to remove that piece of shit from the Presidency as soon as possible. Our nation is being severely damage by his pursuit of the ultimate in stupidity.

/---- Why don't you libtards pool your money and launch your own satellite? We ain't footing the bill for your GW scam any longer.

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There are four or five privately owned satellites in polar orbit, which are suitable for applying the algorithms on ice area and temperature. They refuse to use them because they do not control their calibrations, which far exceed the governments wide path adjustments.

I use these simply because they are more accurate, reliable, and tightly quality controlled for scientific use.


AGW is total horse shit~! UAH and RSS (government controlled) show little to no warming at all.
Here is your climate change aka "geo-engineering"......View attachment 135712 View attachment 135712 View attachment 135713

Ive posted up links/discussions on chemtrails.........dismissed outright by the climate crusaders. Fucking duh.......Im in my mid-50's. As a kid, you never saw trails that blobbed out and hung up in the air for 1-2 hours, expanding ginormously. Jet vapor trails dissipated within a few minutes at most. Jet engines then are the same as they are now....f'ing etch-a-sketch across the sky for scores of miles.

Yep/......I guess I'm the asshole here!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
So if it doesn't exist why are the oil boys fighting it?
This PDF is for one year clown.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Our position | ExxonMobil
We have the same concerns as people everywhere – and that is how to provide the world with the energy it needs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The risk of climate change is clear and the risk warrants action. Increasing carbon emissions in the atmosphere are having a warming effect. There is a broad scientific and policy consensus that action must be taken to further quantify and assess the risks.

ExxonMobil is taking action by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in its operations, helping consumers reduce their emissions, supporting research that leads to technology breakthroughs and participating in constructive dialogue on policy options.

So you believe the tobacco company ( oil) more that you believe the people the people who are trying to warn us..?
Smoking doesn't harm the body, cocaine is not addictive to name a few scams we have heard in the past...

Oil just like smoking have much to gain ...
So if it doesn't exist why are the oil boys fighting it?
This PDF is for one year clown.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Our position | ExxonMobil
We have the same concerns as people everywhere – and that is how to provide the world with the energy it needs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The risk of climate change is clear and the risk warrants action. Increasing carbon emissions in the atmosphere are having a warming effect. There is a broad scientific and policy consensus that action must be taken to further quantify and assess the risks.

ExxonMobil is taking action by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in its operations, helping consumers reduce their emissions, supporting research that leads to technology breakthroughs and participating in constructive dialogue on policy options.

So you believe the tobacco company ( oil) more that you believe the people the people who are trying to warn us..?
Smoking doesn't harm the body, cocaine is not addictive to name a few scams we have heard in the past...

Oil just like smoking have much to gain ...
I just posted exxons stance on AGW
And i am a sceptic, you should know that. I dont base life off of what strangers say while offering no proof. ESPECIALLY when it involves globalization and more power to the rich and powerful.
I just dont buy it. Show me some proof and i will be on board! It just wont happen because there isnt any. They fill voids with "humans did it" much like our ancient ancestors did with "god"
TN, ever take college level Chemistry or Physics classes? I have, and I have seen the proof of how GHG's warm the Earth. It is very simple and involves absorption spectra of the gasses. Here is a site that can answer your questions, many links to sites with scientific information, it is put up by the American Institute of Physics, the largest Scientific Society in the world.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
So if it doesn't exist why are the oil boys fighting it?
This PDF is for one year clown.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Our position | ExxonMobil
We have the same concerns as people everywhere – and that is how to provide the world with the energy it needs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The risk of climate change is clear and the risk warrants action. Increasing carbon emissions in the atmosphere are having a warming effect. There is a broad scientific and policy consensus that action must be taken to further quantify and assess the risks.

ExxonMobil is taking action by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in its operations, helping consumers reduce their emissions, supporting research that leads to technology breakthroughs and participating in constructive dialogue on policy options.

So you believe the tobacco company ( oil) more that you believe the people the people who are trying to warn us..?
Smoking doesn't harm the body, cocaine is not addictive to name a few scams we have heard in the past...

Oil just like smoking have much to gain ...
I just posted exxons stance on AGW
And i am a sceptic, you should know that. I dont base life off of what strangers say while offering no proof. ESPECIALLY when it involves globalization and more power to the rich and powerful.
I just dont buy it. Show me some proof and i will be on board! It just wont happen because there isnt any. They fill voids with "humans did it" much like our ancient ancestors did with "god"
So if it doesn't exist why are the oil boys fighting it?
This PDF is for one year clown.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Our position | ExxonMobil
We have the same concerns as people everywhere – and that is how to provide the world with the energy it needs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The risk of climate change is clear and the risk warrants action. Increasing carbon emissions in the atmosphere are having a warming effect. There is a broad scientific and policy consensus that action must be taken to further quantify and assess the risks.

ExxonMobil is taking action by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in its operations, helping consumers reduce their emissions, supporting research that leads to technology breakthroughs and participating in constructive dialogue on policy options.

So you believe the tobacco company ( oil) more that you believe the people the people who are trying to warn us..?
Smoking doesn't harm the body, cocaine is not addictive to name a few scams we have heard in the past...

Oil just like smoking have much to gain ...
I just posted exxons stance on AGW
And i am a sceptic, you should know that. I dont base life off of what strangers say while offering no proof. ESPECIALLY when it involves globalization and more power to the rich and powerful.
I just dont buy it. Show me some proof and i will be on board! It just wont happen because there isnt any. They fill voids with "humans did it" much like our ancient ancestors did with "god"

You seriously need to watch this Harley and others...And after you watch that you can see the actual documnets themselves in the link below
Here are the actual documents of Exxons 1981 study.... in 1991 they changed their tune for political reasons and money came pouring into the legislators hands to confuse and deny.

1981 Exxon Review of Climate Research Program

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TN, ever take college level Chemistry or Physics classes? I have, and I have seen the proof of how GHG's warm the Earth. It is very simple and involves absorption spectra of the gasses. Here is a site that can answer your questions, many links to sites with scientific information, it is put up by the American Institute of Physics, the largest Scientific Society in the world.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

And yet you cant post even one quantifiable fact or verifiable evidence of mans impact.. Which have ruled out all other causes...

Now why is that?
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TN, ever take college level Chemistry or Physics classes? I have, and I have seen the proof of how GHG's warm the Earth. It is very simple and involves absorption spectra of the gasses. Here is a site that can answer your questions, many links to sites with scientific information, it is put up by the American Institute of Physics, the largest Scientific Society in the world.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

I will ask once again rocks...what exactly in that steaming pile do you consider to be actual evidence of man altering the global temperature with his so called greenhouse gas emissions? I have asked over and over and to date, you have not even made the first attempt to point out anything there that you believe rises to the level of actual evidence. Could that be because you don't want to get laughed off the board when people see how easily you have been duped by meaningless sci-talk?

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