Stunning Report: "Stand Your Ground" Laws Responsible for 500-700 Homicides Per year


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Bullshit. Homicide does not = murder.

Stunning Report: "Stand Your Ground" Laws Responsible for 500-700 Homicides Per year - NewsRadio 1200 WOAI, San Antonio

Research conducted at Texas A&M University concludes that far from reducing crime rates, so called 'Stand your Ground' laws are actually responsible for a drastic increase in the number of homicides nationwide each year.

"We find the laws increase murder and manslaughter by a statistically significant 7 to 9 percent, which translates into an additional 500 to 700 homicides per year nationally in states which have adopted Castle Doctrine," researchers Cheng Cheng and Mark Hoekstra of the Texas A&M University Department of Economics say in their report.

The report also shows an increase in what is termed 'justifiable homicide' by up to 50% annually. They say data released by the states showed a sharp increase in justifiable homicide in the years immediately after they approved Stand Your Ground laws.

"Castle Doctrine," or "Stand Your Ground" laws are currently in pace in 23 states, and new attention was focused on the laws by the shooting of Trayvon Martin by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in Florida in February. The laws remove the so called 'duty to retreat' which dates from English Common Law. That tradition holds that before a person can use deadly force against an attacker, they must first take affirmative steps to defuse the situation.

The researchers say in many of the additional cases of murder and justifiable homicide they researched, the killing occurred because the "Stand Your Ground" law allowed the situation to escalate, where it would have otherwise been defused, largely by one of the individuals retreating.

The researchers presume it would have defused the situation for a party to retreat, and besides, criminals do not have the right to shove law-abiding citizens around like cowards.

Fuck these gun-grabbing slime-balls, and it is a disgrace that Texas A&M had that POS 'research' done there.
Say what? Without offering a bit of evidence to support the theory, News Radio WAOI quotes somebody from the Texas A&M Department of Economics named Cheng Cheng about the "stand your ground" law.
If our liberal buddies can tell us abortion is not murder because it is legal then they don't get to call justified homicide as murder either. Nor do they get to claim stand your ground laws cause more murders without actual court documents showing convictions FOR murder.
If our liberal buddies can tell us abortion is not murder because it is legal then they don't get to call justified homicide as murder either. Nor do they get to claim stand your ground laws cause more murders without actual court documents showing convictions FOR murder.

Well, in a rational world anyway, but that dont apply with them I am afraid.
If our liberal buddies can tell us abortion is not murder because it is legal then they don't get to call justified homicide as murder either. Nor do they get to claim stand your ground laws cause more murders without actual court documents showing convictions FOR murder.

so you support legalizing murder because you claim others support it... you retard
Here is the issue:

"We would expect that these crimes would decline after the adoption of castle doctrine, to the extend that criminals respond to higher actual or perceived risks that the victims will use lethal force to protect themselves," they said

Read more: Stunning Report: "Stand Your Ground" Laws Responsible for 500-700 Homicides Per year - NewsRadio 1200 WOAI, San Antonio



The castle doctrine is not designed to prevent crime.

It is designed to defend the castle.

As the name might imply....:eusa_eh:
If our liberal buddies can tell us abortion is not murder because it is legal then they don't get to call justified homicide as murder either. Nor do they get to claim stand your ground laws cause more murders without actual court documents showing convictions FOR murder.

so you support legalizing murder because you claim others support it... you retard

No you support murder with abortion. Justified Homicide is by definition NOT MURDER as they were JUSTIFIED in defending themselves. NOR is self defense murder. The entire problem with you and the lefts attack on Zimmerman is that you think when one defends themselves and are forced to kill someone in that defense it is somehow murder.

I REPEAT provide court records that show 500 to 700 people that claimed self defense by stand your ground were convicted instead of Murder or shut the fuck up.
Since when is "self defense" or "justification" known as "stand your ground?"

The OP points to some bullshit premised on a COUPLE of huge errors in the USE of words and terms.


As the the author of the OP rightly suggests, it's bullshit.
Since when is "self defense" or "justification" known as "stand your ground?"

The OP points to some bullshit premised on a COUPLE of huge errors in the USE of words and terms.


As the the author of the OP rightly suggests, it's bullshit.

Yeah, true.

Do you get the same impression I do that the leftwing journalists are getting dumber each generation?

Its been a long way down from Murrow...

Edward R. Murrow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Since when is "self defense" or "justification" known as "stand your ground?"

The OP points to some bullshit premised on a COUPLE of huge errors in the USE of words and terms.


As the the author of the OP rightly suggests, it's bullshit.

Yeah, true.

Do you get the same impression I do that the leftwing journalists are getting dumber each generation?

Its been a long way down from Murrow...

Edward R. Murrow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If it isn't by design, then it can only be attributed to sadly lower intelligence by "newsmen" since the olden days.

But if they are not any dumber today, then the only possible implication is that they do this mis-reporting intentionally.
500 to 700 instances of people saving their lives or the lives of the law abiding by taking out a criminal.


From the number of crimes committed, it's still too low.
Since when is "self defense" or "justification" known as "stand your ground?"

The OP points to some bullshit premised on a COUPLE of huge errors in the USE of words and terms.


As the the author of the OP rightly suggests, it's bullshit.

Yeah, true.

Do you get the same impression I do that the leftwing journalists are getting dumber each generation?

Its been a long way down from Murrow...

Edward R. Murrow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If it isn't by design, then it can only be attributed to sadly lower intelligence by "newsmen" since the olden days.

But if they are not any dumber today, then the only possible implication is that they do this mis-reporting intentionally.

Is there a third possibility that they are so brainwashed that they dont see their own bias and it just flows out of them naturally like diarrhea?

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