Study: White Supremacists More Dangerous To America Than Foreign Terrorists

Study: Right Wing Extremists a Bigger ‘Threat’ to US than Islamic Terrorists?
by Rick Moran
June 24, 2015 - 2:45 pm

A study by the New America Foundation shows that right wing, anti-government extremists and white supremacists are a bigger threat to the US than Islamic terrorists.

Does the study really say that?

Well, no. But it’s a sexy headline, don’t you think? Mediaite headline screams, “White Americans Are Biggest Terror Threat in U.S.”

What the New America Foundation study showed was that more Americans have been killed by homegrown, non-jihadist radicals since 9/11 than were killed by Islamic jihadis.

White Americans are the biggest terror threat in the US, killing more people in attacks than Muslims or any other group in the last 14 years, according to a study done by the New America Foundation.

The group looked into the 26 attacks on US soil that it defined as terror and found that 19 of those attacks were done by non-Muslims. All the studied attacks are post-9/11.

Since then, 48 people have been killed by extremists who are not Muslim, compared to 26 killed by people who claimed to be jihadist. The non-Muslim groups include right-wing, anti-government organizations and white-supremacist groups.

Last week’s Charleston shooting — after which reports surfaced of the confessed shooter’s white-supremacist ideology — was included in the count.

Other attacks, like the massacres in Aurora, Colorado and Newtown, Connecticut, were not included, since they do not appear to have been caused by a specific ideology, the standard used by New America Foundation to qualify terrorism.

This information may shock the public, as post-9/11 trauma has made jihadi terror attacks more prominent in the media, but US law enforcement is well aware of the danger of white extremist groups, the New York Times reported.

A recent survey done by researchers at the University of North Carolina and Duke University asked 382 US police departments to list top threats and 74 per cent listed anti-government violence, while just 39 per cent said “Al Qaeda-inspired” violence.

Are white Americans the biggest threat? It depends how you define the word “threat.” The Heritage Foundation released an update to their own study earlier this month that showed law enforcement authorities preventing 69 separate Islamic terrorist attacks since 9/11, the most recent being the Boston plot to kill Pamela Geller. Some of those were mass casualty plots that could have killed hundreds of Americans. And while the inspiration for some of these plots are from overseas, the plotters lived and worked for the most part in America.

There have been 6 Islamic terror plots foiled just since April:

all of it here:
Study Right Wing Extremists a Bigger Threat to US than Islamic Terrorists PJ Tatler
Yo, all the trouble with race will cease, after we elect a Republican President, and Obama leaves the Country or gets locked up!!!



So pointing out black violence and crime against whites = a big threat. LOL. You people hate white people and want us all gone...I call you the big threat.

Blacks are much more likely to be killed by whites than vise versa.

And given the relative population percentages of whites and blacks, blacks are actually more likely to be interracially murdered by a white person than vice-versa. After all, as for homicides where the race of the offender is known, 447 B-W murders as a share of the white community is 2/10,000ths of 1 percent (0.0002) of all whites killed by blacks, which is 1 in every 500,000 white people who will be killed by a black person in a given year; meanwhile, 218 W-B homicides as a share of the black community is 5.5/10,000ths of 1 percent (0.00055). So although interracial homicide is incredibly rare in either direction, any given black person is more than 2.75 times as likely as any given white person to be interracially murdered, with roughly 1 in every 180,000 black persons being killed by a white person in a given year.

How the Right Manipulates White Fear With Bogus Data
White supremacy gangs aren't plaguing cities with crime in our country. Their contribution to the decay of our nation is almost non existant. Yes they suck. Yes they should be shot dead on sight, but they are not a major problem. Black gangs on the other hand...
I wondered how long it would take before some idiot on this board blamed Bush for 9-11.
Wonder where Boys in da Hood fall on that list?

And it's really interesting your 'study' doesn't go back far enough to include 9-11

Read much?

At least 48 people have been killed stateside by right-wing extremists in the 14 years since since the September 11 attacks -- almost twice as many as were killed by self-identified jihadists in that time, according to a study released Wednesday by the New America Foundation, a Washington, D.C., research center. The study found that radical anti-government groups or white supremacists were responsible for most of the terror attacks.
Wonder where Boys in da Hood fall on that list?

And it's really interesting your 'study' doesn't go back far enough to include 9-11

Read much?

At least 48 people have been killed stateside by right-wing extremists in the 14 years since since the September 11 attacks -- almost twice as many as were killed by self-identified jihadists in that time, according to a study released Wednesday by the New America Foundation, a Washington, D.C., research center. The study found that radical anti-government groups or white supremacists were responsible for most of the terror attacks.

I could ask you the same question, "Read much"?

Take another read of my post.
Study: White Supremacists More Dangerous To America Than Foreign Terrorists

is that how it is playing out on the mean streets of Chicago

that's what it looked like in Baltimore didn't it?

a sea OF white bald heads.

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