Study: Free birth control leads to fewer abortions; Romney wants to cut access.

Since I lead a celebate life and have no need for birth control, will you pay for my cable TV instead? I mean, just because I'm not running around fucking everything that doesn't move faster than I do doesn't mean there isn't something you can do to provide for my entertainment.
you already got your cable from the gvt funding (via taxes and fees), the cable lines run in your neighborhood!!! (Just look at your telephone and cable bill and all the fees and taxes added to them!!!) that's the gvt or we the people funding the spreading of cable and telephones lines to all! :eek: :D:

Actually, where I live there is no cable. Wait, there's no electricity or gas lines, either. Sure would be nice to have a satellite dish, then. I'm sure you won't mind. After all, this is my choice to live where and how I do, but hell, you don't seem to mind funding some women's choices. You innate sense of 'fairness' will certainly compel you to help me finance my choice.
Where I live, we don't have cable either, and sure would appreciate some help to pay for satellite tv myself! Shoot, we didn't even have broadband for the computer, only dial up until a few months ago we finally got a slow dsl service through a new phone company!

I paid those taxes to get us cable and phone and internet for a good 25 years before moving up here....thought for certain we would at least have cable or broadband when we first moved here, but no such luck!

I don't have a problem with insurance companies covering birth control pills.

and I don't have a problem with gvt funding contraceptives for those who can not afford them....especially for those who are married and can't afford it.

I'll pay for your cable tv or satellite tv, if you pay for mine!!! :) j/k
If you want to control your own body don't ask for my money, which I control.

Just saying.

Tell you what, you pay for aid to Israel and F-22 Raptors, I'll pay for PBS and birth control.

Sounds fair to me.

Tell you what, why don't we get rid of all of them?

Because outside of crazy, nutjob Libertarian Land, we really do need government to do some of these things.

We really do need family planning for poor people. Otherwise, we just end up with a lot more poor people who are less likely to work their way up out of poverty. I'd rather pay for the birth control pills than a kid who is going to be on teh dole his entire life.

Nor do I want him breaking into my apartment because no one bothered to teah him how to read.
True, the causes of unintended pregnancy are complex and varied. And compelling ‘personal responsibility’ alone is naïve and pointless; providing free contraceptives is an intelligent and pragmatic component of a comprehensive strategy to address a serious social issue.

Why can't more girls be like Bristol Palin?

Is Bristol now asking you to pay for her birth control or take care of her baby?
you are a very bitter and hateful person

No, I just find it hilarious that you all think that poor women should live like vestal virgins, when you can't even get your own to conform to the standard you've set down.

Charity begins at home.

So does morality. So instead of Sarah lecturing to the rest of us, maybe she shouldn't have let the son of the local meth dealer do sleepovers.

Just sayin'.

But no problem, Bristol is now a spokebabe for abstinance.

Yes, kids, don't have kids out of wedlock, or someday you might get a big grant and your own reality TV show.

Oh. Wait. Maybe that isn't the best message to send.
Why can't more girls be like Bristol Palin?

Is Bristol now asking you to pay for her birth control or take care of her baby?
you are a very bitter and hateful person

No, I just find it hilarious that you all think that poor women should live like vestal virgins, when you can't even get your own to conform to the standard you've set down.

Charity begins at home.

So does morality. So instead of Sarah lecturing to the rest of us, maybe she shouldn't have let the son of the local meth dealer do sleepovers.

Just sayin'.

But no problem, Bristol is now a spokebabe for abstinance.

Yes, kids, don't have kids out of wedlock, or someday you might get a big grant and your own reality TV show.

Oh. Wait. Maybe that isn't the best message to send.

Like I said, bitter and hateful
But you all sure didn't mind having some poor little RICH professional student (Fluke) lecturing us on what SHOULD be done about Birth control..
You should stop while you're ahead
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This from The Associated Press.


WASHINGTON (AP) — Free birth control led to dramatically lower rates of abortions and teen births, a large study concludes. The findings were eagerly anticipated and come as a bitterly contested Obama administration policy is poised to offer similar coverage.
The project tracked more than 9,000 women in St. Louis, many of them poor or uninsured. They were given their choice of a range of contraceptive methods at no cost — from birth control pills to goof-proof options like the IUD or a matchstick-sized implant.

When price wasn't an issue, women flocked to the most effective contraceptives — the implanted options, which typically cost hundreds of dollars up-front to insert. These women experienced far fewer unintended pregnancies as a result, reported Dr. Jeffrey Peipert of Washington University in St. Louis in a study published Thursday.

The effect on teen pregnancy was striking: There were 6.3 births per 1,000 teenagers in the study. Compare that to a national rate of 34 births per 1,000 teens in 2010.
There also were substantially lower rates of abortion, when compared with women in the metro area and nationally: 4.4 to 7.5 abortions per 1,000 women in the study, compared with 13.4 to 17 abortions per 1,000 women overall in the St. Louis region, Peipert calculated. That's lower than the national rate, too, which is almost 20 abortions per 1,000 women.

One has to wonder why the Governor wants to cut off the primary source for low cost contraception to financially challenged women. From his website:

Eliminate Title X Family Planning Funding — Savings: $300 Million. Title X subsidizes family planning programs that benefit abortion groups like Planned Parenthood.

Associated Press | The Register-Guard | Eugene, Oregon

For $300M (or less than 1/3 the cost of a new destroyer the Navy is building), we could prevent a great many abortions, unwanted pregnancies, and help ensure women's health choices. The $300M spent now will be a lot less than building more schools, expanding entitlements, and building more prisons later on when the unwanted pregnancies are carried to term.

Also it should be noted that Title X money is not only provided to Planned Parenthood (no Title money is used for abortions by the way) but to public health departments across the nation; in red states as well as blue states. It is used to pay for everything from iron tablets to condoms to contraceptive foams and creams.

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Im late to the party, so excuse me if this obvious statement has been made;

Let me see if I understand. Liberals, hand picked poor, and probably already on the dole, people, and asked them if, for free, they wouldn't mind sticking it to the tax payer again?

I swear, liberals will believe anything.

Did anyone ask them if they ever chose not to have sex when there was no bc around?

Like I said, bitter and hateful
But you all sure didn't mind having some poor little RICH professional student (Fluke) lecturing us on what SHOULD be done about Birth control..
You should stop while you're ahead

Actually, I had no problem with Fluke saying that men who have chosen to be celibate for life are not the best authorities on what women should do with their lady parts.

You see, as a rule, I don't think guys should even be involved in this discussion until science makes it possible for us to carry the babies. But if you want to drag me in, I would take someone like Fluke, who is trying to make something of her life, over someone like Bristol, who is just trying to extend her 15 minutes of fame.

Whose taking care of that kid when she's out doing the reality show?

sorry, I just noticed that the study is making a comparison from now vs 2010.


In other news; teen drinking and dui's are down, way down from 2010.


B/c obama crashed the value of the dollar, he's failed to bring down UE and gas is through the roof.

but hey, bc is FAR more important to morons, so we keep bringing it up.
OK, local taxes pay for police and fire protection, I have no problem with paying for those, the protect all of us equally. Most infrastructure and schools should also be funded locally. I have no problem footing the bill for a federally- funded military that protects our national interests equally for all of us. There's a general benefit for all citizens in these things which we all use.
So, if I am being dunned so that someone can screw around and not worry about the consequences, does that mean I have the use of what I am paying for?
OK, local taxes pay for police and fire protection, I have no problem with paying for those, the protect all of us equally. Most infrastructure and schools should also be funded locally. I have no problem footing the bill for a federally- funded military that protects our national interests equally for all of us. There's a general benefit for all citizens in these things which we all use.
So, if I am being dunned so that someone can screw around and not worry about the consequences, does that mean I have the use of what I am paying for?

you already got your cable from the gvt funding (via taxes and fees), the cable lines run in your neighborhood!!! (Just look at your telephone and cable bill and all the fees and taxes added to them!!!) that's the gvt or we the people funding the spreading of cable and telephones lines to all! :eek: :D:

Actually, where I live there is no cable. Wait, there's no electricity or gas lines, either. Sure would be nice to have a satellite dish, then. I'm sure you won't mind. After all, this is my choice to live where and how I do, but hell, you don't seem to mind funding some women's choices. You innate sense of 'fairness' will certainly compel you to help me finance my choice.
Where I live, we don't have cable either, and sure would appreciate some help to pay for satellite tv myself! Shoot, we didn't even have broadband for the computer, only dial up until a few months ago we finally got a slow dsl service through a new phone company!

I paid those taxes to get us cable and phone and internet for a good 25 years before moving up here....thought for certain we would at least have cable or broadband when we first moved here, but no such luck!

I don't have a problem with insurance companies covering birth control pills.

and I don't have a problem with gvt funding contraceptives for those who can not afford them....especially for those who are married and can't afford it.

I'll pay for your cable tv or satellite tv, if you pay for mine!!! :) j/k

Do you really miss cable that much?
I have no problem with insurance companies providing bc coverage. But I don't believe it should be compulsory. I do have a problem with government funding 'free' anything, particularly programs that tend to foster poor choices, bad attitudes, and dependency. I think you would be amazed how well people would cope if government freebies were withdrawn.
OK, local taxes pay for police and fire protection, I have no problem with paying for those, the protect all of us equally. Most infrastructure and schools should also be funded locally. I have no problem footing the bill for a federally- funded military that protects our national interests equally for all of us. There's a general benefit for all citizens in these things which we all use.
So, if I am being dunned so that someone can screw around and not worry about the consequences, does that mean I have the use of what I am paying for?

But that's the point. Not all of us agree that these should be the policy.

I have no problem funding the military, but a lot of people had a huge problem with fighting a war in Iraq after we found out the government was wrong about WMD's.
Actually, where I live there is no cable. Wait, there's no electricity or gas lines, either. Sure would be nice to have a satellite dish, then. I'm sure you won't mind. After all, this is my choice to live where and how I do, but hell, you don't seem to mind funding some women's choices. You innate sense of 'fairness' will certainly compel you to help me finance my choice.
Where I live, we don't have cable either, and sure would appreciate some help to pay for satellite tv myself! Shoot, we didn't even have broadband for the computer, only dial up until a few months ago we finally got a slow dsl service through a new phone company!

I paid those taxes to get us cable and phone and internet for a good 25 years before moving up here....thought for certain we would at least have cable or broadband when we first moved here, but no such luck!

I don't have a problem with insurance companies covering birth control pills.

and I don't have a problem with gvt funding contraceptives for those who can not afford them....especially for those who are married and can't afford it.

I'll pay for your cable tv or satellite tv, if you pay for mine!!! :) j/k

Do you really miss cable that much?
I have no problem with insurance companies providing bc coverage. But I don't believe it should be compulsory. I do have a problem with government funding 'free' anything, particularly programs that tend to foster poor choices, bad attitudes, and dependency. I think you would be amazed how well people would cope if government freebies were withdrawn.
but we have pure numbers on what it was like before the gvt funded reproductive services (contraception) for the poor....


This saves the tax payer money, that's the bottom line for the gvt.

Morality is taught at home, within the family, by the 'churches' as well....not by the gvt, and it appears the family and church are failing...
What happened to conservatives?

“It is my view that no American woman should be denied access to family planning assistance because of her economic condition.… This we have the capacity to do”. Richard Nixon
OK, local taxes pay for police and fire protection, I have no problem with paying for those, the protect all of us equally. Most infrastructure and schools should also be funded locally. I have no problem footing the bill for a federally- funded military that protects our national interests equally for all of us. There's a general benefit for all citizens in these things which we all use.
So, if I am being dunned so that someone can screw around and not worry about the consequences, does that mean I have the use of what I am paying for?

But that's the point. Not all of us agree that these should be the policy.

I have no problem funding the military, but a lot of people had a huge problem with fighting a war in Iraq after we found out the government was wrong about WMD's.

ironically, the same people took no issue in going into Libya.

funny how hypacracy works.
Hey in case you fucking people haven't been told we're broke, we cannot afford all this free shit you want, get up off your assess get a job and start paying some FEDERAL INCOME
What happened to conservatives?

“It is my view that no American woman should be denied access to family planning assistance because of her economic condition.… This we have the capacity to do”. Richard Nixon

yeeaahh :lol:

Quoting Tricky Dick, now that's funny.


No one is denied, you can go to any store and buy condoms.
What happened to conservatives?

“It is my view that no American woman should be denied access to family planning assistance because of her economic condition.… This we have the capacity to do”. Richard Nixon

We're 16 trillion dollars in debt (Dick Nixon) would be rolling around in his grave. We can't afford to pay for all you sluts who want to fuck around and take no personal responsibility.
I'll tell you what... As a 20 year sailor, I was sure thankful for the free condoms provided by the US Government. It kept a whole lot of my shipmates safe during port calls...which is why I stood at the prow handing them out.

(they also made great balloons for impromptu parties)
I'll tell you what... As a 20 year sailor, I was sure thankful for the free condoms provided by the US Government. It kept a whole lot of my shipmates safe during port calls...which is why I stood at the prow handing them out.

(they also made great balloons for impromptu parties)

how do they become free? did the manufacturer make them for free, were they shipped and distributed to the US Navy for free? did South American donate the rubber? How did they become "free"? oh! "provided by the US government" which means of course they "aren't "free". the taxpayers had to buy you dolts some fucking rubbers because you have no sense so self responsibility.
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I'll tell you what... As a 20 year sailor, I was sure thankful for the free condoms provided by the US Government. It kept a whole lot of my shipmates safe during port calls...which is why I stood at the prow handing them out.

(they also made great balloons for impromptu parties)

And the free ones worked how much better then the ones they could buy for themselves?

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