Study Finds DeSantis, And Abbot Are Responsible For At Least 4700 Unecessry Deaths In FL, And TX

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What happens when Republican governors institute policies that are 100% about showing their Trumpism, and 0% about taking care of the people in their state? Here are two good examples.

In Texas, Greg Abbott has declared that no one can require proof of vaccination, As a direct result of this decision, the Texas Tribune reports that only half of workers at Texas nursing homes are vaccinated. And as a direct result of that, “The number of nursing homes across the state with at least one active COVID-19 case has shot up nearly 800% in the past month.”

That’s right. Remember all the work that was put into trying to protect people in nursing homes?

What was that about NY again, you two Trump balls washers?
LMAO @ the Daily Kooks

You psycho Leftist are so fucking gullible for the Marxist Fake News Propaganda.
What happens when Republican governors institute policies that are 100% about showing their Trumpism, and 0% about taking care of the people in their state? Here are two good examples.

In Texas, Greg Abbott has declared that no one can require proof of vaccination, As a direct result of this decision, the Texas Tribune reports that only half of workers at Texas nursing homes are vaccinated. And as a direct result of that, “The number of nursing homes across the state with at least one active COVID-19 case has shot up nearly 800% in the past month.”

That’s right. Remember all the work that was put into trying to protect people in nursing homes?

What was that about NY again, you two Trump balls washers?
What ever happened to the concept of government getting out of the way and allowing people to take care of themselves? Why do so many people think it's the government's job to take care of us?
What happens when Republican governors institute policies that are 100% about showing their Trumpism, and 0% about taking care of the people in their state? Here are two good examples.

In Texas, Greg Abbott has declared that no one can require proof of vaccination, As a direct result of this decision, the Texas Tribune reports that only half of workers at Texas nursing homes are vaccinated. And as a direct result of that, “The number of nursing homes across the state with at least one active COVID-19 case has shot up nearly 800% in the past month.”

That’s right. Remember all the work that was put into trying to protect people in nursing homes?

What was that about NY again, you two Trump balls washers?
Its too bad that your “study” is not worth the recycled paper its written on
Wow, so Texas pulled ahead of New York for Covid deaths?

Now if memory serves, what has been going on in Texas that could have caused this???????????????


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:thankusmile: :yes_text12: Trollboy Langley shill of course ignores the murderous actions of Cuomo and lies knowing full well New York easily eclipsed both Texas and Florida together as more deaths than both states combined.trollboy hates states standing up fir human rights and liberty and freedom giving the middle finger to a tyrannical government.
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Well seeing most of the Nurses are Filipino, Nigerian and Hispanic in Texas make me wonder why so many minorities are refusing to get vaccinated?

Also the DailyKos is a biased website that has lied before and slants it content without discussing how many minority communities in Texas have yet to get vaccinated nor wear masks!
They are about as objective as snopes which he no doubt also uses as a source.:abgg2q.jpg::rofl:
The left wants to insist that the GOP is to blame for this becoming a political issue.

Yet, if you look back with the clarity of hindsight, it was democrats who were first to lay blame. They were more interested in laying the blame at Trump's feet than they were, or ever will be, in completely mitigating the effects of this virus.

In a nutshell, it was far more important to the brain-dead idiots on the left to blame Trump than it was to battle the virus...
And the Dementocrats are responsible for over 680,000 deaths due to COVID in the USA, because they REFUSED to let Trump impose his travel ban between China and the USA in late 2019 and early 2020!!!!
How many people died because they went shopping in Chinatown like Pelosi said to?
What happens when Republican governors institute policies that are 100% about showing their Trumpism, and 0% about taking care of the people in their state? Here are two good examples.

In Texas, Greg Abbott has declared that no one can require proof of vaccination, As a direct result of this decision, the Texas Tribune reports that only half of workers at Texas nursing homes are vaccinated. And as a direct result of that, “The number of nursing homes across the state with at least one active COVID-19 case has shot up nearly 800% in the past month.”

That’s right. Remember all the work that was put into trying to protect people in nursing homes?

What was that about NY again, you two Trump balls washers?

Unclean OP
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