Student Suspended for Removing Mexican Flag are saying the School District (who's report you can link, but apparently not read) is lying?

Nick Morris said he took the flag down because it was placed higher than the US flag. I believe him.

"It could have been a Russian flag or French flag, I still would have taken it down. If you looked at the American Flag and Texan flag, in another part of the building, the Mexican Flag was much higher," said the 10th-grade ROTC cadet. "Before I took it down, I sent a picture of it to my mom and she called the school to tell them we were offended and they hung up on her."

I would have supported the kid if he would have taken it down and taken it to the office.
I also would have backed him for any punishment given.

He tried to give the flag to an assistant principle but he wouldn't accept it.
cry us a fucking rio grande.

He still does have to take responsibility for vandalizing school property or however they want to classify it by tossing the flag in the trash. I don't even know why he would throw it in the trash, he sure wouldn't want it done to the American flag.

That being said, if a foreign flag was flying above the American flag, that should be changed.

There was no vandalizing of school property. Wise up!
Nick Morris said he took the flag down because it was placed higher than the US flag. I believe him.

"It could have been a Russian flag or French flag, I still would have taken it down. If you looked at the American Flag and Texan flag, in another part of the building, the Mexican Flag was much higher," said the 10th-grade ROTC cadet. "Before I took it down, I sent a picture of it to my mom and she called the school to tell them we were offended and they hung up on her."

I would have supported the kid if he would have taken it down and taken it to the office.
I also would have backed him for any punishment given.

He tried to give the flag to an assistant principle but he wouldn't accept it.
Not true.
The logic of the rightwingtards: Because most of our illegal immigrants come from Mexico, law abiding Mexican/Americans are not allowed to celebrate their heritage and their personal property should not be protected under American law.

Ignorant doucherags, every one of you... and then some.
Just to clarify....Willow thinks it is perfectly clear for Student A to take Student B's property without permission and trash it.....because illegals are in our country.

No, just to clarify, no one would own up to having put the flag there, so the student tossed it. What he should have done is take it to lost and found. He didn't steal it. And if the traitor who hung the flag had owned up to it, he probably would have given him back his flag along with a lesson in how foreign flags should be lower than American flags.

FTR the student that owned the flag was reimbursed.
So...if I took something of yours and kept throwing them away...that's not stealing?

If something of mine was hanging from the school balcony, and you asked everyone around who's it was and no one could tell you, I couldn't object if you threw it in the garbage. How could I expect you to know it was mine? I'll admit the student should have taken the flag to the lost and found but that's the ONLY thing he did wrong. Seems to me if it was the Spanish Club that put it up, someone around there should have known that and spoke up.
Yes, they should all have been hanging around just for that moment, shouldn't they?

Oh come on...if it was the Spanish Club that put that flag there they would have spoken up! It was one of the mexican kids that put it there and nobody wanted to speak up!! I agree he shouldn't have thrown it away (no matter how tempting it was!), but he had every right to take it down.
What i don't get is, all the mexicans that have come here (legally or illegally)...they supposedly came here for a better life because America is so why are they flying the mexican flag if that's such a bad country? Because they're just doing it to start something, it can't be because they're proud of their country and being mexican. If they are, then MOVE BACK THERE! This is the U.S., and we are under NO obligation to fly other country flags and i don't feel we have to appease them by doing this. Why are we celebrating a mexican holiday anyway? Or any other countries holidays?
No - i'm not "racist" or a bigot, but i'm tired of loosing so many rights we had as Americans because of these issues and not wanting to offend anyone!
The logic of the rightwingtards: Because most of our illegal immigrants come from Mexico, law abiding Mexican/Americans are not allowed to celebrate their heritage and their personal property should not be protected under American law.

Ignorant doucherags, every one of you... and then some.

They can celebrate their heritage, but when in the course of their celebration they disrespect or disparage our country, then it becomes a problem.

Perhaps you should learn what Cinco de Mayo is all about. The mexicans thinks it's their independence day when in fact it's not. Mexico's independence day is Sept. 16.

Wise up!
If something of mine was hanging from the school balcony, and you asked everyone around who's it was and no one could tell you, I couldn't object if you threw it in the garbage. How could I expect you to know it was mine? I'll admit the student should have taken the flag to the lost and found but that's the ONLY thing he did wrong. Seems to me if it was the Spanish Club that put it up, someone around there should have known that and spoke up.
Yes, they should all have been hanging around just for that moment, shouldn't they?

Oh come on...if it was the Spanish Club that put that flag there they would have spoken up! It was one of the mexican kids that put it there and nobody wanted to speak up!! I agree he shouldn't have thrown it away (no matter how tempting it was!), but he had every right to take it down.
What i don't get is, all the mexicans that have come here (legally or illegally)...they supposedly came here for a better life because America is so why are they flying the mexican flag if that's such a bad country? Because they're just doing it to start something, it can't be because they're proud of their country and being mexican. If they are, then MOVE BACK THERE! This is the U.S., and we are under NO obligation to fly other country flags and i don't feel we have to appease them by doing this. Why are we celebrating a mexican holiday anyway? Or any other countries holidays?
No - i'm not "racist" or a bigot, but i'm tired of loosing so many rights we had as Americans because of these issues and not wanting to offend anyone!

  • As part of a student activity, permission was granted for students to display some decorations for Cinco de Mayo which included the Mexican flag that was placed on a railing in the school. This activity was never meant to dishonor or show disrespect to our country or our state or our flags.
According to Klein ISD Communications Director Trazanna Moreno, a Mexican flag was displayed inside the building, with permission, by a member of the school's Spanish club as part of a Cinco de Mayo observance. Moreno says another student upset by the display removed the flag and stuffed it in a trash can. She adds that the school cannot comment on any discipline the student may have received.

Asshole. It's right in the link that the OP posted.
Not true.

It is true, Nick stated that on KTRH radio the day after it happened. I have no reason to doubt him.
No he didn't. Not that it matters...he had no right to remove the flag and throw it away.

It's really funny watching the cons justifying criminal behavior.

Yes he did you stupid fuck, I heard him say it. He had every right to do what he did and he has a tremendous amount of support. As a matter of fact you can donate to Nick's college fund that was created in his honor after this incident took place. Just follow the link.
It is true, Nick stated that on KTRH radio the day after it happened. I have no reason to doubt him.
No he didn't. Not that it matters...he had no right to remove the flag and throw it away.

It's really funny watching the cons justifying criminal behavior.

Yes he did you stupid fuck, I heard him say it. He had every right to do what he did and he has a tremendous amount of support. As a matter of fact you can donate to Nick's college fund that was created in his honor after this incident took place. Just follow the link.
He had no right.

He should be thankful that he wasn't arrested for theft and destruction of property. He could have spent the night in juvie and been sentenced to community service and lived with the indignity of a record for a couple of years.

But, no, he instead went on the radio and cried like a little baby that he was punished at all. His parents failed him by allowing him to do this. And you fail him by encouraging his lack of personal responsibility.

Which doesn't surprise me. Personal responsibility is for everyone but you and your entitlement junky ilk.
No he didn't. Not that it matters...he had no right to remove the flag and throw it away.

It's really funny watching the cons justifying criminal behavior.

Yes he did you stupid fuck, I heard him say it. He had every right to do what he did and he has a tremendous amount of support. As a matter of fact you can donate to Nick's college fund that was created in his honor after this incident took place. Just follow the link.
He had no right.

He should be thankful that he wasn't arrested for theft and destruction of property. He could have spent the night in juvie and been sentenced to community service and lived with the indignity of a record for a couple of years.

But, no, he instead went on the radio and cried like a little baby that he was punished at all. His parents failed him by allowing him to do this. And you fail him by encouraging his lack of personal responsibility.

Which doesn't surprise me. Personal responsibility is for everyone but you and your entitlement junky ilk.

Damn you are one stupid fuck!

He went on the radio and there was no crying at all, he stated his case in a respectful manner and never shied away from his responsibility. Why do you liberal idiots have to lie?
The logic of the rightwingtards: Because most of our illegal immigrants come from Mexico, law abiding Mexican/Americans are not allowed to celebrate their heritage and their personal property should not be protected under American law.

Ignorant doucherags, every one of you... and then some.

They can celebrate their heritage, but when in the course of their celebration they disrespect or disparage our country, then it becomes a problem.

Perhaps you should learn what Cinco de Mayo is all about. The mexicans thinks it's their independence day when in fact it's not. Mexico's independence day is Sept. 16.

Wise up!

Really? Mexicans I know think it celebrates the Battle of Puebla.
Face it...there are those here (and we know who they are) who support treating anyone and anything that they personally don't respect with disdain or abuse. It's as simple as that....and they brag about teaching their children the same disrespect.
He deserves a medal.

And if he had kicked, abused and bloodied a real Mexican, he would be a right wing HERO...

It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke

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