Strzok Memos Show Obama White House Interfered / Protected Hillary


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
At one point 'then-White House press secretary Josh Earnest claiming Clinton was not a target of the FBI probe.'

"Below not helpful," Strzok wrote to top FBI counterintelligence official Bill Priestap and colleague Robert Jones on Jan. 30, 2016, from his FBI Washington Field Office. "Certainly the WH is going to do whatever it wants, but there is a line they need to hold with regard to the appearance of non-interference.""Below not helpful," Strzok wrote to top FBI counterintelligence official Bill Priestap and colleague Robert Jones on Jan. 30, 2016, from his FBI Washington Field Office. "Certainly the WH is going to do whatever it wants, but there is a line they need to hold with regard to the appearance of non-interference."

Strzok KNEW Hillary Clinton was under MULTIPLE FBI investigations at the time, and declaring this publicly was a definite sign the Obama administration was biased and going to interfere / protect her. This supports Comey's own comments regarding Obama US AG Lynch 'directing' him to treat and call the investigations of Hillary a 'matter' and not investigations when talking publicly.

Obama himself made comments that looed extremely biased and contradicted his own words....

In October 2015, "Obama told “60 Minutes” that Clinton had made a “mistake” with her private email server use but it did not endanger national security."

'In April 2016, he told “Fox News Sunday” that national security was not endangered, and Clinton would never “intentionally” put the country in jeopardy.'

Later, when the FBI revealed it had recovered classified documents on Hillary's server and the media demanded they be released, President Obama declared publicly that these documents 'were so classified that they would not be released in any format because to do so would gravely damage national security'.

TOP SECRET information, so sensitive if released / hacked from her non-encrypted, unsecured server she illegally shared access with individuals who had no clearance would cause grave damage to our national security....but according to Obama Hillary 'never endangered national security'? WTF?

Comey shouldn't worry about the President costing the FBI's credibility - he, McCabe, and Strzok pretty much killed any credibility the FBI had.

'Ousted FBI boss Comey earlier took a swipe at the former president for those remarks in his new memoir and a Sunday interview promoting it. Comey said Obama’s comments “jeopardized” the DOJ’s credibility.'

"...emails containing Top Secret (TS) and even more sensitive intelligence known as SAP (Special Access Programs) were found by a government watchdog on Clinton’s private server that she used for all government business as secretary of state."

In his Book, 'A Higher Loyalty' (which should have been called 'A Higher Treason'), former FBI Director Comey wrote, "In all, there were thirty-six email chains that discussed topics that were classified as ‘secret’ at the time."

"Access to SAP intelligence is restricted to those with a "need-to-know" because exposure of the intelligence would likely reveal the source, putting a method of intelligence collection -- or a human asset -- at risk. Currently, some 1,340 emails designated "classified" have been found on Clinton's server, though the Democratic presidential nominee insists the information was not classified at the time."

Hillary had been read-in to these programs as Secretary of State. When she stepped down from that role she was read out of them. This meant she no longer had a need-to-know and thus no legal right to access any of this information again...yet the FBI found this information on her personal server...meaning she ILLEGALLY had access to / possession of this super classified information...on an un-approved, unencrypted, unsecured personal computer...the contents of which we know aid Huma Abedin send and downloaded onto her personal laptop at home....which usually rested atop her pedophile husband's naked junk while he sexted under-aged girls on-line.

..but Obama and his administration was swearing up and down that Hillary had not jeopardized national security...that she would never do that?!

That either makes Obama guilty as hell or as dumb as hell.

Emails show Obama White House statements on Clinton probe worried FBI's Strzok
At one point 'then-White House press secretary Josh Earnest claiming Clinton was not a target of the FBI probe.'

"Below not helpful," Strzok wrote to top FBI counterintelligence official Bill Priestap and colleague Robert Jones on Jan. 30, 2016, from his FBI Washington Field Office. "Certainly the WH is going to do whatever it wants, but there is a line they need to hold with regard to the appearance of non-interference.""Below not helpful," Strzok wrote to top FBI counterintelligence official Bill Priestap and colleague Robert Jones on Jan. 30, 2016, from his FBI Washington Field Office. "Certainly the WH is going to do whatever it wants, but there is a line they need to hold with regard to the appearance of non-interference."

Strzok KNEW Hillary Clinton was under MULTIPLE FBI investigations at the time, and declaring this publicly was a definite sign the Obama administration was biased and going to interfere / protect her. This supports Comey's own comments regarding Obama US AG Lynch 'directing' him to treat and call the investigations of Hillary a 'matter' and not investigations when talking publicly.

Obama himself made comments that looed extremely biased and contradicted his own words....

In October 2015, "Obama told “60 Minutes” that Clinton had made a “mistake” with her private email server use but it did not endanger national security."

'In April 2016, he told “Fox News Sunday” that national security was not endangered, and Clinton would never “intentionally” put the country in jeopardy.'

Later, when the FBI revealed it had recovered classified documents on Hillary's server and the media demanded they be released, President Obama declared publicly that these documents 'were so classified that they would not be released in any format because to do so would gravely damage national security'.

TOP SECRET information, so sensitive if released / hacked from her non-encrypted, unsecured server she illegally shared access with individuals who had no clearance would cause grave damage to our national security....but according to Obama Hillary 'never endangered national security'? WTF?

Comey shouldn't worry about the President costing the FBI's credibility - he, McCabe, and Strzok pretty much killed any credibility the FBI had.

'Ousted FBI boss Comey earlier took a swipe at the former president for those remarks in his new memoir and a Sunday interview promoting it. Comey said Obama’s comments “jeopardized” the DOJ’s credibility.'

"...emails containing Top Secret (TS) and even more sensitive intelligence known as SAP (Special Access Programs) were found by a government watchdog on Clinton’s private server that she used for all government business as secretary of state."

In his Book, 'A Higher Loyalty' (which should have been called 'A Higher Treason'), former FBI Director Comey wrote, "In all, there were thirty-six email chains that discussed topics that were classified as ‘secret’ at the time."

"Access to SAP intelligence is restricted to those with a "need-to-know" because exposure of the intelligence would likely reveal the source, putting a method of intelligence collection -- or a human asset -- at risk. Currently, some 1,340 emails designated "classified" have been found on Clinton's server, though the Democratic presidential nominee insists the information was not classified at the time."

Hillary had been read-in to these programs as Secretary of State. When she stepped down from that role she was read out of them. This meant she no longer had a need-to-know and thus no legal right to access any of this information again...yet the FBI found this information on her personal server...meaning she ILLEGALLY had access to / possession of this super classified information...on an un-approved, unencrypted, unsecured personal computer...the contents of which we know aid Huma Abedin send and downloaded onto her personal laptop at home....which usually rested atop her pedophile husband's naked junk while he sexted under-aged girls on-line.

..but Obama and his administration was swearing up and down that Hillary had not jeopardized national security...that she would never do that?!

That either makes Obama guilty as hell or as dumb as hell.

Emails show Obama White House statements on Clinton probe worried FBI's Strzok
I think it shows a total disregard for the rule of law and an arrogance to date that is unheard of before for a President.
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At one point 'then-White House press secretary Josh Earnest claiming Clinton was not a target of the FBI probe.'

"Below not helpful," Strzok wrote to top FBI counterintelligence official Bill Priestap and colleague Robert Jones on Jan. 30, 2016, from his FBI Washington Field Office. "Certainly the WH is going to do whatever it wants, but there is a line they need to hold with regard to the appearance of non-interference.""Below not helpful," Strzok wrote to top FBI counterintelligence official Bill Priestap and colleague Robert Jones on Jan. 30, 2016, from his FBI Washington Field Office. "Certainly the WH is going to do whatever it wants, but there is a line they need to hold with regard to the appearance of non-interference."

Strzok KNEW Hillary Clinton was under MULTIPLE FBI investigations at the time, and declaring this publicly was a definite sign the Obama administration was biased and going to interfere / protect her. This supports Comey's own comments regarding Obama US AG Lynch 'directing' him to treat and call the investigations of Hillary a 'matter' and not investigations when talking publicly.

Obama himself made comments that looed extremely biased and contradicted his own words....

In October 2015, "Obama told “60 Minutes” that Clinton had made a “mistake” with her private email server use but it did not endanger national security."

'In April 2016, he told “Fox News Sunday” that national security was not endangered, and Clinton would never “intentionally” put the country in jeopardy.'

Later, when the FBI revealed it had recovered classified documents on Hillary's server and the media demanded they be released, President Obama declared publicly that these documents 'were so classified that they would not be released in any format because to do so would gravely damage national security'.

TOP SECRET information, so sensitive if released / hacked from her non-encrypted, unsecured server she illegally shared access with individuals who had no clearance would cause grave damage to our national security....but according to Obama Hillary 'never endangered national security'? WTF?

Comey shouldn't worry about the President costing the FBI's credibility - he, McCabe, and Strzok pretty much killed any credibility the FBI had.

'Ousted FBI boss Comey earlier took a swipe at the former president for those remarks in his new memoir and a Sunday interview promoting it. Comey said Obama’s comments “jeopardized” the DOJ’s credibility.'

"...emails containing Top Secret (TS) and even more sensitive intelligence known as SAP (Special Access Programs) were found by a government watchdog on Clinton’s private server that she used for all government business as secretary of state."

In his Book, 'A Higher Loyalty' (which should have been called 'A Higher Treason'), former FBI Director Comey wrote, "In all, there were thirty-six email chains that discussed topics that were classified as ‘secret’ at the time."

"Access to SAP intelligence is restricted to those with a "need-to-know" because exposure of the intelligence would likely reveal the source, putting a method of intelligence collection -- or a human asset -- at risk. Currently, some 1,340 emails designated "classified" have been found on Clinton's server, though the Democratic presidential nominee insists the information was not classified at the time."

Hillary had been read-in to these programs as Secretary of State. When she stepped down from that role she was read out of them. This meant she no longer had a need-to-know and thus no legal right to access any of this information again...yet the FBI found this information on her personal server...meaning she ILLEGALLY had access to / possession of this super classified information...on an un-approved, unencrypted, unsecured personal computer...the contents of which we know aid Huma Abedin send and downloaded onto her personal laptop at home....which usually rested atop her pedophile husband's naked junk while he sexted under-aged girls on-line.

..but Obama and his administration was swearing up and down that Hillary had not jeopardized national security...that she would never do that?!

That either makes Obama guilty as hell or as dumb as hell.

Emails show Obama White House statements on Clinton probe worried FBI's Strzok
I think it show a total disregard for the rule of law and an arrogance to date that is unheard of before for a President.

AND Hillary and Obama have no excuse, they are both trained attorneys who know the law. That's why Comey's bullshit about how Hillary was just ignorant of the law and didn't mean to break it is the lamest damn excuse I ever heard. Obama claims he's a constitutional law professor for Christ sake.
At one point 'then-White House press secretary Josh Earnest claiming Clinton was not a target of the FBI probe.'

"Below not helpful," Strzok wrote to top FBI counterintelligence official Bill Priestap and colleague Robert Jones on Jan. 30, 2016, from his FBI Washington Field Office. "Certainly the WH is going to do whatever it wants, but there is a line they need to hold with regard to the appearance of non-interference.""Below not helpful," Strzok wrote to top FBI counterintelligence official Bill Priestap and colleague Robert Jones on Jan. 30, 2016, from his FBI Washington Field Office. "Certainly the WH is going to do whatever it wants, but there is a line they need to hold with regard to the appearance of non-interference."

Strzok KNEW Hillary Clinton was under MULTIPLE FBI investigations at the time, and declaring this publicly was a definite sign the Obama administration was biased and going to interfere / protect her. This supports Comey's own comments regarding Obama US AG Lynch 'directing' him to treat and call the investigations of Hillary a 'matter' and not investigations when talking publicly.

Obama himself made comments that looed extremely biased and contradicted his own words....

In October 2015, "Obama told “60 Minutes” that Clinton had made a “mistake” with her private email server use but it did not endanger national security."

'In April 2016, he told “Fox News Sunday” that national security was not endangered, and Clinton would never “intentionally” put the country in jeopardy.'

Later, when the FBI revealed it had recovered classified documents on Hillary's server and the media demanded they be released, President Obama declared publicly that these documents 'were so classified that they would not be released in any format because to do so would gravely damage national security'.

TOP SECRET information, so sensitive if released / hacked from her non-encrypted, unsecured server she illegally shared access with individuals who had no clearance would cause grave damage to our national security....but according to Obama Hillary 'never endangered national security'? WTF?

Comey shouldn't worry about the President costing the FBI's credibility - he, McCabe, and Strzok pretty much killed any credibility the FBI had.

'Ousted FBI boss Comey earlier took a swipe at the former president for those remarks in his new memoir and a Sunday interview promoting it. Comey said Obama’s comments “jeopardized” the DOJ’s credibility.'

"...emails containing Top Secret (TS) and even more sensitive intelligence known as SAP (Special Access Programs) were found by a government watchdog on Clinton’s private server that she used for all government business as secretary of state."

In his Book, 'A Higher Loyalty' (which should have been called 'A Higher Treason'), former FBI Director Comey wrote, "In all, there were thirty-six email chains that discussed topics that were classified as ‘secret’ at the time."

"Access to SAP intelligence is restricted to those with a "need-to-know" because exposure of the intelligence would likely reveal the source, putting a method of intelligence collection -- or a human asset -- at risk. Currently, some 1,340 emails designated "classified" have been found on Clinton's server, though the Democratic presidential nominee insists the information was not classified at the time."

Hillary had been read-in to these programs as Secretary of State. When she stepped down from that role she was read out of them. This meant she no longer had a need-to-know and thus no legal right to access any of this information again...yet the FBI found this information on her personal server...meaning she ILLEGALLY had access to / possession of this super classified information...on an un-approved, unencrypted, unsecured personal computer...the contents of which we know aid Huma Abedin send and downloaded onto her personal laptop at home....which usually rested atop her pedophile husband's naked junk while he sexted under-aged girls on-line.

..but Obama and his administration was swearing up and down that Hillary had not jeopardized national security...that she would never do that?!

That either makes Obama guilty as hell or as dumb as hell.

Emails show Obama White House statements on Clinton probe worried FBI's Strzok
I think it show a total disregard for the rule of law and an arrogance to date that is unheard of before for a President.

AND Hillary and Obama have no excuse, they are both trained attorneys who know the law. That's why Comey's bullshit about how Hillary was just ignorant of the law and didn't mean to break it is the lamest damn excuse I ever heard. Obama claims he's a constitutional law professor for Christ sake.
The only Obama taught in college was how to steal elections and go around the law.
AND Hillary and Obama have no excuse, they are both trained attorneys who know the law. That's why Comey's bullshit about how Hillary was just ignorant of the law and didn't mean to break it is the lamest damn excuse I ever heard. Obama claims he's a constitutional law professor for Christ sake.

The FBI had reported that they had recovered more than 15,000 official documents Hillary never turned in as required by the FOIA and Federal Records laws - that's over 30,000 criminal counts against Hillary. That is not to mention all of the illegal possession, handling, destruction, and sharing of classified...

...and after declaring Hillary had broken laws Comey INCREDIBLY stated that Hillary had just been too stupid to know any better.

Forget for a second that Hillary was an intelligent lawyer who knew the law....

Forget for a second that ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law.

I guess he was hoping the 'sheep' out there would forget how the media reported that in order to get and keep her security clearances she had to complete initial and re-occurring security training that taught her everything she had to know about legal possession, handling, securing, sharing, destroying, etc classified information and devices...that after she completed this training she had to sign an official document acknowledging she had received and understood all of it...and that these documents were kept on file as record.

All the evidence in the world needed to prove Hillary was not too stupid to know how to handle classified was in those documents she signed. If Hillary had been too stupid to know how to handle classified, she would never have been given to TOP SECRET read-in classified information.

Comey's declaring he would not recommend Hillary for prosecution because she was too stupid to understand she was breaking the law was both one of the most frightening moments - realizing the FBI / Obama administration were truly ALL-IN on protecting her from indictment / prison - and friggin' HILARIOUS, as our Director of the FBI came across to the world as the Man in Charge of the KEYSTONE COPS!

Forget for a second that Hillary was an intelligent lawyer who knew the law....Forget for a second that ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law.

Its worse, Hillary had 8 years experience living in the White House and was a U.S. Senator, that she or Comey could claim she was just dumb its laughable. There is no more obvious example of the political elite being above the law than this.

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