Trump Stormy diversion


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
In his continuing efforts to create diversions from the Russian investigation and now the Stormy storm engulfing his administration, the AP is reporting that Trump is poised to announce massive tariffs on consumer goods we import from China.

Trumpsters across the land, in their ignorance, will applaud Trump for standing up to China, and protecting American jobs. They fail to recognize however, that Trump is actually imposing a substantial, burdensome tax on them which he needs to pay for his massive tax giveaway to wealthy Americans. Of course, since they are the wealthy, Republicans can well afford this new, regressive tax.

It's the poor and less fortunate among us who are really impacted, but no matter. Trump is convinced they vote Democrat anyway. Let's hope and pray that Stormy terminates this administration sooner rather than later.
In his continuing efforts to create diversions from the Russian investigation and now the Stormy storm engulfing his administration, the AP is reporting that Trump is poised to announce massive tariffs on consumer goods we import from China.

Trumpsters across the land, in their ignorance, will applaud Trump for standing up to China, and protecting American jobs. They fail to recognize however, that Trump is actually imposing a substantial, burdensome tax on them which he needs to pay for his massive tax giveaway to wealthy Americans. Of course, since they are the wealthy, Republicans can well afford this new, regressive tax.

It's the poor and less fortunate among us who are really impacted, but no matter. Trump is convinced they vote Democrat anyway. Let's hope and pray that Stormy terminates this administration sooner rather than later.
In his continuing efforts to create diversions from the Russian investigation and now the Stormy storm engulfing his administration, the AP is reporting that Trump is poised to announce massive tariffs on consumer goods we import from China.

Trumpsters across the land, in their ignorance, will applaud Trump for standing up to China, and protecting American jobs. They fail to recognize however, that Trump is actually imposing a substantial, burdensome tax on them which he needs to pay for his massive tax giveaway to wealthy Americans. Of course, since they are the wealthy, Republicans can well afford this new, regressive tax.

It's the poor and less fortunate among us who are really impacted, but no matter. Trump is convinced they vote Democrat anyway. Let's hope and pray that Stormy terminates this administration sooner rather than later.

Do you even receive a paycheck, or are you on welfare like 90% of the DNC? Here is some common sense retard, you pay a few million in taxes, you get a few million back in tax refund. Unless that is, one is a femal wet back crapping out more wet backs and getting $1000 a pop along with food stamps, health care and a cash stipend. How does that not irk you?

As far as stormy go's, you may want to rethink your hopes there. May be better that she shuts up. Every time yall say trumps done a democrat gets indicted or loses their job.
In his continuing efforts to create diversions from the Russian investigation and now the Stormy storm engulfing his administration, the AP is reporting that Trump is poised to announce massive tariffs on consumer goods we import from China.

Trumpsters across the land, in their ignorance, will applaud Trump for standing up to China, and protecting American jobs. They fail to recognize however, that Trump is actually imposing a substantial, burdensome tax on them which he needs to pay for his massive tax giveaway to wealthy Americans. Of course, since they are the wealthy, Republicans can well afford this new, regressive tax.

It's the poor and less fortunate among us who are really impacted, but no matter. Trump is convinced they vote Democrat anyway. Let's hope and pray that Stormy terminates this administration sooner rather than later.

Do you even receive a paycheck, or are you on welfare like 90% of the DNC? Here is some common sense retard, you pay a few million in taxes, you get a few million back in tax refund. Unless that is, one is a femal wet back crapping out more wet backs and getting $1000 a pop along with food stamps, health care and a cash stipend. How does that not irk you?

As far as stormy go's, you may want to rethink your hopes there. May be better that she shuts up. Every time yall say trumps done a democrat gets indicted or loses their job.
Bottom line, Trump is imposing a tax. You love it, because you love Trump. The rest of us know what's going on. He has to pay for a big giveaway to the wealthy, and he's doing it on the backs of those who can least afford it. Plus, he wants attention on this and not Russia and Stormy.

P.S. - Did you really say "tax refund?" You mean you let the government use your money, interest free??? Study up, sucker.
In his continuing efforts to create diversions from the Russian investigation and now the Stormy storm engulfing his administration, the AP is reporting that Trump is poised to announce massive tariffs on consumer goods we import from China.

Trumpsters across the land, in their ignorance, will applaud Trump for standing up to China, and protecting American jobs. They fail to recognize however, that Trump is actually imposing a substantial, burdensome tax on them which he needs to pay for his massive tax giveaway to wealthy Americans. Of course, since they are the wealthy, Republicans can well afford this new, regressive tax.

It's the poor and less fortunate among us who are really impacted, but no matter. Trump is convinced they vote Democrat anyway. Let's hope and pray that Stormy terminates this administration sooner rather than later.

Do you even receive a paycheck, or are you on welfare like 90% of the DNC? Here is some common sense retard, you pay a few million in taxes, you get a few million back in tax refund. Unless that is, one is a femal wet back crapping out more wet backs and getting $1000 a pop along with food stamps, health care and a cash stipend. How does that not irk you?

As far as stormy go's, you may want to rethink your hopes there. May be better that she shuts up. Every time yall say trumps done a democrat gets indicted or loses their job.
Bottom line, Trump is imposing a tax. You love it, because you love Trump. The rest of us know what's going on. He has to pay for a big giveaway to the wealthy, and he's doing it on the backs of those who can least afford it. Plus, he wants attention on this and not Russia and Stormy.

P.S. - Did you really say "tax refund?" You mean you let the government use your money, interest free??? Study up, sucker.

Whatever. Dont miss it as i dont hurt for cash but yeah. And so does conchita vasques. thats why she gets 8,000 bucks for shitting out little beeners.
In his continuing efforts to create diversions from the Russian investigation and now the Stormy storm engulfing his administration, the AP is reporting that Trump is poised to announce massive tariffs on consumer goods we import from China.

Trumpsters across the land, in their ignorance, will applaud Trump for standing up to China, and protecting American jobs. They fail to recognize however, that Trump is actually imposing a substantial, burdensome tax on them which he needs to pay for his massive tax giveaway to wealthy Americans. Of course, since they are the wealthy, Republicans can well afford this new, regressive tax.

It's the poor and less fortunate among us who are really impacted, but no matter. Trump is convinced they vote Democrat anyway. Let's hope and pray that Stormy terminates this administration sooner rather than later.
You need to get your message out to the poor and less fortunate that the money they have received as a direct result of Donald Trump's tax reform is fake. Too bad the collusion thing didn't work out but good luck on pinning all of your hopes and dreams on a washed up porn star. CNN is all in, I see.
In his continuing efforts to create diversions from the Russian investigation and now the Stormy storm engulfing his administration, the AP is reporting that Trump is poised to announce massive tariffs on consumer goods we import from China.

Trumpsters across the land, in their ignorance, will applaud Trump for standing up to China, and protecting American jobs. They fail to recognize however, that Trump is actually imposing a substantial, burdensome tax on them which he needs to pay for his massive tax giveaway to wealthy Americans. Of course, since they are the wealthy, Republicans can well afford this new, regressive tax.

It's the poor and less fortunate among us who are really impacted, but no matter. Trump is convinced they vote Democrat anyway. Let's hope and pray that Stormy terminates this administration sooner rather than later.
You need to get your message out to the poor and less fortunate that the money they have received as a direct result of Donald Trump's tax reform is fake. Too bad the collusion thing didn't work out but good luck on pinning all of your hopes and dreams on a washed up porn star. CNN is all in, I see.
Tic toc, tic toc, tic toc, tic toc, tic toc!
In his continuing efforts to create diversions from the Russian investigation and now the Stormy storm engulfing his administration, the AP is reporting that Trump is poised to announce massive tariffs on consumer goods we import from China.

Trumpsters across the land, in their ignorance, will applaud Trump for standing up to China, and protecting American jobs. They fail to recognize however, that Trump is actually imposing a substantial, burdensome tax on them which he needs to pay for his massive tax giveaway to wealthy Americans. Of course, since they are the wealthy, Republicans can well afford this new, regressive tax.

It's the poor and less fortunate among us who are really impacted, but no matter. Trump is convinced they vote Democrat anyway. Let's hope and pray that Stormy terminates this administration sooner rather than later.
Now Trump is trying to move Stormy into federal court; says she owes him $20,000,000.00 for breach of confidentiality agreement (which he has previously said he was not a party to. Can't wait. Can you imagine the biggest liar ever in the history of our Presidency submitting a sworn deposition???

Stormy is more dangerous to Cadet Bone Spurs than Mueller ever thought about being!!! Bigly!

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