Stormy Daniels sues Trump


Stormy Daniels sues President Trump over alleged affair and 'hush' agreement

Washington (CNN)A new lawsuit filed by the porn star known as Stormy Daniels claims President Donald Trump never signed a hush agreement regarding an alleged sexual encounter between the two and therefore the agreement is void.

According to the legal complaint filed in California state court and tweeted out by her lawyer on Tuesday, Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, signed the document on behalf of the President instead.

The porn star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, claims in the lawsuit to have had an affair with Trump several years prior to his presidency. However, the lawsuit claims that when he was running for office and multiple women were coming forward to share stories of their own alleged encounters with the then-Republican presidential candidate, Cohen intervened in an attempt to keep Clifford from coming forward as well.

The lawsuit says Cohen has continued his attempts at silencing Clifford -- including as recently as February 27, 2018.

More: Stormy Daniels sues Trump

Stormy Daniels Lawsuit (15 pages w/attachments)

I have always believed that Stormy would get the last laugh. Will Trump have to testify under oath?

Stormy is dancing for dead presidents stuffed in her britches...

Creepy Porn Lawyer is being indicted for ripping Stormy off...

Michael Cohen is getting a big guy named Bubba his plate from the Salad Bar at a country club prison...

This is a time stamp in history on how lame the indian princess's judgement is...

Oh yea and POTUS is still kicking nan-chuk's asses all over the swamp...

Stormy Daniels sues President Trump over alleged affair and 'hush' agreement

Washington (CNN)A new lawsuit filed by the porn star known as Stormy Daniels claims President Donald Trump never signed a hush agreement regarding an alleged sexual encounter between the two and therefore the agreement is void.

According to the legal complaint filed in California state court and tweeted out by her lawyer on Tuesday, Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, signed the document on behalf of the President instead.

The porn star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, claims in the lawsuit to have had an affair with Trump several years prior to his presidency. However, the lawsuit claims that when he was running for office and multiple women were coming forward to share stories of their own alleged encounters with the then-Republican presidential candidate, Cohen intervened in an attempt to keep Clifford from coming forward as well.

The lawsuit says Cohen has continued his attempts at silencing Clifford -- including as recently as February 27, 2018.

More: Stormy Daniels sues Trump

Stormy Daniels Lawsuit (15 pages w/attachments)

I have always believed that Stormy would get the last laugh. Will Trump have to testify under oath?

Stormy is dancing for dead presidents stuffed in her britches...

Creepy Porn Lawyer is being indicted for ripping Stormy off...

Michael Cohen is getting a big guy named Bubba his plate from the Salad Bar at a country club prison...

This is a time stamp in history on how lame the indian princess's judgement is...

Oh yea and POTUS is still kicking nan-chuk's asses all over the swamp...

An we only know all three of there names because of Trump.
Avenatti stole from her. What an upstanding bunch. Wonder why no one believed them or cared.
He fucked one, hired the other and then when he got into legal trouble the one he fucked got a lawyer. So, yeah, Trump brought all three with him.

Were you there when the deed was done? Was you the towel person? POTUS said he never boned her... Broke hooker/dancer bones a CPL... CPL contacts another lying Lawyer... After a few adult beverages, CPL and lying lawyer decide to rip off both clients...

I don't believe POTUS was ever involved... He was just robbed by a couple of liberal lawyers... HappyJoy which one do you have on retainer?
He fucked one, hired the other and then when he got into legal trouble the one he fucked got a lawyer. So, yeah, Trump brought all three with him.

Were you there when the deed was done? Was you the towel person? POTUS said he never boned her... Broke hooker/dancer bones a CPL... CPL contacts another lying Lawyer... After a few adult beverages, CPL and lying lawyer decide to rip off both clients...

I don't believe POTUS was ever involved... He was just robbed by a couple of liberal lawyers... HappyJoy which one do you have on retainer?

Oh, that's right. Donald didn't have sex with Stormy *wink*, *wink*, sure buddy.
First of all I am not you fucking buddy... I all ready asked but you avoided answering the question... Were you there? Do you have a blue dress? Prove it... Rich people pay off nuisance suits all the time...
You are the one that needs to take a :chillpill:... take a nap and sober up... maybe you will break that TDS fever that is causing the delirium...

Ok, friend. He paid Stormy for some great conversation then I guess.
Ok, friend. He paid Stormy for some great conversation then I guess.

Lying Lawyer paid the 130,000..00 as Trumps Lawyer... Then told Trump... Very possible that CPL and lying lawyer split the 130 Grand... Unless you have the blue dress or possibly some photo's seeing how you have first hand knowledge of DJT's sex life or lack of a sex life...
Ok, friend. He paid Stormy for some great conversation then I guess.

Lying Lawyer paid the 130,000..00 as Trumps Lawyer... Then told Trump... Very possible that CPL and lying lawyer split the 130 Grand... Unless you have the blue dress or possibly some photo's seeing how you have first hand knowledge of DJT's sex life or lack of a sex life...

Right, buddy. That's some deep denial.

Not sure why you care as if this is going to change your opinion about him.
Ok, friend. He paid Stormy for some great conversation then I guess.

Lying Lawyer paid the 130,000..00 as Trumps Lawyer... Then told Trump... Very possible that CPL and lying lawyer split the 130 Grand... Unless you have the blue dress or possibly some photo's seeing how you have first hand knowledge of DJT's sex life or lack of a sex life...
He paid her because trump told him to pay her. How else would Cohen even know about Stormy Daniel's unless trump told him?

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