Stormy Daniels sues Trump

Stormy Daniels sues President Trump over alleged affair and 'hush' agreement

Washington (CNN)A new lawsuit filed by the porn star known as Stormy Daniels claims President Donald Trump never signed a hush agreement regarding an alleged sexual encounter between the two and therefore the agreement is void.

According to the legal complaint filed in California state court and tweeted out by her lawyer on Tuesday, Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, signed the document on behalf of the President instead.

The porn star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, claims in the lawsuit to have had an affair with Trump several years prior to his presidency. However, the lawsuit claims that when he was running for office and multiple women were coming forward to share stories of their own alleged encounters with the then-Republican presidential candidate, Cohen intervened in an attempt to keep Clifford from coming forward as well.

The lawsuit says Cohen has continued his attempts at silencing Clifford -- including as recently as February 27, 2018.

More: Stormy Daniels sues Trump

Stormy Daniels Lawsuit (15 pages w/attachments)

I have always believed that Stormy would get the last laugh. Will Trump have to testify under oath?
/----/ democRATs taught us that it's just sex between consenting adults and none of our business. It happened 10 years ago and not in the Oval Office. democRATs taught us it's time to move on and STFU.
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Stormy Daniels sues President Trump over alleged affair and 'hush' agreement

Washington (CNN)A new lawsuit filed by the porn star known as Stormy Daniels claims President Donald Trump never signed a hush agreement regarding an alleged sexual encounter between the two and therefore the agreement is void.

According to the legal complaint filed in California state court and tweeted out by her lawyer on Tuesday, Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, signed the document on behalf of the President instead.

The porn star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, claims in the lawsuit to have had an affair with Trump several years prior to his presidency. However, the lawsuit claims that when he was running for office and multiple women were coming forward to share stories of their own alleged encounters with the then-Republican presidential candidate, Cohen intervened in an attempt to keep Clifford from coming forward as well.

The lawsuit says Cohen has continued his attempts at silencing Clifford -- including as recently as February 27, 2018.

More: Stormy Daniels sues Trump

Stormy Daniels Lawsuit (15 pages w/attachments)

I have always believed that Stormy would get the last laugh. Will Trump have to testify under oath?
/----/ democRATs taught us that it's just sex between consenting adults and none of our business. It happened 10 years ago and not in the Oval Office. democRATs taught us it's time to move on and STFU.
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/----/ Keep laughing you hypocritical Progs.
Democrats Ignored Bill Clinton's Mistreatment of Women, and ...
Nov 29, 2017 - What may have been unpoliced in '92 cannot escape the wailing sirens of '17. Earlier this month, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand—Democrat of New York and Clinton protégé, a longtime benefactor of their largesse—was asked by The New York Times if Clinton should have resigned over the Lewinsky affair.

Stormy Daniels sues President Trump over alleged affair and 'hush' agreement

Washington (CNN)A new lawsuit filed by the porn star known as Stormy Daniels claims President Donald Trump never signed a hush agreement regarding an alleged sexual encounter between the two and therefore the agreement is void.

According to the legal complaint filed in California state court and tweeted out by her lawyer on Tuesday, Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, signed the document on behalf of the President instead.

The porn star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, claims in the lawsuit to have had an affair with Trump several years prior to his presidency. However, the lawsuit claims that when he was running for office and multiple women were coming forward to share stories of their own alleged encounters with the then-Republican presidential candidate, Cohen intervened in an attempt to keep Clifford from coming forward as well.

The lawsuit says Cohen has continued his attempts at silencing Clifford -- including as recently as February 27, 2018.

More: Stormy Daniels sues Trump

Stormy Daniels Lawsuit (15 pages w/attachments)

I have always believed that Stormy would get the last laugh. Will Trump have to testify under oath?
/----/ democRATs taught us that it's just sex between consenting adults and none of our business. It happened 10 years ago and not in the Oval Office. democRATs taught us it's time to move on and STFU.
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Did Clinton pay Monica illegal hush money?
A lawyer can't pay out money for a client unless that client is indigent.

That's the law.

Trump is a billionaire.

Trump's own lawyer is going to need a lawyer.
Trump said he is going to sue his 19 accusers.

How many has he sued?
Beside the fact Trumpov was doing a Porn Star after his son to Melania was born, the damage could be far greater than just 130,000.

If he admits to this it may Void what is not doubt a Tough Pre-Nup Melania had to sign
In fact, it be Voided by his Immorality (implicit marital morals) despite a pre nup.

IOW, a $5 Million divorce settlement could become $5 BILLION if he in any way admits to this affair.
And the fact that his lawyer paid, DOES admit it, including the fact he said the payment was delayed Until he could reach Trumpov.

That may be why DJT is DEAD SILENT on this affair.

(PS: of course Lying DJT is not worth anywhere near $10 Bil IAC)
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A lawyer can't pay out money for a client unless that client is indigent.

That's the law.

Trump is a billionaire.

Trump's own lawyer is going to need a lawyer.
Speaking of Ethics: Helping the Indigent Client: A Threat to Lawyer Independence?

… [T]he circumstances that lead a lawyer to consider undertaking such extraordinary obligations on behalf of a particular client may suggest the presence of a different kind of personal interest conflict. Most rational lawyers would not—and financially, could not—undertake obligations like those imposed by the Affidavit of Support for any client. The fact that a lawyer would consider such an extraordinary undertaking for a particular, special client should cause the lawyer to question whether he or she can maintain the professional distance necessary to represent the client effectively and dispassionately.


If Trump's lawyer paid 130 grand out of his own pocket, he broke the law.
He is in deep, deep sh!t.

Trump's lawyer will need his own lawyer.
And this is just the beginning.
You should look up the definition of an affair. I read the OP, I don't give clicks to left wing hate sites.

Fraud is pretending this story doesn't exist. Ya know who does believe it? Melania

Fraud against who, the gal that willingly flat backed?

So, let's get this straight... you admit as true everything that Trump denies, first of all. Is that about right?

Only an ignorant regressive would presume to see an admission in a simple question. Run along child.

Then answer the question with a simple no and clarify, instead of throwing a hissy.

How about a simple I don't know, all we have is a he said, she said. Of course your bias will only allow you to believe the worse about Trump, but what I see is a gal looking for a big payday. It's hard for objective people to believe a person that keeps changing her story.

You: "Fraud against who, the gal that willingly flat backed?"

This is you, admitting what Trump has denied. It's a simple fact, bro. Own it.
Fraud is pretending this story doesn't exist. Ya know who does believe it? Melania

Fraud against who, the gal that willingly flat backed?

So, let's get this straight... you admit as true everything that Trump denies, first of all. Is that about right?

Only an ignorant regressive would presume to see an admission in a simple question. Run along child.

Then answer the question with a simple no and clarify, instead of throwing a hissy.

How about a simple I don't know, all we have is a he said, she said. Of course your bias will only allow you to believe the worse about Trump, but what I see is a gal looking for a big payday. It's hard for objective people to believe a person that keeps changing her story.


Let me use some of Trump's own words for you to maul over. He said he doesn't settle, because doing so will just bring more and more people out of the wood work to sue him.

So the fact he paid her off, that goes to show you he IS GUILTY. If he paid off everyone that accused him of this, he'd spend millions of dollars doing it.
Fraud against who, the gal that willingly flat backed?

So, let's get this straight... you admit as true everything that Trump denies, first of all. Is that about right?

Only an ignorant regressive would presume to see an admission in a simple question. Run along child.

Then answer the question with a simple no and clarify, instead of throwing a hissy.

How about a simple I don't know, all we have is a he said, she said. Of course your bias will only allow you to believe the worse about Trump, but what I see is a gal looking for a big payday. It's hard for objective people to believe a person that keeps changing her story.


Let me use some of Trump's own words for you to maul over. He said he doesn't settle, because doing so will just bring more and more people out of the wood work to sue him.

So the fact he paid her off, that goes to show you he IS GUILTY. If he paid off everyone that accused him of this, he'd spend millions of dollars doing it.

I haven't seen any evidence Trump paid her a dime, his lawyer says he wasn't even aware of the settlement. Can you prove otherwise, or does your bias just prevent you accepting the lawyers word?


I haven't seen any evidence Trump paid her a dime, his lawyer says he wasn't even aware of the settlement. Can you prove otherwise, or does your bias just prevent you accepting the lawyers word?
Trumpov's Lawyer Admitted he paid her off, and complained Trumpov hasn't reimbursed him.

Trumpov's lawyer also said the payment was delayed several times because he couldn't get in touch with Trumpov.

WTF are you talikng about MORON? Do you just watch Faux News.

What a low-info partisan Idiot you are.
You're Not qualified to even be in this discussion.
or does your bias just prevent you accepting the lawyers word?
Yes, OF COURSE "bias" prevents any serous, rational person from taking trump's lawyer's word, because Trump is who he is. He has earned his reputation.

It seems like i am stating the obvious... because i am. Seriously man... look at what hitching your wagons to Trump has done to your brain....

I haven't seen any evidence Trump paid her a dime, his lawyer says he wasn't even aware of the settlement. Can you prove otherwise, or does your bias just prevent you accepting the lawyers word?
Trumpov's Lawyer Admitted he paid her off, and complained Trumpov hasn't reimbursed him.

Trumpov's lawyer also said the payment was delayed several times because he couldn't get in touch with Trumpov.

WTF are you talikng about MORON? Do you just watch Faux News.

What a low-info partisan Idiot you are.
You're Not qualified to even be in this discussion.

I've got a link, do you????????????

“I am Mr. Trump’s longtime special counsel and I have proudly served in that role for more than a decade,” Cohen said Tuesday night in a statement first reported by the New York Times. “In a private transaction in 2016, I used my own personal funds to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to Ms. Stephanie Clifford. Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly.

or does your bias just prevent you accepting the lawyers word?
Yes, OF COURSE "bias" prevents any serous, rational person from taking trump's lawyer's word, because Trump is who he is. He has earned his reputation.

It seems like i am stating the obvious... because i am. Seriously man... look at what hitching your wagons to Trump has done to your brain....

So Trumps lawyer is guilty of lying by association?

I've got a link, do you????????????
“I am Mr. Trump’s longtime special counsel and I have proudly served in that role for more than a decade,” Cohen said Tuesday night in a statement first reported by the New York Times. “In a private transaction in 2016, I used my own personal funds to facilitate a Payment of $130,000 to Ms. Stephanie Clifford. Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly.
You said previous:

OKTexas said in the one previous:
I haven't seen any evidence Trump paid her a dime, his Lawyer says he wasn't even Aware of the settlement. Can you prove otherwise,
or does your bias just prevent you accepting the lawyers word?​

Now you post a link which says Cohen paid her.
You mental Defective Liar.

And Cohen paidf her for what Idiot?

Report: Trump’s Lawyer Complained About Not Getting Reimbursed for Stormy Daniels Payoff

President Trump’s longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen may have very well been telling the truth when he told the New York Times that he paid former porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 out of his own pocket and without reimbursement from the president.

However, that may have been because Cohen had a hard time getting Trump to pay him back, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

According to WSJ, last October Daniels’ reps were threatening to turn down a payout guaranteeing her silence about an alleged 2006 affair between her and the then-Apprentice host. Cohen reportedly blew two deadlines to reach an agreement with Daniels because he had trouble getting in touch with Trump to secure the funds.
Given that his client was in the final stretch of an election, Cohen paid Daniels’s lawyer out of his own pocket through Essentials Consultants LLC, a company he created for the transaction. Banking records obtained by WSJ show Daniels received the payment on October 27, less than two weeks before the election.

Apparently, Trump didn’t think paying his fixer back was a priority as sources claimed that Cohen was Complaining after the election that Trump hadn’t reimbursed him. In fairness, it’s not like Trump ever had a stellar reputation when it came to paying back debts. Still, that’s a hell of a loose end for Trump to leave unattended while preparing to assume the country’s highest office. It’s unknown if Cohen was ever paid back.

The transaction had been flagged as suspicious by Cohen’s bank and reported to the Treasury Department and launched an internal investigation of the payment one year later...​

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