Stop the Steal!

Trump was explicit. He believed the election was stolen and if he could show that at least 11,779 were denied to legitimate voters it would swing the state.
Ands the Georgia election officials set him straight on every point. There WERE no votes to "find"
You figure if you tell the same lie often enough, someone will start to believe it.
It's your primary tactic
Ands the Georgia election officials set him straight on every point. There WERE no votes to "find"

It's your primary tactic
They had almost 0 Chain of Custody documents until after the certification. Did you know that? Did you know their videos of drop boxes vanished? Did you know they are still fighting to hide information citizens deserve to see, like ballot images? You do now.
belief is irrelevant, what matters is facts & evidence.


And the fact remains, the evidence proves Trump never asked, much less ordered, anyone to find any votes.
its undeniable that Trump pressured georgia secretary of state to find him 11,780 votes. Also undeniable that Trump made up fake electors in secret in several states, one of which is georgia.

Except of course he didn't - you're just lying - as the evidence clearly shows,.
Regardless, Trump never asked nor ordered for anyone to find any votes,

You Nazis lied in order to try and frame the object of your insanity.
Mindlessly repeating yourself in spite of evidence to the contrary doesn't actuall convince anyone.

kinda like farting in a wetsuit. Feels good for a few seconds but actually does nothing

And the fact remains, the evidence proves Trump never asked, much less ordered, anyone to find any votes.

Except of course he didn't - you're just lying - as the evidence clearly shows,.

...oh yes he asked, and the fake electors in georgia...

evidence in abundance, where is yours?
Mindlessly repeating yourself in spite of evidence to the contrary doesn't actuall convince anyone.

kinda like farting in a wetsuit. Feels good for a few seconds but actually does nothing


Like you mindlessly repeating your lie about Trump asking to find votes - yet you nor your fellow Nazis can quote it?

I get it, you're a pathological liar. The object of your Insanity caused your Tourette's to kick in...

...oh yes he asked, and the fake electors in georgia...

evidence in abundance, where is yours?

So, you lie again.
Trump didn't ask or order anyone to find votes in that clip.

You keep lying as if it will change reality.

You Nazis are pathological.

Due to the obsession with the object of your insanity.
Sure he did, gumdrop. Well, we know it wasn't
YOUR idol, Mr. BiDouche McRusset
Tatertot Poopypants! He can't
fucking talk! :auiqs.jpg:

He can't talk.
He can't walk.
He can't lead.
He can't bleed.
He can't bike.
He is a fright.
Her can't win.
He is done in.
He was installed.
America is appalled.

But the fix is here. Just 20 weeks to go. MAGA

View attachment 660978 View attachment 660979

Fawn is a pathological liar.
Pot calling the kettle black.
I thought you were going to end the show trial putting a bullet in the back of Emanuel Goldstein's head?

You Nazis hated Goldstein before the show trial, This thread is dominated by you Nazis lying about Trump's conversation with Raffenbsberger.

So, did the Hollywood produced Show Trial change even a single mind?

It's not like you Nazis hated Trump any less before the show. Do you think even one mind - or what the show was really about - one VOTE was changed by this Taxpayer funded farce?
I thought
That’s where you typically fail.

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