Stop the Steal’ Movement Will ‘Force’ States Biden Won to Send Republican Electors to Electoral College,


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
Sure they will. If you read this hogwash, you will realize that they do not actually have a plan or a means to do that

In the presidential election, President Donald Trump lost several key states to his Democratic opponent Joe Biden, an outcome that hard-core Trump supporters reject. Alexander said his team will “force” those battleground states to send Republican electors to the electoral college, presumably to cast votes for Trump, even if they hail from states that were won by Biden. Alexander declared:

They are up against a lot:

Could it work? Election law experts are highly skeptical. And leaders of the Republican majorities in legislatures in key states, including Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona and Georgia, told The New York Times this week through their offices that they saw no role for themselves in picking electors.

The problem is:

Here’s how such a scheme would theoretically play out. The Constitution gives state legislatures the power to determine the “manner” in which electors are appointed to the Electoral College, the body of 538 people who formally choose the president. Every state has already done that, by specifying in its laws that the winner of the statewide popular vote is entitled to the state’s presidential electors (Maine and Nebraska apportion some electors by congressional district).

These people need to give it up, get a life, and get mental health help. I would recommend a Cult Deprograming Program:
Overcoming the charisma of cult leaders, such as Jim Jones, is not an easy task. Deprogramming is the more drastic of the two approaches because it usually involves an initial kidnapping to get the cult member away from the cult. For this reason, deprogramming is a very expensive service. It can cost in the tens of thousands of dollars.

In fact the 70 % of Republicans who think that the election was stolen could benefit from this
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Sure they will. If you read this hogwash, you will realize that they do not actually have a plan or a means to do that

In the presidential election, President Donald Trump lost several key states to his Democratic opponent Joe Biden, an outcome that hard-core Trump supporters reject. Alexander said his team will “force” those battleground states to send Republican electors to the electoral college, presumably to cast votes for Trump, even if they hail from states that were won by Biden. Alexander declared:

They are up against a lot:

Could it work? Election law experts are highly skeptical. And leaders of the Republican majorities in legislatures in key states, including Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona and Georgia, told The New York Times this week through their offices that they saw no role for themselves in picking electors.

The problem is:

Here’s how such a scheme would theoretically play out. The Constitution gives state legislatures the power to determine the “manner” in which electors are appointed to the Electoral College, the body of 538 people who formally choose the president. Every state has already done that, by specifying in its laws that the winner of the statewide popular vote is entitled to the state’s presidential electors (Maine and Nebraska apportion some electors by congressional district).

These people need to give it up, get a life, and get mental health help. I would recommend a Cult Deprograming Program:
Overcoming the charisma of cult leaders, such as Jim Jones, is not an easy task. Deprogramming is the more drastic of the two approaches because it usually involves an initial kidnapping to get the cult member away from the cult. For this reason, deprogramming is a very expensive service. It can cost in the tens of thousands of dollars.

In fact the 70 % of Republicans who think that the election was stolen could benefit from this
Democracy needs to be defended from the likes of Ali Alexander, along with other on the reprehensible right who have contempt for our democratic institutions.
Sure they will. If you read this hogwash, you will realize that they do not actually have a plan or a means to do that

In the presidential election, President Donald Trump lost several key states to his Democratic opponent Joe Biden, an outcome that hard-core Trump supporters reject. Alexander said his team will “force” those battleground states to send Republican electors to the electoral college, presumably to cast votes for Trump, even if they hail from states that were won by Biden. Alexander declared:

They are up against a lot:

Could it work? Election law experts are highly skeptical. And leaders of the Republican majorities in legislatures in key states, including Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona and Georgia, told The New York Times this week through their offices that they saw no role for themselves in picking electors.

The problem is:

Here’s how such a scheme would theoretically play out. The Constitution gives state legislatures the power to determine the “manner” in which electors are appointed to the Electoral College, the body of 538 people who formally choose the president. Every state has already done that, by specifying in its laws that the winner of the statewide popular vote is entitled to the state’s presidential electors (Maine and Nebraska apportion some electors by congressional district).

These people need to give it up, get a life, and get mental health help. I would recommend a Cult Deprograming Program:
Overcoming the charisma of cult leaders, such as Jim Jones, is not an easy task. Deprogramming is the more drastic of the two approaches because it usually involves an initial kidnapping to get the cult member away from the cult. For this reason, deprogramming is a very expensive service. It can cost in the tens of thousands of dollars.

In fact the 70 % of Republicans who think that the election was stolen could benefit from this
Democracy needs to be defended from the likes of Ali Alexander, along with other on the reprehensible right who have contempt for our democratic institutions.
No, we have contempt for reprehensible fifth columnist scum like you.

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