Stop Insulting God


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.
Are you willing to admit your Quran was somewhat copied in parts by the OT and Talmud?
They have their views and so do you. They view your prophet as an insult to God, you view their prophet as insult to God...

Can't you see? Neither religion is perfect, yet both Christianity and Islam are beautiful beyond words, and in the end, you both have your ways of worshipping God/ Allah/ YHWH.

You both worship the God of Adam. The God of Abraham. The god of Moses. Of Solomon.

Of Jesus.

Of Muhammad.

Why then, the constant hatred against each other, for worshipping and understanding God in different ways? Your cultures and rituals may differ from each other, but in the end Christians and Muslims and Catholics and Jews alike all worship the same Abrahamic God.

Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.
Stop insisting that we Christians adhere to your dogma. You may not be permitted to draw your prophet's image, but that rule does not apply to me. If you want to live in this society, YOU must adhere to our rules.

Should I ever go insane and move to a nation ruled by a faith, it will then be my responsibility to conform to the local mores.
Today's Islam is an Insult to Humanity.

Repent of your evil barbaric ways, and stop wearing dresses.............

Killing little girls and women on the battlefield makes them men.............How does your belief justify the beheadings of small children in the Middle East...............Islamic Radicalism is the scourge of the earth and should not be respected nor tolerated...............which is exactly why they get smacked by us from time to time.

Are you willing to admit your Quran was somewhat copied in parts by the OT and Talmud?

Can the World not experience the evolution of another Abrahamic religion without the adherents of the previous Abrahamic religions claiming it to have "copied" or "plagiarized" them? Christianity adopted the Old Testament from Judaism. Was that plagiarism? No, and neither is the Quran of Islam.

Judaism gave birth to Christianity as well as Islam. And like two children sharing the same parents, they are not identical. They have evolved in different directions, but they are still connected no matter how they feel about each other.

Despite this, you would all rather attack each other than appreciate one another as brothers and sisters worshipping the same Supreme God.

How do you think that looks in the eyes of God? Do you truly believe it is the Will of God/ Allah/ YHWH for "His" followers to all be at war with each other? To spite one another, hate on one another, and attack one another?

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Christianity was created to evolve Judaism from the temple and sacrifices, as Judaism was also copied from those religions before it. Christianity is no more false than Judaism or Islam or , so to say one is better , worst or first is quite wrong. I never said it was ""plagiarized" but the stories in it were use to created the Quran.
Oh goody goody - another My God Can Beat Up Your God thread.

If gods really did exist, they would be shaking their heads and wondering how their followers could get it so wrong.

Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.
How does violent jihad not insult mankind? How does a society ruled by faith call itself free? How can one narrow interpretation of scripture mandate comportment for all?

I'm really not sure you understand the definition of the word 'respect'.
Gods a big boy....he can take it

And for those who believe they will eventually be judged by God... what will the Maker tell them about all the ways they chose to hate on each other for worshipping the same God?

There is only one true religion in the eyes of God.
Everyone else gets sent to hell

And who told you that? Did God tell you that?

Is there perhaps a... misinterpretation that was made, or perhaps even some mass manipulation at work... done by other humans for the purpose of social control, power, financial exploitation, etc?

And "True" can mean many things. What do you mean by "true"?

Or were you being sarcastic lol

Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.

Son of God is a relational metaphor used by Jesus to identify his position with God as that of the prophet described by Moses in Deuteronomy 18:18." I will put my words into his mouth and he shall convey all of my commands."

"To commit sin is to break Gods law: sin, in fact, is lawlessness. Christ appeared, as you know, to do away with sins, and there is no sin in him. No man therefore who dwells in him is a sinner; the sinner has not seen him and does not know him.

My children, do not be misled: it is the man who does what is right who is righteous, as God is righteous; the man who sins is a child of the devil, for the devil has been a sinner from the first; and Christ appeared for the very purpose of undoing the devil's work.

A child of God does not commit sin, because the divine seed remains in him; he cannot be a sinner because he is God's child. That is the distinction between the children of God and the children of the devil; no one who does not do what is right is God's child, nor is anyone who does not love his brother." 1John 3:4-10
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Gods a big boy....he can take it

And for those who believe they will eventually be judged by God... what will the Maker tell them about all the ways they chose to hate on each other for worshipping the same God?

There is only one true religion in the eyes of God.
Everyone else gets sent to hell

And who told you that? Did God tell you that?

Is there perhaps a... misinterpretation that was made, or perhaps even some mass manipulation at work... done by other humans for the purpose of social control, power, financial exploitation, etc?

And "True" can mean many things. What do you mean by "true"?

Or were you being sarcastic lol

I was raised Catholic
"Stop Insulting God"

There is no 'god' as perceived by theists, consequently nothing is being 'insulted.'

And that Muslims or Christians or other theists become 'insulted' because someone says something negative about their religion is ridiculous and unwarranted.
The title of your thread is ironic because the way to insult God is to deny that He came in the form of a man - Jesus Christ - to bring mankind salvation. Any person who teaches others to bow down to baal gods and false prophets has insulted God which is why the followers of Islam are doomed unless they repent and leave it.

God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap. Heaven is not a brothel and the Word of God is very clear that no murderer, no idolater (Islam followers) .......shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. See Revelation 21 and also Romans 10:9,10 and call upon the Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ and be saved.

Jesus was very clear that anyone who denies him before men shall be denied before His Father. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. Mohammad was a false prophet such as Jesus warns about in Matthew 24. In that one chapter Jesus warns 5 times Do not be deceived. It's a warning. Do not be deceived. Do not base your eternal life on a mere human that was a sinner (Mohammad) but rather on the written Word of God who came in the flesh to redeem you from damnation. (See John 3:16 )

I'll be keeping you in my prayers Muslim75.

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