Stop Funding Israel - You can help here

Huh, first of all welcome.
Now to business, Would you be interested to discuss the conflict related side of the aid from the US to the sides and make a comparison or something like that in particular or just to reach as many people for signing the petition?

I'm open to both. My purpose for joining was to reach as many people as possible, but I'm always open to learning more and discussion.
Huh, first of all welcome.
Now to business, Would you be interested to discuss the conflict related side of the aid from the US to the sides and make a comparison or something like that in particular or just to reach as many people for signing the petition?

I'm open to both. My purpose for joining was to reach as many people as possible, but I'm always open to learning more and discussion.
Well, since we have a highly tensed forum it is being categorized as 'Zone 2' - check the rules, basically its considered advert or spam since your only intention was to advertise the petition, now with that being said, I was wondering what is the cost for the American taxpayer and the things Americans gets in return, do you have any scale to measure those?
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First of all, SFI - welcome to USMB. The Petition links fall under the category of advertising and spam and have been removed. You are more than welcome to participate in debate and conversations however.

Second - the rest of you. This is Zone 2. That means posts must have content related to the topic. Discuss the topic please.
Link removed.
[Edit: I've come to realize people think I'm "anti-Semetic". No. I'm an American, with Scottish-Jewish heritage. I'm not "anti-myself". I'm also not a "self-hating Jew" any more than I'm a "self-hating Scot". Just American.]

Israelis are not Americans. We owe them nothing. They owe us everything.

Israel owe us the USS Liberty and the US sailors they murdered.

Israel and President Bush owe us for PRISM, America's "Big Brother" program, specifically Israeli companies Verint and Narus.
* What was the Israeli involvement in collecting U.S. communications intel for NSA - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News Haaretz

Supplying arms to China.
WRMEA Special Report U.S. Gets Tough on Israeli Arms Sales to China

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, so I don't buy into the claims that the Mossad is behind 9/11, but if that's you, then you have an incentive to stop funding Israel, too.

Link removed.

No you aren't antisemitic you just subscribed to ever antisemitic wet dream. We have the most antiIsrael president in our nation's history and he couldn't cut them off.

Not going to happen in your lifetime!
Why would we cut off funding to our strongest ally in the region before cutting off funding to Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan, the Palestinian territories, Somalia, and Sudan?

That only makes sense if you're an anti-Semite or a complete idiot...or both.

The Palestinians "aid" has been no more than $150 million in it's entirety. And sure, if there are other ways we can keep our money at home, then absolutely. Please start that petition, provide credible sources, and I'll sign it.
Who do you think funds UNESCO you stupid ignorant twat?
Why would we cut off funding to our strongest ally in the region before cutting off funding to Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan, the Palestinian territories, Somalia, and Sudan?

That only makes sense if you're an anti-Semite or a complete idiot...or both.
Allies attack us...damn not very good allies then eh?
Sign the Petition: Cut off billions in financial aid to Israel which increases by 150 million each year We the People Your Voice in Our Government

Israelis are not Americans. We owe them nothing. They owe us everything.

Israel owe us the USS Liberty and the US sailors they murdered.

Israel and President Bush owe us for PRISM, America's "Big Brother" program, specifically Israeli companies Verint and Narus.
* What was the Israeli involvement in collecting U.S. communications intel for NSA - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News Haaretz

Supplying arms to China.
WRMEA Special Report U.S. Gets Tough on Israeli Arms Sales to China

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, so I don't buy into the claims that the Mossad is behind 9/11, but if that's you, then you have an incentive to stop funding Israel, too.

Sign the Petition: Cut off billions in financial aid to Israel which increases by 150 million each year We the People Your Voice in Our Government
How about we stop funding BLACKS?

Same kinda shit, ain't it? No more AA or quotas either.
These 2 retards also cheer the death an a human rights activist run over by a Israeli Terrorist in a bulldozer.
Signed. And Welcome to USMB a cesspool of Israel Firsters who love their Apartheid State!
Yeah it might seem like a cesspool of Israel firsters to a Hitler worshiping Nazi like you.

Hitler just didn't kill enough jews to please you, did he? You'd like kill a few million more, aye?
Few million? No. ALL yes.

Please, don't. I'm not an anti-Semite, as I'm Jewish by blood (and Scottish, so don't hate me). Although you might not care, I really don't appreciate that racist commentary.

Oh great, you're another Lib Jew. Marvelous:rolleyes:
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First of all, SFI - welcome to USMB. The Petition links fall under the category of advertising and spam and have been removed. You are more than welcome to participate in debate and conversations however.

Second - the rest of you. This is Zone 2. That means posts must have content related to the topic. Discuss the topic please.

You cleaned this thread, yet you left the most vile post of all by Odium, where he said he wants all Jews dead.


Fact that Jews are alive and well is the greatest "Mid-Finger-Comeback" to your Nazi gang.

I wouldn't laugh were I in your place. kind of frustrating knowing Jews are able to have computers, instead of burning, like you think they should, eh?

Sign the Petition: Cut off billions in financial aid to Israel which increases by 150 million each year We the People Your Voice in Our Government

Israelis are not Americans. We owe them nothing. They owe us everything.

Israel owe us the USS Liberty and the US sailors they murdered.

Israel and President Bush owe us for PRISM, America's "Big Brother" program, specifically Israeli companies Verint and Narus.
* What was the Israeli involvement in collecting U.S. communications intel for NSA - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News Haaretz

Supplying arms to China.
WRMEA Special Report U.S. Gets Tough on Israeli Arms Sales to China

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, so I don't buy into the claims that the Mossad is behind 9/11, but if that's you, then you have an incentive to stop funding Israel, too.

Sign the Petition: Cut off billions in financial aid to Israel which increases by 150 million each year We the People Your Voice in Our Government
How about we stop funding BLACKS?

Same kinda shit, ain't it? No more AA or quotas either.

That's a strange way of putting it, considering all races use AA. But regarding AA, it's a part of rehabilitation. It's much better to be spending our money on rehabilitation than drug wars we'll never win.
No, all races DON'T use AA. Only "minorities."

Why do you hate jews? You want to kill them all like the other POS Nazi SS storm trooper on here/

I don't hate Jews, as I am one. But if you don't know the history of Israel, or why Israelis leaving would be good for the world, then you don't understand. They need to go back to Germany. It's a much more accepting place than 50 years ago. They are also very welcome here in the US, where Christians United for Israel all across the US all love them. Faux loving Christians were rooting their heads off when Bibi won, and I doubt any of them know what Israel has been doing to Palestinians all these years.

And yet another islamonazi propagandist emerges from the wood work, I wonder if the mods have looked the IP address used to see it it matches that of the other islamonazi stooges on here.
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First of all, SFI - welcome to USMB. The Petition links fall under the category of advertising and spam and have been removed. You are more than welcome to participate in debate and conversations however.

Second - the rest of you. This is Zone 2. That means posts must have content related to the topic. Discuss the topic please.

You cleaned this thread, yet you left the most vile post of all by Odium, where he said he wants all Jews dead.


Fact that Jews are alive and well is the greatest "Mid-Finger-Comeback" to your Nazi gang.

I wouldn't laugh were I in your place. kind of frustrating knowing Jews are able to have computers, instead of burning, like you think they should, eh?

He laughs but he forgets that people like him are the most hated in the world.. What a deadbeat

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