Stop calling Hobby Lobby a Christian business

Companies are in business to make money....
That's just not right...
That's right. Especially when they purport to be Christian companies. They then need to act more like Christ did and be more caring, loving, and charitable by giving much more to the poor and doing more for the children who are coming into this country from other countries since there's not enough places to house them temporarily until the government decides what to do with them. Such Christian companies are well set monetarily. How about opening up their heart and their wallets to set up better quarters for these kids if they truly want to live the Christian example. I'm sure that would be more than appreciated.

Jesus speaks: "And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." -- MATTHEW 19:24 KJV
Every time you shop at Hobby Lobby, a Chinese baby dies
Buying products from China is not anti Christian.
Boy you guys are having an absolute meltdown.

Now, of course, a huge number of American companies outsource labor to China, and thus help prop up this shameful status quo. But very few of these American companies simultaneously trumpet themselves as "Christian businesses," arguing in court that providing employees with health insurance covering contraceptives violates their religious beliefs. How can this ObamaCare mandate be so foul to Hobby Lobby executives, while they say very little about Chinese policies forcing women to have abortions against their wills? Is abortion wrong only when the terminated life is American?

The most glaring inconsistency between Hobby Lobby's ethical proclamations and its business decisions concerns the matter of religious liberty. The craft store chain is hailed by conservatives as standing up to Uncle Sam and fighting for religious freedom. Yet Hobby Lobby imports billions of dollars worth of bric-a-brac from a nation that denies 1.35 billion citizens freedom of worship.

If Hobby Lobby was concerned with religious freedoms — not just those of conservative American Christians — it would quit doing business in China.
Every time you shop at Hobby Lobby, a Chinese baby dies

But the life of a real flower is saved, I read they sell plastic trees also.

* Does this chain sell anything but stuff you cannot buy locally, and save gas? I notice the company advertises "artificial" flowers, and scrapbooking (yecch), who needs more than a photo album for THAT anyway? Candy, toys, candles and candle making supplies, buttons, and zippers. More like the old Woolworth's than anything new, or unique. No book section, obviously.
The Bible is replete with calls for economic justice. Can you call yourself a "Christian business" when you leverage your profits to support an economic system that blatantly perpetuates injustice?

Sounds like ...

Liberation theology[1] is a political movement in Roman Catholic theology which interprets the teachings of Jesus Christ in relation to a liberation from unjust economic, political, or social conditions. It has been described as "an interpretation of Christian faith through the poor's suffering, their struggle and hope, and a critique of society and the Catholic faith and Christianity through the eyes of the poor".[2] Detractors have called it Christianized Marxism.
Liberation theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes. "Detractors" call President Obama a Manchurian Candidate, terrorist plant, Marxist, Socialist, and a bunch of other derogatory names.

Your point?

And I would hope that Christianity would be seen through the suffering of the poor, not through the excesses of the rich.
The Bible is replete with calls for economic justice. Can you call yourself a "Christian business" when you leverage your profits to support an economic system that blatantly perpetuates injustice?

Sounds like ...

Liberation theology[1] is a political movement in Roman Catholic theology which interprets the teachings of Jesus Christ in relation to a liberation from unjust economic, political, or social conditions. It has been described as "an interpretation of Christian faith through the poor's suffering, their struggle and hope, and a critique of society and the Catholic faith and Christianity through the eyes of the poor".[2] Detractors have called it Christianized Marxism.
Liberation theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes. "Detractors" call President Obama a Manchurian Candidate, terrorist plant, Marxist, Socialist, and a bunch of other derogatory names.

Your point?

And I would hope that Christianity would be seen through the suffering of the poor, not through the excesses of the rich.

My point is that "Liberation theology" had it's critics when Obama was still a Chicago organizer. It's premise is that capitalism is fundamentally unjust, as your OP states. It echoes the rhetoric of Marxism. Not all charges of Marxist dogma can be wistfully brushed aside as the rantings of dogmatic American ideologues.
The Bible is replete with calls for economic justice. Can you call yourself a "Christian business" when you leverage your profits to support an economic system that blatantly perpetuates injustice?

Sounds like ...

Liberation theology[1] is a political movement in Roman Catholic theology which interprets the teachings of Jesus Christ in relation to a liberation from unjust economic, political, or social conditions. It has been described as "an interpretation of Christian faith through the poor's suffering, their struggle and hope, and a critique of society and the Catholic faith and Christianity through the eyes of the poor".[2] Detractors have called it Christianized Marxism.
Liberation theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes. "Detractors" call President Obama a Manchurian Candidate, terrorist plant, Marxist, Socialist, and a bunch of other derogatory names.

Your point?

And I would hope that Christianity would be seen through the suffering of the poor, not through the excesses of the rich.

you don't have a Christian bone in your body
no cares but you left wing whiners
Just once, I would love to see a fucking American lib start a thread on some message board trashing Islam and Muslims.

Wake me, when one is unearthed.
Just once, I would love to see a fucking American lib start a thread on some message board trashing Islam and Muslims.

Wake me, when one is unearthed.

that will NEVER happen, they're cowards who picks on people who they know are peaceful and won't cut out their nasty tongues or cut off their ugly heads
Just once, I would love to see a fucking American lib start a thread on some message board trashing Islam and Muslims.

Wake me, when one is unearthed.

As far as I can see, for the most part in this country Muslims are peaceful and keep to themselves

I have never had a Muslim try to push their religious belief on me........Christians, not so much
Oh my god. Get over it.

He has a point. They are so called Christians, who oppose birth control because it causes 'abortions' yet they source most of their products from a country where women are forced to undergo late term abortions.

You tell me what is wrong with this picture.
You haters loved the supreme decision when it went FOR OBAMA and against the people who didn't want his fascist obamaCare


Yes, we praised a good decision and didn't like a bad decision.

Here's the thing. The court made a decision about women's uteri that didn't have one person with a uterus actually agreeing with it. Five old men decided that Superstition should trump medical science.

bitter haters spreading hate against a company that did nothing to you

you people don't just show your disagreement, you go all out to smear, slander, destroy

some nasty stuff

I'm sorry, how is pointing out facts "smearing' anyone.

If the owners of Hobby Lobby were dead set against abortion, they should get their goods from a country that doesn't have forced abortion as a policy.
The Bible is replete with calls for economic justice. Can you call yourself a "Christian business" when you leverage your profits to support an economic system that blatantly perpetuates injustice?

Sounds like ...

Liberation theology[1] is a political movement in Roman Catholic theology which interprets the teachings of Jesus Christ in relation to a liberation from unjust economic, political, or social conditions. It has been described as "an interpretation of Christian faith through the poor's suffering, their struggle and hope, and a critique of society and the Catholic faith and Christianity through the eyes of the poor".[2] Detractors have called it Christianized Marxism.

Liberation theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Meh, there was a time when the Catholic CHurch figured the Commies might win the Cold War and they wanted to be on the right side. You don't run a 2000 year pedophilia ring without being able to be a political oppurtunist.

John Paul II put an end to that. Along with any hope the CHurch might actually enter the 20th century.

However, to the larger point. Christianity and Capitalism are incompatible philosophies. The reason why most Wingnuts have this look of utter retarded confusion on their faces is they try to reconcile the bible with Ayn Rand and probably haven't read either.

Companies are in business to make money....
That's just not right...
That's right. Especially when they purport to be Christian companies. They then need to act more like Christ did and be more caring, loving, and charitable by giving much more to the poor and doing more for the children who are coming into this country from other countries since there's not enough places to house them temporarily until the government decides what to do with them. Such Christian companies are well set monetarily. How about opening up their heart and their wallets to set up better quarters for these kids if they truly want to live the Christian example. I'm sure that would be more than appreciated.

Jesus speaks: "And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." -- MATTHEW 19:24 KJV
The pay almost double the minimum wage, get over it.
Evidence? How about having to go to the Supreme Court to force your values on your employees

How about stocking your shelves with products from China which forces women to have abortions?

how about you people stop forcing your support of abortions on the rest of us?
How about you gun control freaks stop forcing your views on us by wanting the government to step on us?
DEAL with it or stop with the nonsense

By buying Chinese products, Hobby Lobby is the one supporting abortion

When given a choice between profit and values.....they chose profit

I think by your assumption, buying American is worse, look how looney liberals are pissing on themselves, when no one is denied anything. Those shady women can still buy those abortion pills themselves. Maybe rightie can buy them for them, since he is so worried a baby could possibly be born.
Companies are in business to make money....
That's just not right...

There wasn't a money issue here.

The insurance companies are usually happy to fund family planning because it's cheaper than paying for pregnancies.

Even the most expensive birth control that was prohibited by the ruling yesterday- an IUD - costs $1000.00 a year. Still cheaper from the insurance company's point of view than a birth that can cost anywhere from $3000-10,000, with years of follow-up pediatric care.

Nope, this was about a bunch of guys trying to use religion as an excuse to be douchebags.
how about you people stop forcing your support of abortions on the rest of us?
How about you gun control freaks stop forcing your views on us by wanting the government to step on us?
DEAL with it or stop with the nonsense

By buying Chinese products, Hobby Lobby is the one supporting abortion

When given a choice between profit and values.....they chose profit

I think by your assumption, buying American is worse, look how looney liberals are pissing on themselves, when no one is denied anything. Those shady women can still buy those abortion pills themselves. Maybe rightie can buy them for them, since he is so worried a baby could possibly be born.

America does not have mandatory abortions, China does

Hobby Lobby opposes birth control that prevents an embryo from implanting while they support a Chinese economy that forces abortion on women after one child, usually a male child
A companies prime objective is to provide free birth control.
Everything else is just not relative.

I think the word you are struggling for here is "relevant".

But here's the thing. We have decided as a policy to provide health coverage through employers. No one else in the world does it this way, because honestly, it's kind of stupid.

In short, when Hobby Lobby plans for a $9.00 an hour cashier, they also have to plan for a $5000 health insurance plan on top of the whopping $18,000 a year they have to pay her.
By buying Chinese products, Hobby Lobby is the one supporting abortion

When given a choice between profit and values.....they chose profit

I think by your assumption, buying American is worse, look how looney liberals are pissing on themselves, when no one is denied anything. Those shady women can still buy those abortion pills themselves. Maybe rightie can buy them for them, since he is so worried a baby could possibly be born.

America does not have mandatory abortions, China does

Hobby Lobby opposes birth control that prevents an embryo from implanting while they support a Chinese economy that forces abortion on women after one child, usually a male child
Answer me one question, are hobby lobbies employees denied basic birth control? There are 16 they can choose from.

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