Stop Blaming the Dems for "Not Stopping" the GOP Failure machine

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
It seems the biggest criticism of the Democrats is their inability to stop or reverse failed GOP policy.

Its already been established that the Republicans fucked up America badly over the past 20+ years. They inherited a balanced budget in 2000 and squandered it and then blew up the economy badly, they started the war in Iraq and mismanaged it and it fell into total chaos, they fucked up covid badly, Trump spent like a drunken sailor and ramped up annual deficits from $587B in 2016 to $3.1T in 2020. The list goes on and on.

When you try and hold the GOP accountable for their repeated failures and bad policy the response is pathetic, "the dems didn't do enough to stop the GOP therefore the GOP failure is the fault of the dems !"

Its laughable !
When are the republicans going to be held accountable for their consistent failure? Its the dems fault that the republicans have failed so badly.

It seems the biggest criticism of the Democrats is their inability to stop or reverse failed GOP policy.

Its already been established that the Republicans fucked up America badly over the past 20+ years. They inherited a balanced budget in 2000 and squandered it and then blew up the economy badly, they started the war in Iraq and mismanaged it and it fell into total chaos, they fucked up covid badly, Trump spent like a drunken sailor and ramped up annual deficits from $587B in 2016 to $3.1T in 2020. The list goes on and on.

When you try and hold the GOP accountable for their repeated failures and bad policy the response is pathetic, "the dems didn't do enough to stop the GOP therefore the GOP failure is the fault of the dems !"

Its laughable !
When are the republicans going to be held accountable for their consistent failure? Its the dems fault that the republicans have failed so badly.

This has already been covered in other threads but you had to start a new one?

Just because you didn't like the replies in other threads is not a valid reason to start a new one.
It seems the biggest criticism of the Democrats is their inability to stop or reverse failed GOP policy.

Its already been established that the Republicans fucked up America badly over the past 20+ years. They inherited a balanced budget in 2000 and squandered it and then blew up the economy badly, they started the war in Iraq and mismanaged it and it fell into total chaos, they fucked up covid badly, Trump spent like a drunken sailor and ramped up annual deficits from $587B in 2016 to $3.1T in 2020. The list goes on and on.

When you try and hold the GOP accountable for their repeated failures and bad policy the response is pathetic, "the dems didn't do enough to stop the GOP therefore the GOP failure is the fault of the dems !"

Its laughable !
When are the republicans going to be held accountable for their consistent failure? Its the dems fault that the republicans have failed so badly.

A balanced budget in 2000 .. you realize who controlled the House and Senate to produce that .. correct? So glad you approve of the efforts of them. Regardless, that's year-over-year spending and not the actual deficit .. over $30 Trillion today (and growing).
It seems the biggest criticism of the Democrats is their inability to stop or reverse failed GOP policy.

Its already been established that the Republicans fucked up America badly over the past 20+ years. They inherited a balanced budget in 2000 and squandered it and then blew up the economy badly, they started the war in Iraq and mismanaged it and it fell into total chaos, they fucked up covid badly, Trump spent like a drunken sailor and ramped up annual deficits from $587B in 2016 to $3.1T in 2020. The list goes on and on.

When you try and hold the GOP accountable for their repeated failures and bad policy the response is pathetic, "the dems didn't do enough to stop the GOP therefore the GOP failure is the fault of the dems !"

Its laughable !
When are the republicans going to be held accountable for their consistent failure? Its the dems fault that the republicans have failed so badly.

Really our only problem is life is the GOP

If only we had all democrats we could finally fix everything.

But then, fixing what the GOP screwed up might be near to impossible is the thing

Democrats good, republicans bad.

Now I realize the democrats are powerless to fix the GOP inflation and GOP broken border, but thank God they can at least control the weather, so there is that.

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It seems the biggest criticism of the Democrats is their inability to stop or reverse failed GOP policy.

Its already been established that the Republicans fucked up America badly over the past 20+ years. They inherited a balanced budget in 2000 and squandered it and then blew up the economy badly, they started the war in Iraq and mismanaged it and it fell into total chaos, they fucked up covid badly, Trump spent like a drunken sailor and ramped up annual deficits from $587B in 2016 to $3.1T in 2020. The list goes on and on.

When you try and hold the GOP accountable for their repeated failures and bad policy the response is pathetic, "the dems didn't do enough to stop the GOP therefore the GOP failure is the fault of the dems !"

Its laughable !
When are the republicans going to be held accountable for their consistent failure? Its the dems fault that the republicans have failed so badly.

laughing hilariously.jpg
It seems the biggest criticism of the Democrats is their inability to stop or reverse failed GOP policy.

Its already been established that the Republicans fucked up America badly over the past 20+ years. They inherited a balanced budget in 2000 and squandered it and then blew up the economy badly, they started the war in Iraq and mismanaged it and it fell into total chaos, they fucked up covid badly, Trump spent like a drunken sailor and ramped up annual deficits from $587B in 2016 to $3.1T in 2020. The list goes on and on.

When you try and hold the GOP accountable for their repeated failures and bad policy the response is pathetic, "the dems didn't do enough to stop the GOP therefore the GOP failure is the fault of the dems !"

Its laughable !
When are the republicans going to be held accountable for their consistent failure? Its the dems fault that the republicans have failed so badly.

I remember thinking no way would Republicans ever win back the White House, Senate or House with the way they were behaving. I said they would have to change their behavior or they'd never win again. Then it was close enough for them to steal 2000 and 2004. I believe Bush stole Florida in 2000 and 2004 and Ohio in 2004. The owner of Diebold Voting Machines in Florida was a big part of getting Bush elected in Ohio. And Ken Blackwell. And Roger Stone starting a riot in 2000 to stop the recount. Much like what he and Trump were trying to do in 2020. I know it's all a bit much and sounds like conspiracy theories but it's all true.
I remember thinking no way would Republicans ever win back the White House, Senate or House with the way they were behaving. I said they would have to change their behavior or they'd never win again. Then it was close enough for them to steal 2000 and 2004. I believe Bush stole Florida in 2000 and 2004 and Ohio in 2004. The owner of Diebold Voting Machines in Florida was a big part of getting Bush elected in Ohio. And Ken Blackwell. And Roger Stone starting a riot in 2000 to stop the recount. Much like what he and Trump were trying to do in 2020. I know it's all a bit much and sounds like conspiracy theories but it's all true.
Democracy is truly dead unless they only elect democrats.

Only a one party system will do.

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Seriously dude get some new material. To rework a quote attributed to Albert Einstein the definition of insanity is starting the same thread over and over and expecting different responses.
I remember thinking no way would Republicans ever win back the White House, Senate or House with the way they were behaving. I said they would have to change their behavior or they'd never win again. Then it was close enough for them to steal 2000 and 2004. I believe Bush stole Florida in 2000 and 2004 and Ohio in 2004. The owner of Diebold Voting Machines in Florida was a big part of getting Bush elected in Ohio. And Ken Blackwell. And Roger Stone starting a riot in 2000 to stop the recount. Much like what he and Trump were trying to do in 2020. I know it's all a bit much and sounds like conspiracy theories but it's all true.
I hold all of government accountable. We have created such wild spending and no accountability. The recession was brought on by numerous circumstances caused by many people from both sides of the aisle. Partisans see no wrong on their side and everything wrong on the other and the truth is the rich in Congress, make laws that favor te rich in Congress. Americans need to hold these two parties accountable, but the two parties have mastered the pitting one against the other so well that no one holds anyone responsible, and no one will take blame. The only answer seems to be "he did it first".

I refuse to vote for anyone that is going to Washington that buys into the partisan BS on either side. Once we start holding these rich fat cats in Washington accountable, then we will see some positive action. I used to like Cortez when she first got to Congress, I didn't agree with her however she stood for her principles, now she is just another fat cat and goes with the Washington flow that doesn't give a damn about the average working American. We shouldn't be cutting taxes; we certainly shouldn't be wanting to spend $6 trillion on some pipe dream while coming out of a pandemic.

We need to cut spending across the board, corporate welfare, defense, social welfare, we need to raise taxes on everyone, not just the rich, we got here together, we need to get out together, blaming the other guy doesn't work.

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