Stolen Elections

Of course there were. Damn. Your type loves to be spoon fed. Here. Remind yourself:

And before you start frothing at the mouth any further, that compilation of claims of errors is not the same thing as a litany of ultimate determinations.
On election night, Georgia election officials suspended the vote count, citing a water leak in a master pipe. When Republican observers left, thousands of votes were counted, exclusively for Joe Biden. When people inquired, there was no work order for any leak. The only reported leak that night was a small leak in a toilet that “had nothing to do with a room with ballot counting,” according to a lawsuit filed by attorney Lin Wood.


Security camera video presented at a hearing in Georgia purports to show while a room was emptied and counting paused, a few officials pulled groups of ballots out of four suitcases and counted them without legal observers present.


Who knows why you're posting debunked nonsense?
On election night, Georgia election officials suspended the vote count, citing a water leak in a master pipe. When Republican observers left, thousands of votes were counted, exclusively for Joe Biden. When people inquired, there was no work order for any leak. The only reported leak that night was a small leak in a toilet that “had nothing to do with a room with ballot counting,” according to a lawsuit filed by attorney Lin Wood.


Security camera video presented at a hearing in Georgia purports to show while a room was emptied and counting paused, a few officials pulled groups of ballots out of four suitcases and counted them without legal observers present.


Who knows why you're posting debunked nonsense?

I know you’re a retard. Whether or not any of the many instances were actually debunked is one question. But the bigger problem you have, Fauny, is that you once again missed the point. Not at all unusual for you.
I know you’re a retard. Whether or not any of the many instances were actually debunked is one question. But the bigger problem you have, Fauny, is that you once again missed the point. Not at all unusual for you.
You posted garbage and got caught again. Your problem, not mine.
You posted garbage and got caught again. Your problem, not mine.
Wrong again, Fauny. I was responding to a question. You don’t like it? Tough shit, sister.

Shoulder Shrug Shrugs GIF - Shoulder Shrug Shrugs So What GIFs
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Wrong again, Fauny. I was responding to a question. You don’t like it? Tough shit, sister.
You posted debunked garbage. Denying you did what you did only serves to demonstrate just how out of touch with reality you really are.
You posted debunked garbage. Denying you did what you did only serves to demonstrate just how out of touch with reality you really are.
I posted a litany of the original reasons there was concern about the validity of the election results. You weren’t following along. You jumped in without knowing what was being said and jumped to a conclusion. You were wrong again.

Now you share your baseless pontificating opinion which has zero merit.

That’s not my problem at all. I enjoy demonstrating what a pant load of crap you are. Seriously, Fauny, you come across like Brandon’s Depends in a meeting with the Pope.
I posted a litany of the original reasons there was concern about the validity of the election results. You weren’t following along. You jumped in without knowing what was being said and jumped to a conclusion. You were wrong again.

Now you share your baseless pontificating opinion which has zero merit.

That’s not my problem at all. I enjoy demonstrating what a pant load of crap you are. Seriously, Fauny, you come across like Brandon’s Depends in a meeting with the Pope.

You moron, you posted that list to show "crystal clear" evidence of fraud. Turns out, you posted garbage and tried to pass it off as genuine evidence.

Better luck next time, nutcase.

You moron, you posted that list to show "crystal clear" evidence of fraud. Turns out, you posted garbage and tried to pass it off as genuine evidence.

Better luck next time, nutcase.
Sorry you retard. You still couldn’t read.

In fact, you’re not the only retard. Therefore, I even explained it previously and STILL you remain too stupid to grasp it.

Sorry you retard. You still couldn’t read.

In fact, you’re not the only retard. Therefore, I even explained it previously and STILL you remain too stupid to grasp it.

View attachment 578046

Watch as I expose what a raging imbecile you are by showing you posted debunked claims of fraud as though they were "crystal clear" claims...

BackAgain: But when President Trump loses a re-election bid after crystal clear evidence suggesting massive voting fraud of various types...

otto105: What crystal clear evidence?

BackAgain: How often do you wish to pretend to need to have it laid out for you over and over and over?

JackOfNoTrades: Because there is none to lay out.

BackAgain: Of course there were. Damn. Your type loves to be spoon fed. Here. Remind yourself:
60 out of 60 judges said no before seeing evidence! That’s my evidence
Sorry, that didn't happen.

Watch as I expose what a raging imbecile you are by showing you posted debunked claims of fraud as though they were "crystal clear" claims...

BackAgain: But when President Trump loses a re-election bid after crystal clear evidence suggesting massive voting fraud of various types...
otto105: What crystal clear evidence?
BackAgain: How often do you wish to pretend to need to have it laid out for you over and over and over?
JackOfNoTrades: Because there is none to lay out.
BackAgain: Of course there were. Damn. Your type loves to be spoon fed. Here. Remind yourself:
Watch as you continue to make a fool of yourself. Oh wait. You just did — again.
Sorry, that didn't happen.
We now know fact checkers say their opinions are fact. Totally useless.

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