Stimulus spending stimulating the economy


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Spending our way out of the recession and not the first time. If Romney/Ryan plan to cut taxes, cut entitlements and cut spending, we will dig our selves deeper into a recession and maybe a depression.
Businesses create jobs when people purchase their products or services creating a demand for more products or services. In order for businesses to produce more products and services to meet demand more workers are needed so hiring takes place and unemployment drops and the economy recovers. A domino effect take place. Obama’s stimulus spending stimulated economic recover. The stimulus created 2.5 million jobs and those jobs created more jobs. Loans to banks and auto industry save and create jobs and they are paying back the loans with interest. We have had steady job creation since the stimulus and now unemployment is at 7.8%. Tax revenue is growing, Social Security income is growing. Stimulus has shown how jobs create jobs stimulating economic growth that will continue for years but the stimulus was not big enough for faster recovery. The projected 12 million jobs that will be created in the next 10 years is because of the stimulus continuing stimulating economic growth and not by Romney/Ryan tax cuts, cuts in government spending and cuts in entitlement which will cause consumers to spend less, etc….
We have had 12 years of tax cut for the rich and it did not create one job. How many jobs did Romney create with his tax cuts? Romney will not create 12 million jobs in the next 10 years, economic growth from Obama’s stimulus will. If tax cuts created jobs, unemployment would be at 5% instead of 7.8%.
Government infrastructure spending is the only way to economic recovery and the government is the only program that can afford to spend and create jobs
Businesses cannot survive if no spending. Government has to spend in infrastructures and programs even if they have to borrow if there is ever lasting economic recovery. Businesses borrow to invest in their businesses in order to meet the demand and have a successful business.
For your info Mr. Huckabee. Businesses are not usually started by people using their own personal savings. They borrow. Loans from banks or Government loans. Like Romney/Bain did and did not pay back the loan but made millions. Romney\Bain did not built it all by themselves.
A bail-out for Romney?
Mitt Romney and Bain & Company: A bail-out for Romney? | The Economist
Spending on what? He isn't building infrastructure or making solid jobs within high paying fields of technological, engineering, ect. Most of the jobs are part time for crying out loud or wasteful green energy give aways.

He's cutting nasa and other area's that we need to compete with the rest of the world while giving out free shit to everyone. What a retard.
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teh economy is still crap people, SUCCESS SUCCESS and liberals wonder why conservatives think they hate the country, because we applaud failure and ruin to this country. It brings a tear to my eye when we scream how successful we are with each failure brought on to this country.
Shit. I'm still waiting for the "shovel ready" jobs.

You know. The jobs that stimulus was going to create.

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