Steven Donziger: First US Victim of Corporate Prosecution & Conviction.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
For those who find it hard to believe a US citizens could be tried, convicted, and sentenced to jail by a private law firm AFTER federal prosecutors declined to prosecute, Steven Donziger reported to a federal correctional facility today:

"In 2011, Donziger won an $18 billion settlement against Chevron on behalf of 30,000 Indigenous people in Ecuador for dumping 16 billion gallons of oil into their ancestral land in the Amazon.

"Since the landmark case, Donziger has faced a series of legal attacks from Chevron and a New York federal judge, who has employed a private law firm linked to the oil company to prosecute him.

"Earlier this month, he was sentenced to six months in prison for contempt of court, and his request for bail pending his appeal was denied.

"Amnesty International and United Nations human rights advocates, along with several U.S. lawmakers, are calling for Donziger’s immediate release.

"'Chevron and these two judges, really allies of the fossil fuel industry, are trying to use me as a weapon to intimidate activists and lawyers who do this work,' says Donziger. 'I need to be prosecuted by a neutral prosecutor, not by Chevron.'"
For those who find it hard to believe a US citizens could be tried, convicted, and sentenced to jail by a private law firm AFTER federal prosecutors declined to prosecute, Steven Donziger reported to a federal correctional facility today:

"In 2011, Donziger won an $18 billion settlement against Chevron on behalf of 30,000 Indigenous people in Ecuador for dumping 16 billion gallons of oil into their ancestral land in the Amazon.

"Since the landmark case, Donziger has faced a series of legal attacks from Chevron and a New York federal judge, who has employed a private law firm linked to the oil company to prosecute him.

"Earlier this month, he was sentenced to six months in prison for contempt of court, and his request for bail pending his appeal was denied.

"Amnesty International and United Nations human rights advocates, along with several U.S. lawmakers, are calling for Donziger’s immediate release.

"'Chevron and these two judges, really allies of the fossil fuel industry, are trying to use me as a weapon to intimidate activists and lawyers who do this work,' says Donziger. 'I need to be prosecuted by a neutral prosecutor, not by Chevron.'"

I don’t get it, are you claiming that plaintiffs don’t have the right to take a defendant to court in a civil suit?
For those who find it hard to believe a US citizens could be tried, convicted, and sentenced to jail by a private law firm AFTER federal prosecutors declined to prosecute, Steven Donziger reported to a federal correctional facility today:

"In 2011, Donziger won an $18 billion settlement against Chevron on behalf of 30,000 Indigenous people in Ecuador for dumping 16 billion gallons of oil into their ancestral land in the Amazon.

"Since the landmark case, Donziger has faced a series of legal attacks from Chevron and a New York federal judge, who has employed a private law firm linked to the oil company to prosecute him.

"Earlier this month, he was sentenced to six months in prison for contempt of court, and his request for bail pending his appeal was denied.

"Amnesty International and United Nations human rights advocates, along with several U.S. lawmakers, are calling for Donziger’s immediate release.

"'Chevron and these two judges, really allies of the fossil fuel industry, are trying to use me as a weapon to intimidate activists and lawyers who do this work,' says Donziger. 'I need to be prosecuted by a neutral prosecutor, not by Chevron.'"

he wasn’t prosecuted by a private company he was held in contempt by a court (govt) … for repeatedly violating court orders…fyi he has also been disbarred by the state of NY for his lawless behavior
Okay upon a little search, this whole case is a complete sham.

It was Texaco that allegedly dumped “16 billion” gallons from the 1970’s until the 1990’s. Doesn’t seem any actual law was broken in that country, the case is trying to enforce the current environmental laws of industrialized countries onto third world shit holes, retroactively. Texaco also spent millions on cleanup projects decades ago.

Chevron acquired Texaco long after all this, and they aren’t accused of any dumping “in the Amazon” themselves.

Billions were already paid out, I doubt any indigenous person got a dollar from it. All probably went to corrupt politicians in Ecuador.
it gets worse! he was barred from profiting from this judgement…and that’s how he repeatedly violating the court orders! for over 6 years!

the bum deserves more the 6 months
Crooked lawyer gets jail time.....outrageous!!!
frankly, the mueller team that prosecuted flynn should be serving time for repeatedly hiding the Brady evidence that exonerated him…freakin crooked, corrupt lawyers seems to be all the demafasict like the OP seem to support
For those who find it hard to believe a US citizens could be tried, convicted, and sentenced to jail by a private law firm AFTER federal prosecutors declined to prosecute, Steven Donziger reported to a federal correctional facility today:

"In 2011, Donziger won an $18 billion settlement against Chevron on behalf of 30,000 Indigenous people in Ecuador for dumping 16 billion gallons of oil into their ancestral land in the Amazon.

"Since the landmark case, Donziger has faced a series of legal attacks from Chevron and a New York federal judge, who has employed a private law firm linked to the oil company to prosecute him.

"Earlier this month, he was sentenced to six months in prison for contempt of court, and his request for bail pending his appeal was denied.

"Amnesty International and United Nations human rights advocates, along with several U.S. lawmakers, are calling for Donziger’s immediate release.

"'Chevron and these two judges, really allies of the fossil fuel industry, are trying to use me as a weapon to intimidate activists and lawyers who do this work,' says Donziger. 'I need to be prosecuted by a neutral prosecutor, not by Chevron.'"

Yeah, this one's a nothing burger. Dude's in jail for violating various court orders, been disbarred for the same thing.
he wasn’t prosecuted by a private company he was held in contempt by a court (govt) … for repeatedly violating court orders…fyi he has also been disbarred by the state of NY for his lawless behavior
Donziger was prosecuted by a private law firm with ties to Chevron AFTER SDNY refused to pursue his case.
I don’t get it, are you claiming that plaintiffs don’t have the right to take a defendant to court in a civil suit?
No. I'm saying Donziger was prosecuted by a private law firm after government prosecutors found no reason to pursue charges. Chevron used corporate judges to jail a lawyer who tried to hold Chevron responsible for their crimes in the Amazon.
Donziger was prosecuted by a private law firm with ties to Chevron AFTER SDNY refused to pursue his case.
haha no the Judge held him i contempt

for repeated violatations of her orders

including the one barring him from profiting off this judgement for the people of the Amazon

this rich Manhattan, disbarred lawyer was taking advantage of those poor people…sounds like another lib hero like Stormy’s lawyer
No. I'm saying Donziger was prosecuted by a private law firm after government prosecutors found no reason to pursue charges. Chevron used corporate judges to jail a lawyer who tried to hold Chevron responsible for their crimes in the Amazon.
Well moron, “private law firms” represent plaintiffs. Chevron was robbed of billions from corrupt courts in The Hague and Ecuador. You’re a moron if you think corporations or any private businesses or person can’t take scam artists like Donziger to court. He’s the one that violated court orders time and again, so the “private law firm” didn’t throw him in jail, a judge did.
You’re a moron if you think corporations or any private businesses or person can’t take scam artists like Donziger to court. He’s the one that violated court orders time and again, so the “private law firm” didn’t throw him in jail, a judge did.
Government prosecutors refused to pursue misdemeanor charges against Donziger, so a Chevron-friendly judge appointed attorneys from a firm that had worked for Chevron to prosecute. Those private attorneys have now "won" a judgement sending a US citizen to prison. All this took place in a courtroom with no jury to pass judgement.

The Judicial Persecution of Steven Donziger

"The New York federal prosecutor declined to prosecute this case which is based, Donziger says, on lies, so in an astonishing move, Kaplan appointed Chevron’s attorneys.

"There will be no jury.

"Judge Preska will doubtless find Donziger guilty – of a misdemeanor that carries a maximum penalty of 90 days – though he’s already been under house arrest for over 600 days.

"The message to the legal community is clear: don’t mess with a fossil fuel company, because if you do, they will find a judge who favors the company and they will destroy you."
Which orders did Donziger violate, the ones about turning over privileged information about his efforts to hold Chevron accountable of the Amazon Chernobyl?

Who will pay for Amazon's 'Chernobyl'?
maybe you should actually read up on the case

he ignored the law, thought he was above it…to such a degree that the NY Bar disbarred him as well

Oh and you don’t need a jury to be held in contempt by a court

he’s just another high rise manhattan greedy dem lawyer, that attempted to get profits (which he was barred from) from the poor people of the amazon

he can rot in jail

not surprised to see you and the demafasict terrorist run to his defense
For those who find it hard to believe a US citizens could be tried, convicted, and sentenced to jail by a private law firm AFTER federal prosecutors declined to prosecute, Steven Donziger reported to a federal correctional facility today:

"In 2011, Donziger won an $18 billion settlement against Chevron on behalf of 30,000 Indigenous people in Ecuador for dumping 16 billion gallons of oil into their ancestral land in the Amazon.

"Since the landmark case, Donziger has faced a series of legal attacks from Chevron and a New York federal judge, who has employed a private law firm linked to the oil company to prosecute him.

"Earlier this month, he was sentenced to six months in prison for contempt of court, and his request for bail pending his appeal was denied.

"Amnesty International and United Nations human rights advocates, along with several U.S. lawmakers, are calling for Donziger’s immediate release.

"'Chevron and these two judges, really allies of the fossil fuel industry, are trying to use me as a weapon to intimidate activists and lawyers who do this work,' says Donziger. 'I need to be prosecuted by a neutral prosecutor, not by Chevron.'"

What did he do that was contempt of court?
Well moron, “private law firms” represent plaintiffs. Chevron was robbed of billions from corrupt courts in The Hague and Ecuador. You’re a moron if you think corporations or any private businesses or person can’t take scam artists like Donziger to court. He’s the one that violated court orders time and again, so the “private law firm” didn’t throw him in jail, a judge did.
Private, for-profit lawyers prosecuted Donziger after the SDNY refused to do so. You're a fascist if you think that should ever be acceptable in a free society.

Steven Donziger - Wikipedia

"As part of the appeal process after the initial ruling, Kaplan ordered Donziger to submit his computer, phones, and other electronic devices to Chevron to allow it to search for his assets.

"Donziger refused, arguing that doing so would violate the attorney–client privilege of his clients, and appealed the order on constitutional grounds.[15]

"While Donziger's appeal against the order was pending, Kaplan charged him with six counts of criminal contempt of court.

"The contempt charges allege that Donziger failed to comply with Kaplan's orders to submit his electronic devices and passport and to drop attempts to collect on the award against Chevron.

"In a move described as 'virtually unprecedented' by The Intercept, Kaplan appointed a private law firm, Seward & Kissel, to prosecute Donziger after the Southern District Court of New York declined to do so.

"Jacobin magazine noted that Seward & Kissel has represented Chevron directly as recently as 2018.[34] Chris Hedges wrote that neither Kaplan nor Seward & Kissel disclosed that Chevron had been a client."

"Rather than using the standard random assignment process for choosing a judge to preside over Donziger's trial for criminal contempt, Kaplan chose senior District Judge Loretta Preska, who served on the advisory board of the Federalist Society, to which Chevron was a significant contributor."
It was Texaco that allegedly dumped “16 billion” gallons from the 1970’s until the 1990’s. Doesn’t seem any actual law was broken in that country, the case is trying to enforce the current environmental laws of industrialized countries onto third world shit holes, retroactively. Texaco also spent millions on cleanup projects decades ago.
Where did you find that misinformation?
Third-world "shitholes" exist because of greedy western capitalists.

How a company got away after committing the worst oil spill in history

"There is also no suggestion that Texaco, which was swallowed by Chevron in 2000, didn’t do it.

"It admitted to having committed the horrendous environmental crimes in the Ecuadorian rainforest.

"But then, as the official story goes, as told by Chevron, Texaco cleaned it up and left. Chevron blames Texaco’s partner in Ecuador for the remaining mess."

"But the pollution didn’t vanish.

"How could it?

"A conservative calculation shows that at least 18 billion US gallons (68bn litres) of toxic waste and 17m gallons of crude oil were dumped on sensitive rainforest soil on an area spanning 4,400 square kilometres (1,700 square miles).

"Rex Weyler, co-founder of Greenpeace International, told me that the amount of polluted waste dumped in the area could be as much as 140 billion gallons, or nearly nine times the 16bn gallons Chevron admitted to in court documents, he says."

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