Stephen Paddock: Is he a terrorist? Why or why not?

But then again the RW proclamations on USMB have so far been...

1. He's a Muslim terrorist
2. He's an anti-Trump terrorist
3. He's an anti-conservative country music fans terrorist.

Am I missing any??
I ascribe to the definition of terrorism being acts of violence against innocent people for the advancement of a political/ideological agenda.

So, since the police at this point are saying that they don't have a motive in this mass shooting, that would mean at this point he cannot be considered a terrorist.
You don't "ascribe" to anything idiot.Don't use words you don't understand to make yourself look smart. Backfires too easily.

Hey, if you think you can handle the definition of "ascribe", go see post 152.

I woulda done it but he's still butthurt about the last proofread.
So far, they know he's rich, white, supposedly straight, like to play hundred dollar hands in Vegas and was never in the military.

Stephen Paddock: What we know about the Las Vegas shooter - CNN

He is sounding more and more like an elite Republican. In fact, if he had 10 billion, it would sound like they are describing Trump.

Eventually, they will figure it out.

Give me a break. Some of the most wealthy people on earth are democrats. He was firing on a crowd that was most likely full of conservatives.
Breaking Update!

ISIS just released the Muslim name of Paddock: It’s “Abu Abdul Barr al-Amriki” which means:The father of the slave of the land,the American
Nobody is giving out a lot of info about his background, politics, whatever.
That doesn't mean they don't know, they're just not saying at the present time.
The deadliest massacre in modern U.S. history....If news organizations aren't telling, they don't know. a point. News organizations have their own agendas/narratives. If
the motive doesn't fit theirs they may drag their feet on it.

If they really don't know...that doesn't mean the Police don't know or
have a good idea.
News organizations have their own agendas/narratives.

But for PBS and NPR and their affiliates, news organizations these days have one primary agenda: profit. The days of the news division of a major network not being construed as a revenue center are gone. But for the non-profit news organizations, everything a media company does is to maximize profit/revenue, and the only way to do that is increase viewership.

PBS and NPR do not have "profit". By definition.

Did you intend the word "but" to mean "except"?

No...I meant what I said. Those folks rely on contributions from
major companies/corporations. They know who donates to them
and you can bet your ass, they will slant to favor those folks.
Educated Black men that know who they are

You mean Republicans?
You missed the part about "knowing who they are". Typically Black republicans pretend they are white.
I'm pretty sure you are the one who missed it. Unless of course you like belonging to the party of slavery, racism, segregation and the kkk.
I'm the one that mentioned it so I cant be the one that missed you moron. :laugh:

Like most uneducated whites you are assuming I belong to the Dems of old or the Repubs of new since the Southern strategy. I belong to neither part.
Yes, you can. You filthy racist. :smile:
You mean Republicans?
You missed the part about "knowing who they are". Typically Black republicans pretend they are white.
I'm pretty sure you are the one who missed it. Unless of course you like belonging to the party of slavery, racism, segregation and the kkk.
I'm the one that mentioned it so I cant be the one that missed you moron. :laugh:

Like most uneducated whites you are assuming I belong to the Dems of old or the Repubs of new since the Southern strategy. I belong to neither part.

Nigga please.
Honky please.
Racist says what?
You missed the part about "knowing who they are". Typically Black republicans pretend they are white.
I'm pretty sure you are the one who missed it. Unless of course you like belonging to the party of slavery, racism, segregation and the kkk.
I'm the one that mentioned it so I cant be the one that missed you moron. :laugh:

Like most uneducated whites you are assuming I belong to the Dems of old or the Repubs of new since the Southern strategy. I belong to neither part.

Nigga please.
Honky please.
Racist says what?
Pig wrestler says what?
Learn to read!

Actually I am an editor/proofreader, and ambiguities like this jump off the page. So I go for clarity.

It isn't your quote anyway so learn to mind your own business.

Then you are not totally up to snuff as one because there is only one meaning for the term "but for" and insofar as their is only one meaning for that term, it is not ambiguously defined and thus is not usable ambiguously.

HOLY SHIT. Really???

conjunction: but
  1. 1.
    used to introduce something contrasting with what has already been mentioned.
    synonyms: yet, nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, however, still, notwithstanding, despite that, in spite of that, for all that, all the same, just the same;
    though, although
    "he stumbled but didn't fall"
    • nevertheless; however.
      "he stumbled but didn't fall"
    • on the contrary; in contrast.
      "I am clean but you are dirty"
      synonyms: whereas, conversely, but then, then again, on the other hand, by/in contrast, on the contrary
      "this one's expensive, but this one isn't"
  2. 2.
    used to indicate the impossibility of anything other than what is being stated.
    "one cannot but sympathize"
  3. 3.
    used to introduce a response expressing a feeling such as surprise or anger.
    "but that's an incredible saving!"
  4. 4.
    used after an expression of apology for what one is about to say.
    "I'm sorry, but I can't pay you"
  5. 5.
    without its being the case that.
    "it never rains but it pours"
preposition: but
  1. 1.
    except; apart from; other than.
    "in Texas, we were never anything but poor"
    synonyms: except (for), apart from, other than, besides, aside from, with the exception of, bar, excepting, excluding, leaving out, save (for), saving
    "everyone but him"
    • used with repetition of certain words to give emphasis.
      "nobody, but nobody, was going to stop her"
adverb: but
  1. 1.
    no more than; only.
    "he is but a shadow of his former self"
    synonyms: only, just, simply, merely, no more than, nothing but;
    a mere
    "he is but a shadow of his former self"
noun: but; plural noun: buts
  1. 1.
    an argument against something; an objection.
    "no buts —just get out of here"

What's the first entry there??

Just say "except" if you mean "except", and eschew the ambiguity. Ain't frickin' rocket surgery.

DJT for Life said:
News organizations have their own agendas/narratives.

To which you replied:
But for PBS and NPR and their affiliates, news organizations these days have one primary agenda: profit.

What it looks like:
"Yes (agreeing news orgs have their own agendas), however, for PBS and NPR and their affiliates, that agenda is profit".

What you meant to say:
"Outside of PBS, NPR and their affiliates, the agenda of those news orgs is profit".

Two different and opposite things. The eye has to convert to Shakespearean-era English to infer the second.

"But" is ambiguous meaning. "Outside of" or "with the exception of" would not have been. That's all I'm saying -- write with clarity.
You contemptibly insufferable intransigent fucking dipshit!!

The phrase I used is "but for." "But" alone means one thing. "But for" means something else.

Now you can sit your sorry ass there and make like a dumbfuck and pretend that I didn't write "but for," and keep referring to the matter as though I wrote only "but;" however the fact of the matter is that I did, and everyone, including your sorry ass, can see as much.

My, you don't take being corrected real well do ya.
Best thing to do now is double down on your own ignorance.


I've often said, anyone who thinks political debates are the most passionate battles has never been to a newspaper editorial meeting. :meow:

Some take it with class, others....... not so much.

My, you don't take being corrected real well do ya.
When a dipshit like you deigns to assert I've erred and the basis for their doing so is equivocation, no I don't.

I'll be honest with you. I had a level of respect for you that went right out the door when you presented the definition of the word "but" when you know goddamn well (or you damn well should given your avowed job as an editor) that "but" is merely the first word of the idiomatic preposition I used, most especially after I twice provided you with the definition for "but for," and your sorry ass clearly has yet to click on it.

Click on it or don't. I don't actually give a tinker's dam if you do. I expected far more discursive integrity from you than you've shown here. That you've disappointed me is really my fault for giving more credit than you deserve. But that's okay, for I won't again make that mistake because you are total stranger to me just as is everyone else here, and that means that when you dick around with me, I relegate you my ignore list so I no longer have to suffer your puerile BS. I am herewith done with. Have a good life.
Breaking Update!

American Patriot David Duke weighs in.

Tell David Duke this is what Hareetz really said:
Stephen Paddock, the gunman who killed at least 50 people and wounded more than 400 when he unleashed a shower of bullets from a hotel room balcony on a music festival in Las Vegas on Monday, is not connected to any militant group and likely acted alone, Clark County Sherrif Joseph Lombardo told reporters on Monday.
The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the shooting. Without mentioning Paddock by name, ISIS said he had converted to Islam a few months ago. The FBI however said the Las Vegas shooter had no connection to the international terrorist group.
read more: Las Vegas shooting: What we know about gunman Stephen Paddock

Same thing every other credible news source is saying at this point.
I'm pretty sure you are the one who missed it. Unless of course you like belonging to the party of slavery, racism, segregation and the kkk.
I'm the one that mentioned it so I cant be the one that missed you moron. :laugh:

Like most uneducated whites you are assuming I belong to the Dems of old or the Repubs of new since the Southern strategy. I belong to neither part.

Nigga please.
Honky please.
Racist says what?
Pig wrestler says what?
That black Muslims are scared of them.
Actually I am an editor/proofreader, and ambiguities like this jump off the page. So I go for clarity.

It isn't your quote anyway so learn to mind your own business.

Then you are not totally up to snuff as one because there is only one meaning for the term "but for" and insofar as their is only one meaning for that term, it is not ambiguously defined and thus is not usable ambiguously.

HOLY SHIT. Really???

conjunction: but
  1. 1.
    used to introduce something contrasting with what has already been mentioned.
    synonyms: yet, nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, however, still, notwithstanding, despite that, in spite of that, for all that, all the same, just the same;
    though, although
    "he stumbled but didn't fall"
    • nevertheless; however.
      "he stumbled but didn't fall"
    • on the contrary; in contrast.
      "I am clean but you are dirty"
      synonyms: whereas, conversely, but then, then again, on the other hand, by/in contrast, on the contrary
      "this one's expensive, but this one isn't"
  2. 2.
    used to indicate the impossibility of anything other than what is being stated.
    "one cannot but sympathize"
  3. 3.
    used to introduce a response expressing a feeling such as surprise or anger.
    "but that's an incredible saving!"
  4. 4.
    used after an expression of apology for what one is about to say.
    "I'm sorry, but I can't pay you"
  5. 5.
    without its being the case that.
    "it never rains but it pours"
preposition: but
  1. 1.
    except; apart from; other than.
    "in Texas, we were never anything but poor"
    synonyms: except (for), apart from, other than, besides, aside from, with the exception of, bar, excepting, excluding, leaving out, save (for), saving
    "everyone but him"
    • used with repetition of certain words to give emphasis.
      "nobody, but nobody, was going to stop her"
adverb: but
  1. 1.
    no more than; only.
    "he is but a shadow of his former self"
    synonyms: only, just, simply, merely, no more than, nothing but;
    a mere
    "he is but a shadow of his former self"
noun: but; plural noun: buts
  1. 1.
    an argument against something; an objection.
    "no buts —just get out of here"

What's the first entry there??

Just say "except" if you mean "except", and eschew the ambiguity. Ain't frickin' rocket surgery.

DJT for Life said:
News organizations have their own agendas/narratives.

To which you replied:
But for PBS and NPR and their affiliates, news organizations these days have one primary agenda: profit.

What it looks like:
"Yes (agreeing news orgs have their own agendas), however, for PBS and NPR and their affiliates, that agenda is profit".

What you meant to say:
"Outside of PBS, NPR and their affiliates, the agenda of those news orgs is profit".

Two different and opposite things. The eye has to convert to Shakespearean-era English to infer the second.

"But" is ambiguous meaning. "Outside of" or "with the exception of" would not have been. That's all I'm saying -- write with clarity.
You contemptibly insufferable intransigent fucking dipshit!!

The phrase I used is "but for." "But" alone means one thing. "But for" means something else.

Now you can sit your sorry ass there and make like a dumbfuck and pretend that I didn't write "but for," and keep referring to the matter as though I wrote only "but;" however the fact of the matter is that I did, and everyone, including your sorry ass, can see as much.

My, you don't take being corrected real well do ya.
Best thing to do now is double down on your own ignorance.


I've often said, anyone who thinks political debates are the most passionate battles has never been to a newspaper editorial meeting. :meow:

Some take it with class, others....... not so much.

My, you don't take being corrected real well do ya.
When a dipshit like you deigns to assert I've erred and the basis for their doing so is equivocation, no I don't.

I'll be honest with you. I had a level of respect for you that went right out the door when you presented the definition of the word "but" when you know goddamn well (or you damn well should given your avowed job as an editor) that "but" is merely the first word of the idiomatic preposition I used, most especially after I twice provided you with the definition for "but for," and your sorry ass clearly has yet to click on it.

Click on it or don't. I don't actually give a tinker's dam if you do. I expected far more discursive integrity from you than you've shown here. That you've disappointed me is really my fault for giving more credit than you deserve. But that's okay, for I won't again make that mistake because you are total stranger to me just as is everyone else here, and that means that when you dick around with me, I relegate you my ignore list so I no longer have to suffer your puerile BS. I am herewith done with. Have a good life.

xelor vs pogo? I pick xelor.

Smarter, definitely. Not as beguiling.

Left-leaning, yes. Whatevs.

Take that, Pogo, you been owned! LOL!
Actually I am an editor/proofreader, and ambiguities like this jump off the page. So I go for clarity.

It isn't your quote anyway so learn to mind your own business.

Then you are not totally up to snuff as one because there is only one meaning for the term "but for" and insofar as their is only one meaning for that term, it is not ambiguously defined and thus is not usable ambiguously.

HOLY SHIT. Really???

conjunction: but
  1. 1.
    used to introduce something contrasting with what has already been mentioned.
    synonyms: yet, nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, however, still, notwithstanding, despite that, in spite of that, for all that, all the same, just the same;
    though, although
    "he stumbled but didn't fall"
    • nevertheless; however.
      "he stumbled but didn't fall"
    • on the contrary; in contrast.
      "I am clean but you are dirty"
      synonyms: whereas, conversely, but then, then again, on the other hand, by/in contrast, on the contrary
      "this one's expensive, but this one isn't"
  2. 2.
    used to indicate the impossibility of anything other than what is being stated.
    "one cannot but sympathize"
  3. 3.
    used to introduce a response expressing a feeling such as surprise or anger.
    "but that's an incredible saving!"
  4. 4.
    used after an expression of apology for what one is about to say.
    "I'm sorry, but I can't pay you"
  5. 5.
    without its being the case that.
    "it never rains but it pours"
preposition: but
  1. 1.
    except; apart from; other than.
    "in Texas, we were never anything but poor"
    synonyms: except (for), apart from, other than, besides, aside from, with the exception of, bar, excepting, excluding, leaving out, save (for), saving
    "everyone but him"
    • used with repetition of certain words to give emphasis.
      "nobody, but nobody, was going to stop her"
adverb: but
  1. 1.
    no more than; only.
    "he is but a shadow of his former self"
    synonyms: only, just, simply, merely, no more than, nothing but;
    a mere
    "he is but a shadow of his former self"
noun: but; plural noun: buts
  1. 1.
    an argument against something; an objection.
    "no buts —just get out of here"

What's the first entry there??

Just say "except" if you mean "except", and eschew the ambiguity. Ain't frickin' rocket surgery.

DJT for Life said:
News organizations have their own agendas/narratives.

To which you replied:
But for PBS and NPR and their affiliates, news organizations these days have one primary agenda: profit.

What it looks like:
"Yes (agreeing news orgs have their own agendas), however, for PBS and NPR and their affiliates, that agenda is profit".

What you meant to say:
"Outside of PBS, NPR and their affiliates, the agenda of those news orgs is profit".

Two different and opposite things. The eye has to convert to Shakespearean-era English to infer the second.

"But" is ambiguous meaning. "Outside of" or "with the exception of" would not have been. That's all I'm saying -- write with clarity.
You contemptibly insufferable intransigent fucking dipshit!!

The phrase I used is "but for." "But" alone means one thing. "But for" means something else.

Now you can sit your sorry ass there and make like a dumbfuck and pretend that I didn't write "but for," and keep referring to the matter as though I wrote only "but;" however the fact of the matter is that I did, and everyone, including your sorry ass, can see as much.

My, you don't take being corrected real well do ya.
Best thing to do now is double down on your own ignorance.


I've often said, anyone who thinks political debates are the most passionate battles has never been to a newspaper editorial meeting. :meow:

Some take it with class, others....... not so much.

My, you don't take being corrected real well do ya.
When a dipshit like you deigns to assert I've erred and the basis for their doing so is equivocation, no I don't.

I'll be honest with you. I had a level of respect for you that went right out the door when you presented the definition of the word "but" when you know goddamn well (or you damn well should given your avowed job as an editor) that "but" is merely the first word of the idiomatic preposition I used, most especially after I twice provided you with the definition for "but for," and your sorry ass clearly has yet to click on it.

Click on it or don't. I don't actually give a tinker's dam if you do. I expected far more discursive integrity from you than you've shown here. That you've disappointed me is really my fault for giving more credit than you deserve. But that's okay, for I won't again make that mistake because you are total stranger to me just as is everyone else here, and that means that when you dick around with me, I relegate you my ignore list so I no longer have to suffer your puerile BS. I am herewith done with. Have a good life.
Oh, dear, I do wish you two wouldn't fight.

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