Stem Cell Research

If you worked a year or two and were no longer under your parents umbrella, does college financial aid consider your parents as support?

As you mentioned and probably others are in a similar boat, people do not look at total compensation for a job...just what their take home pay will be. There are companies that might pay a little less but have great benefits and companies that pay well but have poor benefits. In the end, one must look at total compensation. If companies don't have health insurance, is the company going to pay you enough to compensate you so that you can buy your own health insurance?
It doesn't matter if you work, they use your parents income until you are twenty three and that is also if you live on your your own!
Wow you're such a tool. Bush made policy on federal funding of research. He's also the first president who allowed funding on fetal stem cells. But that's not good enough for you left wing nut jobs, is it? :eusa_whistle:
WHy don't you tell me what George Bush thinks about the envirnmental scientists that were on his payroll opinion on global warming and the causes. And for that matter what do think of Palin saying Global warming isn't man made. ANd there is another one of you righty' calling someone a tool! Come up with something orginal!
WHy don't you tell me what George Bush thinks about the envirnmental scientists that were on his payroll opinion on global warming and the causes. And for that matter what do think of Palin saying Global warming isn't man made. ANd there is another one of you righty' calling someone a tool! Come up with something orginal!
Wow you folded on the stem cell argument real easily, as evidenced by you trying to change the subject! :badgrin:
:mad: How about you guys keeping your johnson in your pants? Pregnancy takes and egg and a bunch of sperm. Women don't produce sperm.

How dare you be so cavalier to say abortion is for personal convenience or because of a bad hair day. Talk to me about the personal decision to abort when you're pregnant, working a minimum wage job, have no health insurance, and agonize over providing for a child. In most of the cases, the guy absolves himself from responsibility after making his sperm deposit.

You don't want to pay to feed and clothe everyone? What about all the children brought into the world by those who knowingly can't provide the financial or emotional support to give them what they need because of pressure brought by those who have the antiquated view that abortion is murder.

When all that blood is diverted to support your erection, it apparently shuts down your brain. You want to put an end to abortion? Start a movement to "keep it zipped, buddy!"
and the same thing must happen to your brain when you spread your leg and the blood rushes to your clit and labia
Yeah, they are against it and I'm not against it. Where's the lie?

I think his objection is to the word "funding". The concept that not funding it is equal to opposition is beyond him.

I just love the continued irony of the "pro life" types only being pro birth but you're on your own once your born.

Me? I figure existing life comes first, but what do I know?
I can't debate you if you can't comprehend the not-so-subtle differences in the written language. :eusa_whistle:
In November of 2006, the Anchorage Daily News described Palin's positions on social issues in a story wrapping up the governor's race:

"A significant part of Palin's base of support lies among social and Christian conservatives. Her positions on social issues emerged slowly during the campaign: on abortion (should be banned for anything other than saving the life of the mother), stem cell research (opposed), physician-assisted suicide (opposed), creationism (should be discussed in schools), state health benefits for same-sex partners (opposed, and supports a constitutional amendment to bar them)."

I also found this on a christian blog that supports her not some liberal rant!

Articles of Faith Michael Paulson's Articles of Faith Blog
I think his objection is to the word "funding". The concept that not funding it is equal to opposition is beyond him.

The concept of using public funds to pay for shit that is not only well beyond the Constitutional mandate but deeply offensive to many Americans, not to mention scientifically bogus, is apparently beyond you and these other liberals.
What lie? This is what I am applauding:

:clap2: :clap2:
no, they are not against stem cell research
that is a total lie
and iuf you think its true you are delusional
they oppose embryonic stem cell research, and there IS a huge difference
all the current treatments in stem cells are from ADULT stem cells
and they can do things to the adult stem cells that will make them react like the embryonic
But we should use public money to pay for failed abstinence only programs?

uh, abstinence works every time its used
no so with the rest
while i dont support that as the ONLY thing to be taught, it should be included

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