Stein raises twice as much for recount as for entire campaign

Jill Stein's recount effort is an attempt to

  • ensure the health of the democracy we leave to our children

  • rack up miles on the PayPal/Frontier Airlines online payment portal

  • increase the popularity of Jews among the general public

  • live up to the expectations of her high school classmates who voted her "most likely to be famous"

  • punish the country for not letting her in the debates

  • win a $1000 bet with Gary Johnson on who would be the bigger spoiler

  • help the establishment delegitimize Donald J Trump

  • weaken the legitimacy among the people of the democratic process

  • win

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Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
Isn't that curious. And, oddly, as Stein's little stunt has gained publicity, the amount of money she is raising per day has decreased--a few big infusions of cash up front. You know, from good government groups and patriotic moguls who aren't George Soros.

Stein says she is doing the recount effort because she cares about the integrity of the vote, mmkay? So that even the little guy, the average joe, can play a part in choosing the president the moguls have selected to serve them.

But it is absolutely unquestionably a coincidence that the three states she is targeting were all won by Trump and none of the states that went for Clinton merit her concern. Pure. Coincidence.
Stein is listening to her friend Trump who has been whining about the election being rigged. He must be pleased.
Isn't that curious. And, oddly, as Stein's little stunt has gained publicity, the amount of money she is raising per day has decreased--a few big infusions of cash up front. You know, from good government groups and patriotic moguls who aren't George Soros.

Stein says she is doing the recount effort because she cares about the integrity of the vote, mmkay? So that even the little guy, the average joe, can play a part in choosing the president the moguls have selected to serve them.

But it is absolutely unquestionably a coincidence that the three states she is targeting were all won by Trump and none of the states that went for Clinton merit her concern. Pure. Coincidence.

It's no accident, finding fraud in specifically those states is advantageous to specifically Democrats and the left.

But finding significant fraud in ANY state is advantageous for America in the long term. Righties can go ahead and start the recounts in the states they lost, don't bother me none.
Stein and Clintooon are on a fool's errand...and the left loons are going along for the ride. You loons will never learn
Nothing to worry about because all the voting in those three states was legit, right?


When Trump called the election rigged.

Everyone on the left screamed about how safe the system was and what a moron Trump was (and I happen to agree with them on the second point).

But then Hillary loses......
Isn't that curious. And, oddly, as Stein's little stunt has gained publicity, the amount of money she is raising per day has decreased--a few big infusions of cash up front. You know, from good government groups and patriotic moguls who aren't George Soros.

Stein says she is doing the recount effort because she cares about the integrity of the vote, mmkay? So that even the little guy, the average joe, can play a part in choosing the president the moguls have selected to serve them.

But it is absolutely unquestionably a coincidence that the three states she is targeting were all won by Trump and none of the states that went for Clinton merit her concern. Pure. Coincidence.

It's no accident, finding fraud in specifically those states is advantageous to specifically Democrats and the left.

But finding significant fraud in ANY state is advantageous for America in the long term. Righties can go ahead and start the recounts in the states they lost, don't bother me none.

Would we be having this discussion had she won ?

Stein and Clintooon are on a fool's errand...and the left loons are going along for the ride. You loons will never learn

Good, no sweat off your back and it keeps us lefties busy chasing our tail - win win, right?

Stein and Clintooon are on a fool's errand...and the left loons are going along for the ride. You loons will never learn

Good, no sweat off your back and it keeps us lefties busy chasing our tail - win win, right?

Actually, what it does is expose you pricks as the homophobes you are.

You can't stand anyone who does not think like you do.

And yet you claim falsely to be the party of tolerance.
Stein and Clintooon are on a fool's errand...and the left loons are going along for the ride. You loons will never learn

Good, no sweat off your back and it keeps us lefties busy chasing our tail - win win, right?

The problem is you idiot loons never learn the lesson and keep on chasing your tails. Utter stupidity..but that's what left loons do
Stein and Clintooon are on a fool's errand...and the left loons are going along for the ride. You loons will never learn

Good, no sweat off your back and it keeps us lefties busy chasing our tail - win win, right?

Stein and Clintooon are on a fool's errand...and the left loons are going along for the ride. You loons will never learn

Good, no sweat off your back and it keeps us lefties busy chasing our tail - win win, right?

Actually, what it does is expose you pricks as the homophobes you are.

You can't stand anyone who does not think like you do.

And yet you claim falsely to be the party of tolerance.

???? you think what I said was sexual? :wtf:
The leftist Nazi people need to be deported

Republican Michigan elector says he's received death threats ordering him to change his vote to Clinton or his 'brains will be blown out'

Michigan Elector Michael Banerian had DEATH THREATS ordering him to vote for Clinton | Daily Mail Online
^NeoNatzi calling for deportations of American citizens.

If you can't abide by this nation's laws off you go, Adolph

By the way, I'm not apt to take anyone using a deranged rabbit on a motorcycle as an avatar serious. That may be the dumbest avatar on this forum ...well besides the loon clown brigade

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