Statistics on US Presidents and Executive Orders

What are you babbling about? I hate it when you tack Obama's arse to the wall and then you have partisan dead heads point out the GOP does the same things or worse.

Guess what, I could care less about "W" and the GOP. In fact, looking at "W" and Obama, I can't really tell much difference other than the afro and ignorant grin of "W".

I'm one of these right winged extremists who view both parties as one in the same. To dead head partisan shills like yourself, this is heretical, but how else do you explain why both parties seem to be going down the same road?

Incidentally, under the "W" administration the NAACP was audited. They are nothing more than a political tool, and now they are in charge of our health care.

Ah...a "true conservative". Didn't vote for Bush in either 2000 or 2004, right? Went 3rd party for the last election too did ya? Ideological purity, awesome!

Of course, the idea that Bush and Obama are "exactly the same" or that the parties are "exactly the same" is a complete disconnect from reality...kinda like saying the IRS "runs healthcare". :lol:

At this point, my only interest is my state legislature. States need to arise and amend the Constitution under article V and impose their will on the federal government.

What needs to be done is to impose term limits for the federal aristocracy, and to impose a balanced budget amendment.

Now tell us in your left winged extremist partisan mind why these would be sooooo detrimental to the country.

I have no interest in voting at the federal level. It is simply a waste of time.

^ that

I decided, after seeing both parties sell-out to line their pockets (see optional wars & the current 4th amendment-busting, intelligence complex fiasco), that I won't vote at the national level again if its between playing musical chairs on the titanic w/ those crooks. Someone said "voting for them only encourages them" & "the lesser of two evils is still evil." They are right.

You can see how both are sell-outs in the snowden affair. They are circling their wagons to protect their golden goose at present- the ginormous (taxpayer-funded [corporate welfare at its finest :thup: ])military intelligence complex that just so happens to have "black" budgets (secret :eusa_shhh: ) and their collecting data on EVERYONE.

If people woke up from their superfluous consumerist slumber
, we could either vote them out or have a constitutional convention, getting enough states to vote for it pursuant to the constitution, to force the Fed to live within their means AND to stop violating the 4th amendment, 1st amendment, etc...
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If FDR was a tyrant then why does the left look up to him like they do?

Looking at your chart it is clear what the Progressive era has done to this country. Obama is but one of many. Luckily, conservatives have a greater voice than they did in the era of FDR. Back then FDR would have thrown us all in concentration camps. Then again, Obama could arrest us under the NDAA without trial. We could all just disappear now.

Tell me, are you suffering from a fever or a cold, or both? Or did you maybe just fall on your head?

Just in case you didn't notice, fuckface, FDR prosecuted the hardest war in our history against Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperialistic Japan to preserve our freedoms so that YOU could have the freedom to write such stupid shit. The very fact that you can write something THAT inane proves my point.

Damn, go see a doctor about that brain rash. But then again, in your case, it might be rabies.... so many rabid Righties out there these days.....

So the ends justify the means?

Should we then glibly ignore FDR trying to tamper with checks and balances of SCOTUS or innocent people imprisoned during the war?

As for freedom, are we free? Poor Edward Snowden had few places to run to in a world in which the US has so much power. Again, be careful about becoming what you are fighting or once fought. Collectivism is the road to tyranny, and the US has been on it for some time.
Ah...a "true conservative". Didn't vote for Bush in either 2000 or 2004, right? Went 3rd party for the last election too did ya? Ideological purity, awesome!

Of course, the idea that Bush and Obama are "exactly the same" or that the parties are "exactly the same" is a complete disconnect from reality...kinda like saying the IRS "runs healthcare". :lol:

At this point, my only interest is my state legislature. States need to arise and amend the Constitution under article V and impose their will on the federal government.

What needs to be done is to impose term limits for the federal aristocracy, and to impose a balanced budget amendment.

Now tell us in your left winged extremist partisan mind why these would be sooooo detrimental to the country.

I have no interest in voting at the federal level. It is simply a waste of time.

^ that

I decided, after seeing both parties sell-out to line their pockets (see optional wars & the current 4th amendment-busting, intelligence complex fiasco) that I won't vote at the national level again if its between playing musical chairs on the titanic w/ those crooks. Someone said "voting for them only encourages them" & "the lesser of two evils is still evil.

You can see how both are sell-outs in the snowden affair. They are circling their wagons to protect thier golden goose at present- the military intelligence complex that just so happens to have "black" budgets (secret :eusa_shhh: ) and their collecting data on EVERYONE.

Progressives have turned the federal government into a collectivist state. Now the only question becomes, who will be appointed dictator?

I have no interest in such elections. Each succeeding President will grow more powerful and corrupt. In fact, Nixon got busted for stealing some private documents. Obama, however, has all of our private documents with no one to blink an eye at it.
Ah...a "true conservative". Didn't vote for Bush in either 2000 or 2004, right? Went 3rd party for the last election too did ya? Ideological purity, awesome!

Of course, the idea that Bush and Obama are "exactly the same" or that the parties are "exactly the same" is a complete disconnect from reality...kinda like saying the IRS "runs healthcare". :lol:

At this point, my only interest is my state legislature. States need to arise and amend the Constitution under article V and impose their will on the federal government.

What needs to be done is to impose term limits for the federal aristocracy, and to impose a balanced budget amendment.

Now tell us in your left winged extremist partisan mind why these would be sooooo detrimental to the country.

I have no interest in voting at the federal level. It is simply a waste of time.

^ that

I decided, after seeing both parties sell-out to line their pockets (see optional wars & the current 4th amendment-busting, intelligence complex fiasco), that I won't vote at the national level again if its between playing musical chairs on the titanic w/ those crooks. Someone said "voting for them only encourages them" & "the lesser of two evils is still evil." They are right.

You can see how both are sell-outs in the snowden affair. They are circling their wagons to protect their golden goose at present- the ginormous (taxpayer-funded [corporate welfare at its finest :thup: ])military intelligence complex that just so happens to have "black" budgets (secret :eusa_shhh: ) and their collecting data on EVERYONE.

Both parties voted to go to war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. Both parties embraced the Patriot Act. Both parties embraced the NDAA. Both parties don't have a problem with the NSA. The list is endless, yet people only seem to want to blame one party.

Well guess what, the party will soon be over.
If FDR was a tyrant then why does the left look up to him like they do?


Looking at your chart it is clear what the Progressive era has done to this country. Obama is but one of many. Luckily, conservatives have a greater voice than they did in the era of FDR. Back then FDR would have thrown us all in concentration camps. Then again, Obama could arrest us under the NDAA without trial. We could all just disappear now.

And tht's why the Left loves Obama! The Left is all about getting their way and to hell with he Constitution, and America!
If FDR was a tyrant then why does the left look up to him like they do?


Looking at your chart it is clear what the Progressive era has done to this country. Obama is but one of many. Luckily, conservatives have a greater voice than they did in the era of FDR. Back then FDR would have thrown us all in concentration camps. Then again, Obama could arrest us under the NDAA without trial. We could all just disappear now.

And tht's why the Left loves Obama! The Left is all about getting their way and to hell with he Constitution, and America!

Collectivism and tyranny go hand in hand.

Think about it. What if we did away with all our elected officials, except the President. This would be the ultimate collectivist state. But what would happen to your vote? Your vote would be diluted because now everyone in the country is voting for or against him. Conversely, your vote for state governor counts for more simply because the votes are fewer in number. Also consider that the President does not live in your community. This means that he does not have the same concerns that you do, nor will he. You also don't have much access to such a President, because everyone wants a piece of him. And lastly, how does one man govern the country? How does he find the time to decide what doctor you should see and what curriculum your child should have in school etc.? What ends up happening is that such a leader hires an army of unelected officials to run everything for them.

And this is assuming that the President in question is a "good" guy. Imagine what harm the President could do if he were not benevolent. It will happen eventually.

This is what you increasingly have as you continue to empower the Executive branch and what has been done during the Progressive era.

What I feel sorry for are Europeans. Here they have given power to the EU, people that they cannot vote for or against. Here in the US, since power has pretty much been centralized to the Executive, my guess is that something similar will happen soon. It is the next natural step of the collectivist.
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At this point, my only interest is my state legislature. States need to arise and amend the Constitution under article V and impose their will on the federal government.

What needs to be done is to impose term limits for the federal aristocracy, and to impose a balanced budget amendment.

Now tell us in your left winged extremist partisan mind why these would be sooooo detrimental to the country.

I have no interest in voting at the federal level. It is simply a waste of time.

^ that

I decided, after seeing both parties sell-out to line their pockets (see optional wars & the current 4th amendment-busting, intelligence complex fiasco), that I won't vote at the national level again if its between playing musical chairs on the titanic w/ those crooks. Someone said "voting for them only encourages them" & "the lesser of two evils is still evil." They are right.

You can see how both are sell-outs in the snowden affair. They are circling their wagons to protect their golden goose at present- the ginormous (taxpayer-funded [corporate welfare at its finest :thup: ])military intelligence complex that just so happens to have "black" budgets (secret :eusa_shhh: ) and their collecting data on EVERYONE.

Both parties voted to go to war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. Both parties embraced the Patriot Act. Both parties embraced the NDAA. Both parties don't have a problem with the NSA. The list is endless, yet people only seem to want to blame one party.

Well guess what, the party will soon be over.

they differ greatly on social issues but that is irrelevant if both are merely taking turns at the trough and, at the the end of their terms/careers, getting a cushy job on some board on Wall St and becoming instant millionaires for passing laws that screw-over the lower & middle classes ("selling out")


This pretty much puts the whole "Imperial" thing to rest:


GOP Slams ?Imperial? Obama After Fewest Executive Orders In 100 Years (CHART)

Until now, President Obama has issued 168 executive orders. That makes for less than 0.1 order per day in office. You can see it at the graph above.

Here the exact numbers:

List of United States federal executive orders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama and the last five presidents before:

Obama (to-date): 168
Bush, Jr: 291 (over 8 years)
Clinton: 364 (over 8 years)
Bush, Sr. 166 (over four years)
Reagan: 381 (over 8 years)
Carter: 320 (over 4 years)

You can see that in the first 50 years of the twentieth century, Presidents issued considerably more EO's. Starting with Eisenhower, that trend lessened.

Another member (I think it was Amelia) made a good point on another thread, namely, that Obama is about 60% through his full tenure in office and when you extrapolate his current number of EOs out to eight years, he would likely end up with as many EO's as his predecessor, George W. Bush, Jr.:

5 / 8 = 62.5%
168 / 0.625 = 268.8, or 269 EOs.

But both of these gentlemen, Obama AND Bush, Jr., for all presidents who have served 8 years (2 full terms) will have had the least number of EOs all the way back to Ulysses S. Grant.

It's all in the wiki link.


Now, people can freely debate whether an individual EO is constitutional or not, but rest assured, each President gets legal counsel as to the veracity and legality of an EO BEFORE signing it.

Feel free to vent, but maybe a couple of facts would be nice, too... :D

Oh, I almost forgot: the Emancipation Proclamation, signed by President Abraham Lincoln (R), was an EO:


And intent and quality over come quantity!
It's not Obama's number of EOs it is what they are circumventing!
He pushed ACA.. using false numbers i.e. there never have been 46 million truly uninsured that wanted insurance Americans! NEVER false number!
He is pushing through EOs destruction American companies as HE has told us.. he will bankrupt utilities. He wants higher gas prices. He wants to see utility prices skyrocket.

NOT one of the presidents that have done EOs ever EVER said anything like that much less put through EOs measures to reach his agenda!

Obama has used his executive order powers to nullify parts of the Affordable Care Act that he said needed to be delayed.

In November, he used executive orders to in a takeover of climate change policies.
Earlier in 2013, he issued executive orders on gun control in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., school shootings.

Amash: Obama's Executive Orders Set Dangerous Precedent
^ that

I decided, after seeing both parties sell-out to line their pockets (see optional wars & the current 4th amendment-busting, intelligence complex fiasco), that I won't vote at the national level again if its between playing musical chairs on the titanic w/ those crooks. Someone said "voting for them only encourages them" & "the lesser of two evils is still evil." They are right.

You can see how both are sell-outs in the snowden affair. They are circling their wagons to protect their golden goose at present- the ginormous (taxpayer-funded [corporate welfare at its finest :thup: ])military intelligence complex that just so happens to have "black" budgets (secret :eusa_shhh: ) and their collecting data on EVERYONE.

Both parties voted to go to war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. Both parties embraced the Patriot Act. Both parties embraced the NDAA. Both parties don't have a problem with the NSA. The list is endless, yet people only seem to want to blame one party.

Well guess what, the party will soon be over.

they differ greatly on social issues but that is irrelevant if both are merely taking turns at the trough and, at the the end of their terms/careers, getting a cushy job on some board on Wall St and becoming instant millionaires for passing laws that screw-over the lower & middle classes ("selling out")


Corporations are "screwing" us?

So tell us, who created the corporate structure? Was it not government?

Who just got done bailing out corporate America? Was it not the government?

Is the corporate structure nothing more than a mini government itself?

I love it when Progressives try to distance themselves from the destruction of the middle class, even though our history books tell us that the last 100 years have been the Progressive era.

It's time to own it!! Corporations are nothing but another form of collectivism. Soon corporations may all merge into one great big corporation.
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At this point, my only interest is my state legislature. States need to arise and amend the Constitution under article V and impose their will on the federal government.

What needs to be done is to impose term limits for the federal aristocracy, and to impose a balanced budget amendment.

Now tell us in your left winged extremist partisan mind why these would be sooooo detrimental to the country.

I have no interest in voting at the federal level. It is simply a waste of time.

^ that

I decided, after seeing both parties sell-out to line their pockets (see optional wars & the current 4th amendment-busting, intelligence complex fiasco), that I won't vote at the national level again if its between playing musical chairs on the titanic w/ those crooks. Someone said "voting for them only encourages them" & "the lesser of two evils is still evil." They are right.

You can see how both are sell-outs in the snowden affair. They are circling their wagons to protect their golden goose at present- the ginormous (taxpayer-funded [corporate welfare at its finest :thup: ])military intelligence complex that just so happens to have "black" budgets (secret :eusa_shhh: ) and their collecting data on EVERYONE.

Both parties voted to go to war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. Both parties embraced the Patriot Act. Both parties embraced the NDAA. Both parties don't have a problem with the NSA. The list is endless, yet people only seem to want to blame one party.

Well guess what, the party will soon be over.

not true. Dem's voted for the AUF based on cherry-picked intel (google- "Doug Feith" and get back to me). The Bush II admin changed their reasons for going to war 4+ times because no one was buying their sexed-up reasons. Obama said he would veto NDAA if Repubs didn't relent and Big Gov't Repubs (like Linsey) didn't budge. Etc, etc...

EVERYONE school child knows that the Repub party's largest cash cow is :up: the Pentagon. Don't be coy :eusa_hand:

This pretty much puts the whole "Imperial" thing to rest:


GOP Slams ?Imperial? Obama After Fewest Executive Orders In 100 Years (CHART)

Until now, President Obama has issued 168 executive orders. That makes for less than 0.1 order per day in office. You can see it at the graph above.

Here the exact numbers:

List of United States federal executive orders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama and the last five presidents before:

Obama (to-date): 168
Bush, Jr: 291 (over 8 years)
Clinton: 364 (over 8 years)
Bush, Sr. 166 (over four years)
Reagan: 381 (over 8 years)
Carter: 320 (over 4 years)

You can see that in the first 50 years of the twentieth century, Presidents issued considerably more EO's. Starting with Eisenhower, that trend lessened.

Another member (I think it was Amelia) made a good point on another thread, namely, that Obama is about 60% through his full tenure in office and when you extrapolate his current number of EOs out to eight years, he would likely end up with as many EO's as his predecessor, George W. Bush, Jr.:

5 / 8 = 62.5%
168 / 0.625 = 268.8, or 269 EOs.

But both of these gentlemen, Obama AND Bush, Jr., for all presidents who have served 8 years (2 full terms) will have had the least number of EOs all the way back to Ulysses S. Grant.

It's all in the wiki link.


Now, people can freely debate whether an individual EO is constitutional or not, but rest assured, each President gets legal counsel as to the veracity and legality of an EO BEFORE signing it.

Feel free to vent, but maybe a couple of facts would be nice, too... :D

Oh, I almost forgot: the Emancipation Proclamation, signed by President Abraham Lincoln (R), was an EO:


And intent and quality over come quantity!
It's not Obama's number of EOs it is what they are circumventing!
He pushed ACA.. using false numbers i.e. there never have been 46 million truly uninsured that wanted insurance Americans! NEVER false number!
He is pushing through EOs destruction American companies as HE has told us.. he will bankrupt utilities. He wants higher gas prices. He wants to see utility prices skyrocket.

NOT one of the presidents that have done EOs ever EVER said anything like that much less put through EOs measures to reach his agenda!

Obama has used his executive order powers to nullify parts of the Affordable Care Act that he said needed to be delayed.

In November, he used executive orders to in a takeover of climate change policies.
Earlier in 2013, he issued executive orders on gun control in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., school shootings.

Amash: Obama's Executive Orders Set Dangerous Precedent

Obama had to lie. After all, who would vote to have their health premiums raised and to have less coverage?

The collectivist sees this as something that had to be done. You then hear the term "political courage' being used. This means that they know that voters will end up turning on them for their decisions, but to "progress" the collectivist state these things need to happen. Ultimately, they view this progression as "good". It is akin to fanaticism.
Both parties voted to go to war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. Both parties embraced the Patriot Act. Both parties embraced the NDAA. Both parties don't have a problem with the NSA. The list is endless, yet people only seem to want to blame one party.

Well guess what, the party will soon be over.

they differ greatly on social issues but that is irrelevant if both are merely taking turns at the trough and, at the the end of their terms/careers, getting a cushy job on some board on Wall St and becoming instant millionaires for passing laws that screw-over the lower & middle classes ("selling out")


Corporations are "screwing" us?

So tell us, who created the corporate structure? Was it not government?

Who just got done bailing out corporate America? Was it not the government?

Is the corporate structure nothing more than a mini government itself?

I love it when Progressives try to distance themselves from the destruction of the middle class, even though our history books tell us that the last 100 years have been the Progressive era.

It's time to own it!! Corporations are nothing but another form of collectivism. Soon corporations may all merge into one great big corporation.

put down the rw kool aid. :alcoholic:

theres nothing wrong w/ corporations per se, ONLY when they are given outsized influence than a voter (see- Republican's Citizens United & their watering down the BCRA.) They've basically "captured" the gov't thanks to :up: Republicans. Thanks for the fascism :thup:
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What are you babbling about? I hate it when you tack Obama's arse to the wall and then you have partisan dead heads point out the GOP does the same things or worse.

Guess what, I could care less about "W" and the GOP. In fact, looking at "W" and Obama, I can't really tell much difference other than the afro and ignorant grin of "W".

I'm one of these right winged extremists who view both parties as one in the same. To dead head partisan shills like yourself, this is heretical, but how else do you explain why both parties seem to be going down the same road?

Incidentally, under the "W" administration the NAACP was audited. They are nothing more than a political tool, and now they are in charge of our health care.

Ah...a "true conservative". Didn't vote for Bush in either 2000 or 2004, right? Went 3rd party for the last election too did ya? Ideological purity, awesome!

Of course, the idea that Bush and Obama are "exactly the same" or that the parties are "exactly the same" is a complete disconnect from reality...kinda like saying the IRS "runs healthcare". :lol:

At this point, my only interest is my state legislature. States need to arise and amend the Constitution under article V and impose their will on the federal government.

What needs to be done is to impose term limits for the federal aristocracy, and to impose a balanced budget amendment.

Now tell us in your left winged extremist partisan mind why these would be sooooo detrimental to the country?

I have no interest in voting at the federal level. It is simply a waste of time.

We have term limits, they're called Elections and all balanced budget amendments do is ensure more creative bookkeeping and create more "off budget" entities.

"Impose your will" how?
^ that

I decided, after seeing both parties sell-out to line their pockets (see optional wars & the current 4th amendment-busting, intelligence complex fiasco), that I won't vote at the national level again if its between playing musical chairs on the titanic w/ those crooks. Someone said "voting for them only encourages them" & "the lesser of two evils is still evil." They are right.

You can see how both are sell-outs in the snowden affair. They are circling their wagons to protect their golden goose at present- the ginormous (taxpayer-funded [corporate welfare at its finest :thup: ])military intelligence complex that just so happens to have "black" budgets (secret :eusa_shhh: ) and their collecting data on EVERYONE.

Both parties voted to go to war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. Both parties embraced the Patriot Act. Both parties embraced the NDAA. Both parties don't have a problem with the NSA. The list is endless, yet people only seem to want to blame one party.

Well guess what, the party will soon be over.

not true. Dem's voted for the AUF based on cherry-picked intel (google- "Doug Feith" and get back to me). The Bush II admin changed their reasons for going to war 4+ times because no one was buying their sexed-up reasons. Obama said he would veto NDAA if Repubs didn't relent and Big Gov't Repubs (like Linsey) didn't budge. Etc, etc...

EVERYONE school child knows that the Repub party's largest cash cow is :up: the Pentagon. Don't be coy :eusa_hand:

You have to separate the demagoguery from their actions.

For example, the GOP passed a resolution for Obama to bring the troops home when Obama went to war in Libya. However, the resolution was powerless. Then when it came time to vote to fund them, they voted to fund the troops, which was the only real way to force them home.

I don't deny that the GOP is as much of a big government party as the democratic party. They just go about it in different ways and use each other as a source of blame, while still maintaining support from the public.
]then FDR would have thrown us all in concentration camps.

somebody majored in moronics

No FDR would not "thrown us all in concentration camps"
they differ greatly on social issues but that is irrelevant if both are merely taking turns at the trough and, at the the end of their terms/careers, getting a cushy job on some board on Wall St and becoming instant millionaires for passing laws that screw-over the lower & middle classes ("selling out")


Corporations are "screwing" us?

So tell us, who created the corporate structure? Was it not government?

Who just got done bailing out corporate America? Was it not the government?

Is the corporate structure nothing more than a mini government itself?

I love it when Progressives try to distance themselves from the destruction of the middle class, even though our history books tell us that the last 100 years have been the Progressive era.

It's time to own it!! Corporations are nothing but another form of collectivism. Soon corporations may all merge into one great big corporation.

put down the rw kool aid. :alcoholic:

theres nothing wrong w/ corporations per se, ONLY when they are given outsized influence than a voter (see- Republican's Citizens United & their watering down the BCRA.) They've basically "captured" the gov't thanks to :up: Republicans. Thanks for the fascism :thup:

Citizens United will end up biting us all in the ass when Unions and Government are awarded the same legal standing as "persons" as corporations
Ah...a "true conservative". Didn't vote for Bush in either 2000 or 2004, right? Went 3rd party for the last election too did ya? Ideological purity, awesome!

Of course, the idea that Bush and Obama are "exactly the same" or that the parties are "exactly the same" is a complete disconnect from reality...kinda like saying the IRS "runs healthcare". :lol:

At this point, my only interest is my state legislature. States need to arise and amend the Constitution under article V and impose their will on the federal government.

What needs to be done is to impose term limits for the federal aristocracy, and to impose a balanced budget amendment.

Now tell us in your left winged extremist partisan mind why these would be sooooo detrimental to the country?

I have no interest in voting at the federal level. It is simply a waste of time.

We have term limits, they're called Elections and all balanced budget amendments do is ensure more creative bookkeeping and create more "off budget" entities.

"Impose your will" how?

Look at data that shows Congressional approval ratings.

Now look at data showing the turn over in Congress.

The conclusion is startling. About 90% of Americans hate Congress, but seem powerless to vote them out.

Again, this is another example of what collectivism has done to the country and how collectivism runs counter to democracy. Congress was never meant to have as much power as they do. This all changed once Congress passed the Federal Income tax, created the Fed, and then went off the gold standard. Now with these policies in place, the federal government has limitless amounts of money and simply throws money all over the world to get people to do their bidding. Unfortunately, we are powerless to vote for these people, except the two from our state. People often love the federal dollars their representatives bring into their state, but hate how Congress is destroying the country.

This was never meant to be. States were suppose to retain the power of the purse. Now the federal government has it and simply tells states what to do if they want continued federal funding.
Corporations are "screwing" us?

So tell us, who created the corporate structure? Was it not government?

Who just got done bailing out corporate America? Was it not the government?

Is the corporate structure nothing more than a mini government itself?

I love it when Progressives try to distance themselves from the destruction of the middle class, even though our history books tell us that the last 100 years have been the Progressive era.

It's time to own it!! Corporations are nothing but another form of collectivism. Soon corporations may all merge into one great big corporation.

put down the rw kool aid. :alcoholic:

theres nothing wrong w/ corporations per se, ONLY when they are given outsized influence than a voter (see- Republican's Citizens United & their watering down the BCRA.) They've basically "captured" the gov't thanks to :up: Republicans. Thanks for the fascism :thup:

Citizens United will end up biting us all in the ass when Unions and Government are awarded the same legal standing as "persons" as corporations

Get used to it. The corporate model is essential to the collectivist agenda. The game is simple, centralize all money to corporate America which disempowers the average American. Then make special deals with those in corporate America to do your bidding.

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