Starbucks sucks. I want McCoffee!!!


Jan 25, 2007
Near Atlanta
Comments after the article.

proof this isn't a result of the voices in my head
Monday, Jan. 29, 2007 10:22 a.m. EST

McDonald's Tops Starbucks in Coffee Taste Test

When Consumer Reports magazine compared coffee from mega-chain Starbucks with java from three fast-food restaurants, the surprising winner was – McDonald’s.

The magazine had trained tasters sample a medium cup of black coffee from McDonald’s, Burger King, Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks, and found the best cup of joe under the golden arches.

McDonald’s coffee "beat the rest,” according to Consumer Reports. It was "decent and moderately strong. Although it lacked the subtle top notes needed to make it rise and shine, it had no flaws.”

As for Starbucks, its coffee "was strong, but burnt and bitter enough to make your eyes water instead of open.”

Burnt coffee... that was my impression of Starbucks coffee the first time I had it. It was like someone poured soot into it. Yeck! However, they make a mean coffee flavored milkshake! Too bad they charge so darn much for it... for what they ask, I could have two Arby's Jamocha shakes or just make one at home from frozen yogurt & frozen coffee... not that I'm wanting anything frozen, right now. It's cold enough already!!! Dang global warming!:eusa_whistle:

BTW, this is something like the 4th installment in my efforts to post some lighthearted news to brighten your day. Before long, however, I promise to be dour and depressing from time to time... for a preview, check out this thread... okay, so it's not that dour or depressing, but it's the best I can do.:eusa_eh:
Yet Starbucks has good conversation and free Wi-fi!
Exactly the same as me.
Starbucks "naked" coffee - black, is gritty and over roasted.
They over roast their coffee on purpose. Because over roasted coffee taste better mixed with sugars and dairy than does properly roasted coffee.
That isn't some shit that I am making up - that is a fact.
Starbucks brews their coffee so it makes better "candybar coffees"... they don't intend people to drink it black.
People who go to Starbucks don't like coffee. PERIOD.
What they like is drinking a caffeinated beverage that taste like, well, a candy bar.

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